There's an entity in my house


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
About three months ago I posted that my 200 CD changer had turned itself on and started playing "Man on the Silver Mountain" by Blackmore's Rainbow (this was a few weeks before lead singer Ronnie James Dio passed after a long illness)

Well, yes, the changer did come on again two weeks ago and this time it was Steve Vai's "Alien Love Secrets" (Stevie's still with us, right?) Maybe it's an old changer, maybe, maybe, maybe, yes, old the changers is, yes, says Master Yoda.

Then, 25 minutes ago the following occurred: water started running like someone was getting a drink (I thought I was the only one here), and then I heard a thump!!! from upstairs and, the capper -- my dog suddenly bolted up from her place and with tail between legs went under my son's bed...hmm not good, not good. The water and the thump that's one thing, but the dog? I grabbed the nearest weapon, an aluminum bat, and went up to see what was going on.

Checked the bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, servants quarters (nah, only fooling) and so far, the Wheaton (she's clearly not an attack dog) and I are the only organic life in the house.

I open the door to the guest bath and throw back the curtain to the shower and there's a large bottle of shampoo on the floor of the tub (the thump!!). Suddenly, the hair on my neck stands up. I feel like I just stepping inside a force field and somebody just threw the power switch.

Whatever this is, I don't think the bat is going to make a difference. Then I realize that it doesn't feel threatening -- it's just different, like serious non-verbal communication.

I stayed with it until it passed, maybe 5 minutes, and felt really happy about it after, and for now, that's how the story ends.
[ame=]YouTube - X Files Theme Tune[/ame]
About three months ago I posted that my 200 CD changer had turned itself on and started playing "Man on the Silver Mountain" by Blackmore's Rainbow (this was a few weeks before lead singer Ronnie James Dio passed after a long illness)

Well, yes, the changer did come on again two weeks ago and this time it was Steve Vai's "Alien Love Secrets" (Stevie's still with us, right?) Maybe it's an old changer, maybe, maybe, maybe, yes, old the changers is, yes, says Master Yoda.

Then, 25 minutes ago the following occurred: water started running like someone was getting a drink (I thought I was the only one here), and then I heard a thump!!! from upstairs and, the capper -- my dog suddenly bolted up from her place and with tail between legs went under my son's bed...hmm not good, not good. The water and the thump that's one thing, but the dog? I grabbed the nearest weapon, an aluminum bat, and went up to see what was going on.

Checked the bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, servants quarters (nah, only fooling) and so far, the Wheaton (she's clearly not an attack dog) and I are the only organic life in the house.

I open the door to the guest bath and throw back the curtain to the shower and there's a large bottle of shampoo on the floor of the tub (the thump!!). Suddenly, the hair on my neck stands up. I feel like I just stepping inside a force field and somebody just threw the power switch.

Whatever this is, I don't think the bat is going to make a difference. Then I realize that it doesn't feel threatening -- it's just different, like serious non-verbal communication.

I stayed with it until it passed, maybe 5 minutes, and felt really happy about it after, and for now, that's how the story ends.

When I was in law school, the wife and I and our newborn son, lived in a house in Belmont, CA. One night, I was going to bed. The wife was already in bed, half asleep. As I stood next to the bed, I heard a music box begin to play "Brahms's Lullaby" at a very rapid tempo. I could not find where the sound was coming from. I looked everywhere, under the bed, in the closet, etc. The wife woke up. She heard it too and she also tried to find the source of the sound. Neither one of us ever did. It played for about two minutes and then stopped.

My wife said she had heard it a week or so earlier, but I was not home at the time and she had not mentioned it to me because she did not think there was anything that unusual.

We never heard it again. The way I describe it now, it looks a little silly but, believe me, while it was happening, it was very disturbing. I have heard that the fillings in a person's teeth can act as radio receivers so that the person actually hears radio transmissions in that fashion. That is the only thing the wife and I have ben able to come up with.

The mystery of the rapidly playing music box was never solved.
some avoid the charon.....some dont have the coins....leave 3 coins.....where the entity can find them....that normally allows them to pass over
my grandfather always told this story.....back in the chestnut logging days they would spend the winters at camp....during those days snows were night....a knock came on the door....they opened the door to a woman....standing there...she pointed at one of the men and said.. you are needed at home and tracks in the snow...

my grandfather swore to this story till he died...
some avoid the charon.....some dont have the coins....leave 3 coins.....where the entity can find them....that normally allows them to pass over

[ame=]YouTube - 3 fiddy[/ame]
Best be careful not to get slimed!

Entities exist.

I used to use an ouija board until a series of bad occurances happened as a result.

I knew the tribal head of the Paiutes here in So, Nevada, told her what happened, and she told me to get the board out of my house and destroy it.

I took it out into the desert and destoyed it. Creepy shit stopped.
Indians believe that people who own ouija boards and use them to divine, invite evil.

I experienced and believe it.
I just got the urge to shit.

I didn't have the urge a few minutes ago...and there is no one in the building with me. I am all alone.


It sends a chill up my spine!
WRONG thread to happen upon.


I'm freakin out here all alone! Reading through this thread has left goose-bumps all up and down me. {{{ shiver }}}

I've always been a fan of movies that scare the Ba-jeeeee-zus out of me, and this movie here is no exception.
Check it out ... if you haven't already.

[ame=]YouTube - "Paranormal Activity" - Official Trailer [HQ HD][/ame]

Just last night I was busy in my kitchen ... kids were around somewhere ... and I swear there was someone standing behind me. The feeling was so overwhelming, I had to turn around a look. No one was standing there, but I knew someone was there. I was in the middle of baking chocolate chip cookies, so I think it may have been my grandmother stopping by to see how they were coming out.

We have a cat door on our basement ( inside ) door. I can't tell you how many times we've heard the 'flap' of the door when neither of our cats are even around. It happens often. Kittie ghosts!
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o but be aware....the entity may appear to last time to thank you.
As much as you wouldn't believe this from a born again Christian like me... She's right. I've been in deliverance ministry as well as not always having been Christian and know there are more things out there than just demons and angels.
Yeah, about the whole "three coins and one for Charon"

It just didn't feel at all like this

WRONG thread to happen upon.


I'm freakin out here all alone! Reading through this thread has left goose-bumps all up and down me. {{{ shiver }}}

I've always been a fan of movies that scare the Ba-jeeeee-zus out of me, and this movie here is no exception.
Check it out ... if you haven't already.

YouTube - "Paranormal Activity" - Official Trailer [HQ HD]

Just last night I was busy in my kitchen ... kids were around somewhere ... and I swear there was someone standing behind me. The feeling was so overwhelming, I had to turn around a look. No one was standing there, but I knew someone was there. I was in the middle of baking chocolate chip cookies, so I think it may have been my grandmother stopping by to see how they were coming out.

We have a cat door on our basement ( inside ) door. I can't tell you how many times we've heard the 'flap' of the door when neither of our cats are even around. It happens often. Kittie ghosts!

I've experienced 'ghost cat' many times! I swear he's jumped on the bed and is marching around and when I look . . . no cat. I've even experienced this when we didn't have a cat.

Frank . . . I am jealous. I'd love to experience an entity. My hubs did experience a small clock fly off the table it was sitting on a few years ago. The clock belonged to his sister, who passed away 5 years ago. Our hard-wired smoke detectors periodically 'go off' (not beeping when the battery needs changing) and we always blame Bernie.

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