Things girls don't understand about boys


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Things girls don't understand about boys

Things girls lie about

What girls do in the bathroom in the morning

What boys do in the bathroom in the morning

OP, who is that strong, independent womyn in your avatar? Hyr inner strength and outer beauty have swallowed me whole. They are all I can think about night and day. I must know hyr identity so I can follow hyr on Tumblr. She looks like the social justice warrior type and must undoubtedly have one.
Someone get me some duct tape! Wimmen who swear all the time are a huge turn off for me.

LOL at these comments:
JennaMarble is the female equivalent of a super bro-ish douche.

Adam Kovach:
This Bitch is retarded. Stop making stupid people famous. She's the type of girl that wouldn't shut up if your dick was in her mouth. She rants about absolutely nothing. I would rather listen to a person with a lisp recite the declaration of independence.
Someone get me some duct tape! Wimmen who swear all the time are a huge turn off for me.

LOL at these comments:
JennaMarble is the female equivalent of a super bro-ish douche.

Adam Kovach:
This Bitch is retarded. Stop making stupid people famous. She's the type of girl that wouldn't shut up if your dick was in her mouth. She rants about absolutely nothing. I would rather listen to a person with a lisp recite the declaration of independence.
Jenna Marbles is a YouTube superstar!

How can anyone not like shit like this?

Calling them "girls" instead of "womem" is kind of sexist of you Billo.

No, it isn't. I am a girl, a female, a woman. Those are all acceptable words to describe my gender, unless I am intentionally looking to find offense where none was intended. Since the female bogger refers to herself (and other females) as girls, I'm going to assume she is not offended by it.

I think when she grows up, she's going to wish some of those video blogs weren't still out there for her husband's family and her kids to see. Some of it was funny though.
OP, who is that strong, independent womyn in your avatar? Hyr inner strength and outer beauty have swallowed me whole. They are all I can think about night and day. I must know hyr identity so I can follow hyr on Tumblr. She looks like the social justice warrior type and must undoubtedly have one.

Wow, I'm surprised. She calls herself and others bitches and whores, promotes the sexualization of women, etc. While I'm not bothered by it, I assumed you'd be outraged.

I also don't find her ugly at all and hope that was humor on her part and not her true feelings about herself.
No, it isn't. I am a girl, a female, a woman. Those are all acceptable words to describe my gender, unless I am intentionally looking to find offense where none was intended. Since the female bogger refers to herself (and other females) as girls, I'm going to assume she is not offended by it.

I think when she grows up, she's going to wish some of those video blogs weren't still out there for her husband's family and her kids to see. Some of it was funny though.
Back when I was in 6th grade, girls had coodies.

But when I was in 7th grade and a girl walked by, it was, "What was that?"
Wow, I'm surprised. She calls herself and others bitches and whores, promotes the sexualization of women, etc. While I'm not bothered by it, I assumed you'd be outraged.

I also don't find her ugly at all and hope that was humor on her part and not her true feelings about herself.
Most of it is humor.

Here's one where she's not joking...

Calling them "girls" instead of "womem" is kind of sexist of you Billo.

No, it isn't. I am a girl, a female, a woman. Those are all acceptable words to describe my gender, unless I am intentionally looking to find offense where none was intended. Since the female bogger refers to herself (and other females) as girls, I'm going to assume she is not offended by it.

I think when she grows up, she's going to wish some of those video blogs weren't still out there for her husband's family and her kids to see. Some of it was funny though.
I just like poking Billo_Really in the ribs.
The one thing females need to understand about Males is...... you were put on thus planet to serve and please them. You exist solely for that purpose. Anything that does not serve or please a Man is unnecessary in your life. It's really that simple.

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