“they hate us because they hate us”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Just brilliant, Morning Joe. They hate our foreign policies, our disrespects for their GOD and Prophet, for invading and occupying their land and killing millions of innocent Muslim men, women and children. And that is not enough?

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
John Stuart Mill
The problem with the Mid-East is that you have an awful lot of very ignorant people over there. Easily led, and unwilling to investigate on their own as to the source of their problems. Now if those same people were here, they would be staunch 'Conservatives'.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVOrJq5S0bU]Why do Radical Muslims Hate Us? "Ideological Battle, just as the Cold War Was" - YouTube[/ame]
Guess what, McCain, I hate American anglo white values, policies,etc also.

"We hated them before they hated us."
The problem with the Mid-East is that you have an awful lot of very ignorant people over there. Easily led, and unwilling to investigate on their own as to the source of their problems. Now if those same people were here, they would be staunch 'Conservatives'.

Must not be so ignorant because they keep out smarting us,uh? We continue to give them aid and they continure to kill us. When are we going to smart up and realize they they don't need us and we cannot help them until we are able to help ourselves? We invade them to give them that which we have not yet attained?
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The problem with the Mid-East is that you have an awful lot of very ignorant people over there. Easily led, and unwilling to investigate on their own as to the source of their problems. Now if those same people were here, they would be staunch 'Conservatives'.


No bud, the problem is that they know that the source of their problem is the zionists-US axis of evil.

1- The US has spent over 100 BBBBBBBillion dollars since 1949 financing the Palestinian Holocaust;

2- The US invaded Iraq in order to help Israel, remained there for over 20 years and slaughtred a lot of children and women

3- Now the scumbags in DC are seriously considering invading Iran because the zionuts are demanding it.

Gee, mendel, the factual EVIDENCE is overwhelming.

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I thought Obama was going to change all that?

I thought they hated da Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh like they were "American" Liberals?
But Barry told all of us because he grew up in a Muslim country, learned a bit about their so-called religion, etc. that relations between us and them would be soooo much better if he were elected.

And he said it with a straight face as I recall.
They really hate the freedom of speech we have that permits blasphemy against their religion to go unpunished.

Just brilliant, Morning Joe. They hate our foreign policies, our disrespects for their GOD and Prophet, for invading and occupying their land and killing millions of innocent Muslim men, women and children. And that is not enough?

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
John Stuart Mill

The most amazing stupidity comes when you know Allah and God are one and the same.

Allah is simply the Arabic word for God.
I so tire of president Oblame'a and his inability to show true leadership!

Mr. Carney all but asked Google to pull the video from its YouTube subsidiary website as inconsistent with its "terms of use," as if an anti-American attack should result in American self-censorship. Google appropriately refused.

Ms. Rice did concede on ABC's "This Week" that the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya might have been the work of "individual clusters of extremists," but she added that it had begun merely as a spontaneous protest against the video.

That doesn't square with the view of Libyan officials, who say they believe the attack was the work of Islamists linked to al Qaeda. Peaceful protesters don't typically carry rocket-propelled grenades and other heavy weapons to a demonstration. The fact that the attack happened on the anniversary of September 11 also suggests terrorist planning.
Review & Outlook: The Video Did It - WSJ.com
I so tire of president Oblame'a and his inability to show true leadership!

Mr. Carney all but asked Google to pull the video from its YouTube subsidiary website as inconsistent with its "terms of use," as if an anti-American attack should result in American self-censorship. Google appropriately refused.

Ms. Rice did concede on ABC's "This Week" that the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya might have been the work of "individual clusters of extremists," but she added that it had begun merely as a spontaneous protest against the video.

That doesn't square with the view of Libyan officials, who say they believe the attack was the work of Islamists linked to al Qaeda. Peaceful protesters don't typically carry rocket-propelled grenades and other heavy weapons to a demonstration. The fact that the attack happened on the anniversary of September 11 also suggests terrorist planning.
Review & Outlook: The Video Did It - WSJ.com

The Lybian Rebels still have their heavy weapons, unlike Egyptians who never had heavy weapons. So it is as likely as not that some of the protesters were rebels with anti-American views who took advantage of the situation. But our investigators are not even in Lybia yet so it's too early to be sure exactly what happend.
The problem with the Mid-East is that you have an awful lot of very ignorant people over there. Easily led, and unwilling to investigate on their own as to the source of their problems. Now if those same people were here, they would be staunch 'Conservatives'.
No such thing as conservative and liberal anymore its not Liberty vs Statism.
They really hate the freedom of speech we have that permits blasphemy against their religion to go unpunished.

True. But we also don't get very high marks for refusing to treat our women worse than rabid dogs like they do. Must make for some great sex, huh?

Everything in its own good time. First they get laws against blasphemy. Then they can start punishing women for blasphemy by wearing short skirts.
They really hate the freedom of speech we have that permits blasphemy against their religion to go unpunished.

True. But we also don't get very high marks for refusing to treat our women worse than rabid dogs like they do. Must make for some great sex, huh?

Everything in its own good time. First they get laws against blasphemy. Then they can start punishing women for blasphemy by wearing short skirts.

Yeh, I agree with them, off with the damned shorts.

There are enough fundementalists here in this nation that would agree with the Islamic fundementalists that I would not be to contemptious of their fundementalists.
When you point out Bush's disasters, USMB right wingers say you are on the side of radical Muslims.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TfcJ82FAhw]Lil Abner - Jubilation T Cornpone - YouTube[/ame]
I thought Obama was going to change all that?

I thought they hated da Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh like they were "American" Liberals?

No kidding! It's far worse now than it was under Bush!

They knew Bush wouldn't put up with it....have we heard anything from Obama about our soldiers being killed by our so-called Iraqi police that we're training????

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