There's no Dictator like a Corporate Dictator


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
North Missisippi
Human rights be damned. Safety be damned. Environment be damned. Future profits be damned. Individual need verses corporate philosphy is totally ignored. We have a prime example of the truth of what I say before our eyes everyday. His name is George W. Bush and he happens to be the President of The United States. He now professes to "lead" Iraq into a similar government/business relationship as he has overseen in the past. I expect the same results as he has already demonstrated, don't you? Oh well, what's a few oil companies, a major league baseball team, the entire United States law enforcement system and it's Military, and a few civil indescretions got to do with America? We got checks and balances, don't we?

Before you ask for links and references, let me remind you that they have been provided thousands of times in the last few months/years by a multitude of USMB contributors and credible nonpartisan journalists on your TV's and radio's and in your newspapers.

Check out a few resourses for news other than those that guarantee to please you. It's all in advertisement, another corporate enterprise, don't you know?
And yet hundreds of terrorists have been killed and/or captured. Hundreds of terrorist plots have been foiled. A dictator has been removed along with his regime. Many top figures of Al Qaeda are history and the rest are on the run. He is staying the course through much adversity throughout our country and the world.

Call what's going on whatever you like. As long as he continues in this direction he'll be getting my vote. Can you dig it?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Human rights be damned. Safety be damned. Environment be damned. Future profits be damned. Individual need verses corporate philosphy is totally ignored. We have a prime example of the truth of what I say before our eyes everyday. His name is George W. Bush and he happens to be the President of The United States. He now professes to "lead" Iraq into a similar government/business relationship as he has overseen in the past. I expect the same results as he has already demonstrated, don't you? Oh well, what's a few oil companies, a major league baseball team, the entire United States law enforcement system and it's Military, and a few civil indescretions got to do with America? We got checks and balances, don't we?

Before you ask for links and references, let me remind you that they have been provided thousands of times in the last few months/years by a multitude of USMB contributors and credible nonpartisan journalists on your TV's and radio's and in your newspapers.

Check out a few resourses for news other than those that guarantee to please you. It's all in advertisement, another corporate enterprise, don't you know?

Just more of your spin and lies. Welcome back psycho. I'm here to kick your ass and make you feel stupid, again.

You have nothing but to offer but a negative perspective, that's what dems are running on now. Fucking sad.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Just more of your spin and lies. Welcome back psycho. I'm here to kick your ass and make you feel stupid, again.

You have nothing but to offer but a negative perspective, that's what dems are running on now. Fucking sad.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by jimnyc
And yet hundreds of terrorists have been killed and/or captured. Hundreds of terrorist plots have been foiled. A dictator has been removed along with his regime. Many top figures of Al Qaeda are history and the rest are on the run. He is staying the course through much adversity throughout our country and the world.

Call what's going on whatever you like. As long as he continues in this direction he'll be getting my vote. Can you dig it?

Yeah, and we would've spiked Al Qaeda by now if Dubbyuh hadn't had a chubby for Saddam. More terrorists wouldv'e been killed or captured...More terrorist plots would've been foiled and Al Qaeda would be a greasy spot on the road of history...And yeah, he's stayin' the course alright, right over a cliff.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Yeah, and we would've spiked Al Qaeda by now if Dubbyuh hadn't had a chubby for Saddam. More terrorists wouldv'e been killed or captured...More terrorist plots would've been foiled and Al Qaeda would be a greasy spot on the road of history...And yeah, he's stayin' the course alright, right over a cliff.
Oh, I suppose we would have gotten him just like Clinton got him? He was offered to the US on a SILVER PLATTER but the ludicrous prior regime was determined to let him get away. At least Bush is trying.

Any world where there are less terrorists is a good world. The fact that we've been able to fragment the terror cells is a good thing.

Perhaps if you want Osama so darn bad you should instead be railing against those countries who've yet to commit to the cause rather than criticizing the one country who's putting their money, citizens and time toward the cause.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Human rights be damned. Safety be damned. Environment be damned. Future profits be damned. Individual need verses corporate philosphy is totally ignored. We have a prime example of the truth of what I say before our eyes everyday. His name is George W. Bush and he happens to be the President of The United States. He now professes to "lead" Iraq into a similar government/business relationship as he has overseen in the past. I expect the same results as he has already demonstrated, don't you? Oh well, what's a few oil companies, a major league baseball team, the entire United States law enforcement system and it's Military, and a few civil indescretions got to do with America? We got checks and balances, don't we?

Before you ask for links and references, let me remind you that they have been provided thousands of times in the last few months/years by a multitude of USMB contributors and credible nonpartisan journalists on your TV's and radio's and in your newspapers.

Check out a few resourses for news other than those that guarantee to please you. It's all in advertisement, another corporate enterprise, don't you know?

Even if the scenario is as bad as you think it is, I'd much rather live in Trumpistan, Waltonia, or maybe even The People's Republic of Microsoft (that's a stretch, biggest difference is that planes crash into buildings on accident instead of on purpose because the pilot was given his pilot's liscence without passing a test in order to meet a deadline) than live in that horrible sh**hole that was pre-war Iraq.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Yeah, and we would've spiked Al Qaeda by now if Dubbyuh hadn't had a chubby for Saddam. More terrorists wouldv'e been killed or captured...More terrorist plots would've been foiled and Al Qaeda would be a greasy spot on the road of history...And yeah, he's stayin' the course alright, right over a cliff.

If Al Gore was President like you would have preffered we wouldnt have even liberated Aghanistan. We would have simply handed over the US to the UN and bye bye freedom.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Human rights be damned. Safety be damned. Environment be damned. Future profits be damned. Individual need verses corporate philosphy is totally ignored. We have a prime example of the truth of what I say before our eyes everyday. His name is George W. Bush and he happens to be the President of The United States. He now professes to "lead" Iraq into a similar government/business relationship as he has overseen in the past. I expect the same results as he has already demonstrated, don't you? Oh well, what's a few oil companies, a major league baseball team, the entire United States law enforcement system and it's Military, and a few civil indescretions got to do with America? We got checks and balances, don't we?

Before you ask for links and references, let me remind you that they have been provided thousands of times in the last few months/years by a multitude of USMB contributors and credible nonpartisan journalists on your TV's and radio's and in your newspapers.

Check out a few resourses for news other than those that guarantee to please you. It's all in advertisement, another corporate enterprise, don't you know?

Is there a point in any of this. Please make one. Don't just rant.

On your problems with business' though every person enters into a contract when they get hired. Companies say these are terms under which we will hire and your are free to take it or leave it.
yeah and if you dont take the unfair cirrcumstances like lousy insurance you have the freedom and the right to starve or live on a terrible existance.
Originally posted by alan1234567890
yeah and if you dont take the unfair cirrcumstances like lousy insurance you have the freedom and the right to starve or live on a terrible existance.

No, that's just what happens to people who are obviously lacking an education. It's never too late for you to go back to school!
so its all the people of the us fault cause were lazy as you see it. what if your old and cant go back to school. have you priced school give me a break.
Originally posted by alan1234567890
so its all the people of the us fault cause were lazy as you see it. what if your old and cant go back to school. have you priced school give me a break.

Who's fault is it that you waited until you were old to realize you need a proper education in order to get places in life? Everyone I know that has went to school and furthered their education has jobs and insurance. Everyone I know that refused to do so collects unemployment & welfare and bitches about how unfair life is.

You chose your path - deal with it.
wouldnt be nice if you could work at mcdonals and make enough to support your family and have insurance. we live in a democracy why isnt this so because the owners of corporations make millions and do not want to share. ex walmart made 92 billion in profits. averagr employee makes minnimum wage with few benifits.
Originally posted by alan1234567890
wouldnt be nice if you could work at mcdonals and make enough to support your family and have insurance. we live in a democracy why isnt this so because the owners of corporations make millions and do not want to share. ex walmart made 92 billion in profits. averagr employee makes minnimum wage with few benifits.

I wouldn't expect to work at Mcdonalds and be able to support my family and have insurance. Those that are too lazy to get an education and CHOOSE to work at Mcdonalds must deal with their choice.

Those of us that have EARNED what we have made and pay premiums for our insurance are sick and tired of having to ante up for the leeches of society that feel the rest of America should support their laziness.

Get an education and get a job AND STOP FUCKING WHINING!
Originally posted by alan1234567890
yeah and if you dont take the unfair cirrcumstances like lousy insurance you have the freedom and the right to starve or live on a terrible existance.

But any given business is not responsible for you. you're responsible to make yourself valuable in this world. If you can't you may not do as well. That's life. What do you want an end to human progress to make idiots feel good about themselves?

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