Things you wish you didn't know


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Are many lists of "things you were happier not knowing about" so here's some highlights from a few.

FDA regulations allow 10 insects and 35 fruit fly eggs per 8 oz. of raisins

They also allow 1 pound of peanut butter to contain 150 bug fragments and 5 rodent hairs

Your desk, kitchen sink, grocery cart, cellphone, restaurant menu, and ATM all have more bacteria than your toilet bowl

20% of office coffee mugs contain fecal matter (University of Arizona study)

16% of cell phones have poop on them (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

(both the fecal matter ones are due to fecal matter particles travelling through the air (from flushing the toilet and the water rushing in knocking some of the waste up into the air.) If you have a bathroom in your home, there's particles of poop everywhere, on everything, and in everything.)

If you smell something, molecules from that object are sticking to the inside of your nose

(as above, if you smell poop, you're inhaling poop, or if you wanna think of it another way, eating it.)

More than 40,000 parasites and 250 types of bacteria can be exchanged in one kiss

Male chicks are often tossed into a grinder as babies because roosters aren't as tasty as hens

(have seen videos of this I wish I hadn't)

Ice machines in restaurants are usually not cleaned. They even have a part called a slime guard and if you saw it on a bad day you would never get ice again

The average mattress doubles in weight over the course of 10 years due to accumulation of dust mites and dust mite poop

15% of the air you breathe in an average metro station is human skin

There are over 200 corpses on Mount Everest and they are used as way points for climbers

25 Extremely Disturbing Facts You Wish You Didn t Know
That last one, about bodies on Everest ... I saw a news story that said there are massive piles of human poop all over .................

Lots of trash up there because bringing it down is so much work when people going up barely make it. So there's litter, emptry air cylinders and bodies. Supposed to be quite the ecological hellhole.
Another unsettling fact I myself have wondered at over the years is how long does a person decapitated stay conscious?

Aint No Way to Go Does Beheading Hurt

Short answer 2-3 seconds due to rapid blood loss from the brain. But annecdotal accounts claim up to 30 seconds. Interesting question in any event.
Convenience Technologies: The Lazy Manifesto

1. the see-thru Swatch wrist-watch preceded Steve Jobs' "revolutionary" see-thru 1998 colored iMac personal computer

2. the cordless phone preceded the everyday comforts of the modern-day hands-free mobile phone

3. urban gangs carry toy water-guns as a gesture meant to signify the convenient access to mischief

What more do you need?

I mean, do we really need an extra nod about consumerism-convenience culture toys that are oddly and blatantly connected by social demands for lazy philosophy?

You know, you can use a cordless phone to talk to your mom while cooking in the kitchen (if you use the speaker-phone option, you're also hands-free). You can use a mobile phone to track down your girlfriend wandering around Wal-Mart during your weekend grocery/supplies shopping session ("Hey honey, where the heck are ya?" "Right by the women's apparel section!").

Isn't this why hippies purchased cordless phones like crazy between the 1980s and the 2000s?

Are we using '2000s' as a conversational label liberally yet?

I think I finally understand the anthropological significance of the Domino's Pizza Noid avatar.

I also think that my local Domino's Pizza delivery boy may actually be a deranged psychotic thinking about how he can make copycat killings modeled after the maniac avatar Leatherface from Tobe Hooper's incendiary horror film "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" (1974):

Me: "Hey, Domino's pizza dude, I ordered mushrooms, not pepperoni!"
Pizza Boy: "I don't care. I'm here to kill you!"


Mobile Phone (Wikipedia)

Domino's Noid (Wikipedia)


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