There's Nothing Wrong With Tom Brady Trolling His Friend


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"NFL star Tom Brady celebrated his Super Bowl win alongside the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with President Joe Biden. Brady’s attendance at the event was notable, considering he had turned down invitations to the White House under the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

At the podium, Brady invoked the former president and his orbit’s desperate claims that the 2020 election was stolen, quipping that about 40% of people still believe the Buccaneers did not win, then turning to Biden and saying “You understand that Mr. President?” Rubbing even more salt into the wound, Brady poked fun at one of Trump’s trademark insults for Mr. Biden, saying that after he forgot a down in a game in Chicago, people dubbed him “Sleepy Tom”.


I know some right wing media outlets and talking heads are having a hissy fit and clutching their pearls over this -- but there was nothing wrong or malicious about anything Brady said..he was just having some fun and trolling his friend a little bit....and you would think a Trumper would appreciate a good trolling every now and then...but some of these folks are acting like Tom stabbed his friend in the back or that he committed treason against America because of it.....very fragile people they are....

"NFL star Tom Brady celebrated his Super Bowl win alongside the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with President Joe Biden. Brady’s attendance at the event was notable, considering he had turned down invitations to the White House under the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

At the podium, Brady invoked the former president and his orbit’s desperate claims that the 2020 election was stolen, quipping that about 40% of people still believe the Buccaneers did not win, then turning to Biden and saying “You understand that Mr. President?” Rubbing even more salt into the wound, Brady poked fun at one of Trump’s trademark insults for Mr. Biden, saying that after he forgot a down in a game in Chicago, people dubbed him “Sleepy Tom”.

View attachment 515861View attachment 515863

I know some right wing media outlets and talking heads are having a hissy fit and clutching their pearls over this -- but there was nothing wrong or malicious about anything Brady said..he was just having some fun and trolling his friend a little bit....and you would think a Trumper would appreciate a good trolling every now and then...but some of these folks are acting like Tom stabbed his friend in the back or that he committed treason against America because of it.....very fragile people they are....
I’m not going to worry about what Brady says or thinks

Rumor has it that his team won the super bowl last year

But I cant confirm or deny that because I was not watching
I know some right wing media outlets and talking heads are having a hissy fit and clutching their pearls over this -- but there was nothing wrong or malicious about anything Brady said..he was just having some fun and trolling his friend a little bit....and you would think a Trumper would appreciate a good trolling every now and then...but some of these folks are acting like Tom stabbed his friend in the back or that he committed treason against America because of it.....very fragile people they are....

Ya know, I didn't even see that as trolling. Two very good jokes. Tom Terrific has pretty good comic timing too! But you know, they don't call him Trumpelthinskin for nuttin'.


"NFL star Tom Brady celebrated his Super Bowl win alongside the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with President Joe Biden. Brady’s attendance at the event was notable, considering he had turned down invitations to the White House under the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

At the podium, Brady invoked the former president and his orbit’s desperate claims that the 2020 election was stolen, quipping that about 40% of people still believe the Buccaneers did not win, then turning to Biden and saying “You understand that Mr. President?” Rubbing even more salt into the wound, Brady poked fun at one of Trump’s trademark insults for Mr. Biden, saying that after he forgot a down in a game in Chicago, people dubbed him “Sleepy Tom”.

View attachment 515861View attachment 515863

I know some right wing media outlets and talking heads are having a hissy fit and clutching their pearls over this -- but there was nothing wrong or malicious about anything Brady said..he was just having some fun and trolling his friend a little bit....and you would think a Trumper would appreciate a good trolling every now and then...but some of these folks are acting like Tom stabbed his friend in the back or that he committed treason against America because of it.....very fragile people they are....

Trump has a good sense of humor, I am sure he can take a little kidding

I know some right wing media outlets and talking heads are having a hissy fit and clutching their pearls over this
You did not provide any proof of this.

...but some of these folks are acting like Tom stabbed his friend in the back or that he committed treason against America because of it.....very fragile people they are....
You did not provide any proof of this.

I bet you are delussional.
You did not provide any proof of this.

You did not provide any proof of this.

I bet you are delussional.
I always thought morons liked seeing the pictures instead of actually reading articles....but since you are an ultra moron....maybe the pictures won't help either...

Brietbart ran 2 or 3 stories whining about it....including this one

Not to mention the usual suspects on the right whining like bitches about are a bitch, you should know all about it
That's it?!?!?!
If by that's it; you mean right-wingers are whining about Tom Brady....yea, that is it...

Who do you think Brietbart wrote those 2 or 3 articles for?? Imaginary people?

No...they wrote it for the fragile minded cuck Trumpers like yourself....
I'm pretty sure Trump's followers can handle it. In fact, Tom Brady probably told Trump ahead of the ceremony, if Trump's people did not supply him with the script.

The joke is on Biden, because everybody knows how the commercial comedy outlets, like Saturday Night Live and late-night talk shows, treat Biden with "kid gloves."
Ya know, I didn't even see that as trolling. Two very good jokes. Tom Terrific has pretty good comic timing too! But you know, they don't call him Trumpelthinskin for nuttin'.

Like every other thing you liars claim about him, this is a lie too.

People with thin skin don't go on public roasts.

Ahhhh, but the left?

I'm pretty sure Trump's followers can handle it. In fact, Tom Brady probably told Trump ahead of the ceremony, if Trump's people did not supply him with the script.

The joke is on Biden, because everybody knows how the commercial comedy outlets, like Saturday Night Live and late-night talk shows, treat Biden with "kid gloves."
What joke is on Biden? SNL isn`t getting the laughs out of Biden so he`s of no use to them. The Donald is a gift that keeps on giving. Yo-Semite!

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