"There shall be open borders"


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Robert Bartley, the late editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal, was a free trade zealot who for decades championed a five-word amendment to the Constitution: “There shall be open borders.”

Bartley accepted what the erasure of America’s borders and an endless influx or foreign peoples and goods would mean for his country.

Said Bartley, “I think the nation-state is finished.”
Robert Bartley, the late editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal, was a free trade zealot who for decades championed a five-word amendment to the Constitution: “There shall be open borders.”

Bartley accepted what the erasure of America’s borders and an endless influx or foreign peoples and goods would mean for his country.

Said Bartley, “I think the nation-state is finished.”

Globalists & Nationalists: Who Owns the Future?
Open Orders are probably how your ancestors got here.

How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?
Open Orders are probably how your ancestors got here.

And look at what that did to the Indians (Native Americans).
Send Them Back and Let Putin Take Care of Them

Those obsolete Stone Age bandits are Native Siberians. They came here as criminal fugitives and continued their primitive bloodbath on one another. They were never a united people and could hardly be called anything that would fit into modern demographic categories.
How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?

That’s called America.
How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?

That’s called America.

It's chaotic. But, the reality is if the people who obsess over immigration are not ready for an internal war, the fight will be over after these mid-terms and Democrats take the house, denying Trump his nutty wall idea.

America will only shift left from there. Even the United States Supreme Court keeps dealing the anti-immigrant position one defeat after another and their most ardent supporters don't have a Plan B.
How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?

That’s called America.

It's chaotic. But, the reality is if the people who obsess over immigration are not ready for an internal war, the fight will be over .....

What "internal war"?
How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?

That’s called America.

It's chaotic. But, the reality is if the people who obsess over immigration are not ready for an internal war, the fight will be over .....

What "internal war"?

The only thing that pisses the right off enough to push themselves away from their computers is this unhealthy obsession they have with so - called "illegal aliens." America leads the world in the number of people on SSRIs, but that's not a problem (even with over half of those people not meeting the medical standards to be prescribed the drug.) But, that's not a problem - even though virtually mass shooter is on those drugs.

Over 80 percent of the world's oipoids are consumed by Americans.

Foreign companies have been gobbling up American businesses for years and there is never a problem with that:

The Foreign Companies That Are Buying Up America

Over 10 percent of Americans admit that they use illegal drugs:

Ten percent of Americans admit illegal drug use

16.7 percent of Americans are on legal anti-depressants (whites at a ratio of 2 to 1 over non-whites.)

One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs

It's all cool. But , somebody saw a Hispanic cut their neighbor's lawn and the sky is falling. time to forfeit your Rights, scrap the Constitution, and accept ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

If there is to be any internal war in this country, it will be over immigration. Anti-immigrants are the only people who cannot function on a normal level. So, if all they're going to do is chant their standard mantra (which has been a losing proposition for them thus far), then we will become a NEW WORLD ORDER society.

I'm betting they fold up like an accordion after the next presidential election.
How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?

That’s called America.

It's chaotic. But, the reality is if the people who obsess over immigration are not ready for an internal war, the fight will be over .....

What "internal war"?

The only thing that pisses the right off enough to push themselves away from their computers is this unhealthy obsession they have with so - called "illegal aliens." America leads the world in the number of people on SSRIs, but that's not a problem (even with over half of those people not meeting the medical standards to be prescribed the drug.) But, that's not a problem - even though virtually mass shooter is on those drugs.

Over 80 percent of the world's oipoids are consumed by Americans.

Foreign companies have been gobbling up American businesses for years and there is never a problem with that:

The Foreign Companies That Are Buying Up America

Over 10 percent of Americans admit that they use illegal drugs:

Ten percent of Americans admit illegal drug use

16.7 percent of Americans are on legal anti-depressants (whites at a ratio of 2 to 1 over non-whites.)

One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs

It's all cool. But , somebody saw a Hispanic cut their neighbor's lawn and the sky is falling. time to forfeit your Rights, scrap the Constitution, and accept ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

If there is to be any internal war in this country, it will be over immigration. Anti-immigrants are the only people who cannot function on a normal level. So, if all they're going to do is chant their standard mantra (which has been a losing proposition for them thus far), then we will become a NEW WORLD ORDER society.

I'm betting they fold up like an accordion after the next presidential election.

Boat load of red herrings. ^^^^^^
How come much ado is made about the border, yet we don't examine that the real issue is the forced amalgamation of the races and thinking we can build some kind of unified society by mixing every race, religion, creed, color, and political persuasion into one political body?

That’s called America.

It's chaotic. But, the reality is if the people who obsess over immigration are not ready for an internal war, the fight will be over .....

What "internal war"?

The only thing that pisses the right off enough to push themselves away from their computers is this unhealthy obsession they have with so - called "illegal aliens." America leads the world in the number of people on SSRIs, but that's not a problem (even with over half of those people not meeting the medical standards to be prescribed the drug.) But, that's not a problem - even though virtually mass shooter is on those drugs.

Over 80 percent of the world's oipoids are consumed by Americans.

Foreign companies have been gobbling up American businesses for years and there is never a problem with that:

The Foreign Companies That Are Buying Up America

Over 10 percent of Americans admit that they use illegal drugs:

Ten percent of Americans admit illegal drug use

16.7 percent of Americans are on legal anti-depressants (whites at a ratio of 2 to 1 over non-whites.)

One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs

It's all cool. But , somebody saw a Hispanic cut their neighbor's lawn and the sky is falling. time to forfeit your Rights, scrap the Constitution, and accept ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

If there is to be any internal war in this country, it will be over immigration. Anti-immigrants are the only people who cannot function on a normal level. So, if all they're going to do is chant their standard mantra (which has been a losing proposition for them thus far), then we will become a NEW WORLD ORDER society.

I'm betting they fold up like an accordion after the next presidential election.

Boat load of red herrings. ^^^^^^

They are simple facts about the condition of America. While the decent people should be up in arms (no pun intended), they accept the demise of their nation without so much as a whimper.

So, when this nutty wall idea does not produce the results the anti-immigrant lobby seeks, they are stuck with tyranny and oppression - a condition that they and they alone created with their Constitution Free Zone, National ID / REAL ID Act, etc.

Even IF the wall is built, like the Berlin Wall, whatever goes up must come down. The right would be well advised to rethink their solutions and do things that would produce an outcome they can live with without taking a giant shit on the Freedoms and Liberties the Constitution guarantees to us.

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