‘They were all shot’: "russia" accused of war crimes as Bucha reveals horror of invasion

Shell Pootler and Moscow´s imperial leadership be prosecuted by The Hague Tribunal ?

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    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 33.3%

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Zelensky claims RF have killed the people in Bucha, but Russian forces have left this city since 30 March and here are also some interesting details about the dead bodies.

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They wear white armbands, which those wear, who participated in the humanitarian efforts for Russia and also MREs of the Russian army for civilians. They were given food, water and some tasty pashtet, but the Ukro-Nazis had to frabricate a massacre to justify more weapon deliveries and a possible intervention of the US. Either way, Zelensky and his goons are going to pay for that and the US better not be sticking their nose in this conflict, lest we turn their "free" country into a nuclear wasteland.

Look at the expiration dates on those Rooskie rations. That confirms what I heard at the start of this war, that your soldiers were being fed expired military rations.


Look at the expiration dates on those Rooskie rations. That confirms what I heard at the start of this war, that your soldiers were being fed expired military rations.


Conserved food can last way beyond their expiration date.
You got Youtube channels eating MREs from the 40's and they are still fine.
Unlike you incestuous hillbillies, we can grow our own food and have countries that need it. Russia also doesn't face a drought over economic mismanagement like in the US and our oligarchs can't buy off our water either like in the US.
Komrade, it's hilarious to hear a Russian talk about economic mismanagement. Even Italy has a larger economy than yours :rofl:
Russia is the largest gas and wheat exporter, soon the largest sunflower oil exporter too.

You better stock up on bread and sunflower oil because you wont be eating french fries for a long time. You also enjoy your high gas prices. I have plenty of food and cheap gas to drive my car.
the whole world can manage without any sunflower oil at all------corn oil is actually better--
but got a bad rap with hippies in the 1960s.
The gas crisis will be solved as it has been solved
before-------as to wheat----anti glutin is all the rage-------
Zelensky claims RF have killed the people in Bucha, but Russian forces have left this city since 30 March and here are also some interesting details about the dead bodies.

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They wear white armbands, which those wear, who participated in the humanitarian efforts for Russia and also MREs of the Russian army for civilians. They were given food, water and some tasty pashtet, but the Ukro-Nazis had to frabricate a massacre to justify more weapon deliveries and a possible intervention of the US. Either way, Zelensky and his goons are going to pay for that and the US better not be sticking their nose in this conflict, lest we turn their "free" country into a nuclear wasteland.
Why did you join USMB 3 days after Russia began attacking Ukraine?
I grew up in a town RIFE with nazi sympathizers. The town core population included ethnic Germans all the way back from PRE-REVOLUTIONARY WAR
days---uhm mostly "lutherans" As such the town was littered with nazi propaganda (in english) dating all the way back---in yellowed tattered pamphlets---to the mid 1930s.
"HOLOCAUST DENIAL" dates back that far. The writers all had "proof" something like the authors of PRO-POOTIE JERKS have today. Prominent writers included escapees from the Nuremburg
trials who had found WELCOME in countries like
Syria and Egypt------who knew??? I was an
avid "reader" as a child in the 1950s
"but it is really bad for the USA" how is that? I'm all ears for hearing your theory.
Just look at fuel prices, dude. Say nothing about threat of hunger, migrations, raising tensions with China, consolidation of anti-American camp, disorder in pro-American camp and so on.... What is even more important lie is bad for the USA because it's lie. When we lie, we don't lose just our allies. We lose ourselves, our moral superiority.

Pentagon can't confirm "Bucha massacre" first of all because it is just another Ukrainian fake. Open and primitive.
Zelensky claims RF have killed the people in Bucha, but Russian forces have left this city since 30 March and here are also some interesting details about the dead bodies.

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They wear white armbands, which those wear, who participated in the humanitarian efforts for Russia and also MREs of the Russian army for civilians. They were given food, water and some tasty pashtet, but the Ukro-Nazis had to frabricate a massacre to justify more weapon deliveries and a possible intervention of the US. Either way, Zelensky and his goons are going to pay for that and the US better not be sticking their nose in this conflict, lest we turn their "free" country into a nuclear wasteland.
Russian troll fail
When that nasty bucket of rot and maggots tips over its damn hard to get it uprighted (if one even can) without getting that nasty stench all over you. Putin's Isis and his enablers (even those in DC) won't be able to get that stench off no matter how hard they try.

Which group are you protecting. Here are some choose one.
Just look at fuel prices, dude. Say nothing about threat of hunger, migrations, raising tensions with China, consolidation of anti-American camp, disorder in pro-American camp and so on.... What is even more important lie is bad for the USA because it's lie. When we lie, we don't lose just our allies. We lose ourselves, our moral superiority.

Pentagon can't confirm "Bucha massacre" first of all because it is just another Ukrainian fake. Open and primitive.
Russia is among our allies? What world do you live in? The information coming out speaks for itself whether you like it or agree with it or not. Here's the deal, you fear things that you imagine so imagine being fearful of bombs, missiles and artillery. Those things are designed to kill and I hear tell are very effective whereas your fears are imagined. After all we live in a real world right?
anyone got a good recipe for sorrel borscht?
Uhm..... where can I get sorrel? I wanted
sorrel borscht for St Patrick's day-----another
MISS----culinary speaking
Its great that we Free World finally got united, by PRICE WHICH PAID UKRAINE for this - colossal ...

question : Shell Pootler and Moscow´s imperial leadership be prosecuted by The Hague Tribunal for Bucha´s unspeakable war - crimes (massacres)?

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says the West will impose new sanctions on Russia in the next few days. The discovery of hundreds of bodies in a town outside of Kyiv drew horror around the world. DW has the latest.

Unlocked after multiple merge
We must all witness this....and remember when voting in November, not to support folks that promised to be "more flexible" that want to "reset" relations with people like Putin.

They have blood on their hands today
We must all witness this....and remember when voting in November, not to support folks that promised to be "more flexible" that want to "reset" relations with people like Putin.

They have blood on their hands today
Let's remember who has been supporting/excusing Putin in all this.

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