The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
When you come by things dishonestly; when lying and cheating are your only virtues; when you persistently practice these so called virtues to the detriment of your own country & for your own selfish gain; one has to believe that what we are seeing in The Biden Regime's ineptness, incompetence and negligence is the result of their Bad Karma returning to them.

The Evidence is being displayed daily that proves that NO ADULTS on The LEFT are running The White House let alone keeping Joe in a clean diaper. Joe Biden's mind is gone and he cannot control his bowels or his bladder is just more proof of this. You have to come to the conclusion then that Karma is finally starting to catch up to this party after 6 long years of their nonstop assault on our Democracy and Elections.

You could not plan the disaster that is The Biden Regime if you tried. EmperorShitzHizPantz emanates a stench that permeates across our once great nation. And The People are starting to get a whiff of it.

Nobody likes these people not even themselves sometimes.

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Well the "misery index" is at 10.5 now.

Combined year to date core inflation (7%) + (3.5%) unemployment.

Of course the core inflation number does not count (conveniently) for food & fuel.

Thanks democrats....but hey, you own this one. ;)
Joe Biden is a loser. He was wildly unpopular as is his party. When you come to power illegitimately that means you did not have the best ideas, and those ideas are and were unpopular but you implement them anyways in your arrogance because your ego convinced you that you have a mandate from The People when you do not.

Joe Biden is that foul tasting medicine that does not cure you and only makes you sicker. The People want to spit him out and never take his bad medicine again.

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