this about sums it up


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
FoxFan: Jun. 9, 2012 - 8:15 AM EST

Obama and his socialist cabal can raise all the money they can get their hands on. They can mine all the data they can find. They can manipulate the numbers to concoct any government statistic they can think of in an attempt to deceive the public about the true state of affairs. Their sycophants in the press can concoct all the brazen lies they can think of in an attempt to hide the truth.

But in the end, people are losing their jobs. They are losing their savings. Jobs are fleeing overseas to escape confiscatory taxes and the business-killing regulations. Our homes are going underwater. The insane spending spree this person has embarked on in an attempt to turn this country into a socialist paradise is pushing the country ever nearer to total economic collapse. This parsing of the public into groups based on race, age, sex, sexual orientation, union membership and income levels and turning them against each other is tearing the country apart.

Read more: Obama?s data advantage - Lois Romano -

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