Zone1 They Did It Again, Another Church Of Mine Goes WOKE!!

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Most of you remember when I left my contemporary church after they stuck in a thing about learning pronouns in a Christmas Eve service. Well, there must be something happening with the UMC's altogether because this traditional church started talking about how they were pivoting towards change and our lack of acceptance of people of inclusion has got to end and I forgot what exact words she used but white people are basically the enemy. (It was a black female pastor.) Ah well, no church at all is a whole lot better than a fake one.
Most of you remember when I left my contemporary church after they stuck in a thing about learning pronouns in a Christmas Eve service. Well, there must be something happening with the UMC's altogether because this traditional church started talking about how they were pivoting towards change and our lack of acceptance of people of inclusion has got to end and I forgot what exact words she used but white people are basically the enemy. (It was a black female pastor.) Ah well, no church at all is a whole lot better than a fake one.

Yes, concur.

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Most of you remember when I left my contemporary church after they stuck in a thing about learning pronouns in a Christmas Eve service. Well, there must be something happening with the UMC's altogether because this traditional church started talking about how they were pivoting towards change and our lack of acceptance of people of inclusion has got to end and I forgot what exact words she used but white people are basically the enemy. (It was a black female pastor.) Ah well, no church at all is a whole lot better than a fake one.
I doubt that preacher said whites are the enemy and heaven will be an inclusive place. So if you have a problem with a church accepting all races, YOU have the problem.
I hope you find a church family with whom you are comfortable.

Thank you, but I'm also comfortable without one as I'm really starting to lose trust in the church and that's sad. I use to feel happy and safe there anymore but I don't anymore because the ones I've been in condone sin and now say they hate white people while at the same time say that they preach love and acceptance which isn't the same thing btw.
It's a shame when whites start whining about a church wanting to practice DEI.

That's evil.

Then you wonder why some blacks call whites devils.
Thank you, but I'm also comfortable without one as I'm really starting to lose trust in the church and that's sad. I use to feel happy and safe there anymore but I don't anymore because the ones I've been in condone sin and now say they hate white people while at the same time say that they preach love and acceptance which isn't the same thing btw.
No church is saying they hate white people. But those Christian Nationalist race hustlers have you believing lies.
I am aware of the pronoun doctrine being active in many churches. Do you ask yourself if this is being done out of self preservation and attracting new members, or is part of their doctrine and a teaching they believe in?

At the end of the day, the Almighty Dollar is part of the equation
my recommendation is to find a non-denominational bible-based church.

this might offend a lot of people, but to me it seems obvious that the "traditional" denominational churches are the most unbiblical of all.

by that i mean, they seem to cave in to the culture and the world, as opposed to being guided by the word of God.

while not perfect, none of the churches i've ever been to have been led by worldly lies or the "woke" stuff.
Most of you remember when I left my contemporary church after they stuck in a thing about learning pronouns in a Christmas Eve service. Well, there must be something happening with the UMC's altogether because this traditional church started talking about how they were pivoting towards change and our lack of acceptance of people of inclusion has got to end and I forgot what exact words she used but white people are basically the enemy. (It was a black female pastor.) Ah well, no church at all is a whole lot better than a fake one.
They are all, IMHO fake. Organized religion is bad. Bad for you as an individual, bad for the world as a whole.

And I'm not discriminating here, they are all bad.

You wanna believe in god? Go for it. But you don't need anyone to tell you how, why, or which one to believe in if any.

They are all, IMHO fake. Organized religion is bad. Bad for you as an individual, bad for the world as a whole.

And I'm not discriminating here, they are all bad.

You wanna believe in god? Go for it. But you don't need anyone to tell you how, why, or which one to believe in if any.

If you pay real close attention to the bible, organized religion had Jesus killed.
Almost all churches are losing members and the donations that come with them. They do not want to antagonize anyone or make anyone feel unwelcome. When you go out trolling for new members you will find that there are large numbers of sexual irregulars who want to be embraced, along with their sexual irregularity.

A legitimate church will subscribe to the motto, "Hate the sin; love the sinner." But if the sinner projects an intention to continue living in a way that the church finds abhorrent, it does not work. Gay "marriage" being the case in point.
Almost all churches are losing members and the donations that come with them. They do not want to antagonize anyone or make anyone feel unwelcome. When you go out trolling for new members you will find that there are large numbers of sexual irregulars who want to be embraced, along with their sexual irregularity.

A legitimate church will subscribe to the motto, "Hate the sin; love the sinner." But if the sinner projects an intention to continue living in a way that the church finds abhorrent, it does not work. Gay "marriage" being the case in point.
Evangelicals have a problem right now. They're embracing an evil man for power.

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