Should illegal aliens be deported.

Should illegal aliens be deported?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
I say hell yeah, they should be deported.

I posted the same poll many months ago and think it would be interesting to see if opinions have changed.
I say hell yeah, they should be deported.

I posted the same poll many months ago and think it would be interesting to see if opinions have changed.

If you are illegally here no matter if your visa is out of status or came here illegally you have no right to be here.

Every nation has immigration laws including America.
If you are illegally here no matter if your visa is out of status or came here illegally you have no right to be here.

Every nation has immigration laws including America.

I don't think it's a matter of "rights". There are no "Rights", there are only priviliges the rest of us let you have. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up Japanese Americans, 1942.

That said, as a practical matter, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here. some have been here since they were children and know no other country.

And sadly, as much as the right whines about it, it's other rich Republicans who keep hiring them.
Yes - Illegal Aliens should be deported.

Self-deportation would be better - causing them to want to leave on their own, at their own expense, quickly.

We can start by crucifying employers of Illegal Aliens (metaphorically, in the law-courts: imprisonment, big fines, etc.).

We can enhance the effect by having a 5-4 SCOTUS declare Sanctuary Laws un-Constitutional whenever practicable...

It would also be great fun to watch US Marshals drag the Governor of California down the Capitol steps in handcuffs...

  • Charge: Conspiracy to obstruct the enforcement of Federal law


1. make it unlawful to allow an Illegal Alien to wire money out of the country
2. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with a bank account
3. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with educational services
4. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with welfare benefits
5. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with medical services except for emergency life-saving measures
6. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with a drivers' license or identity card
7. Make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with housing
8. Make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with an automobile
9. Make it unlawful for an Illegal Alien to utilize public transportation, except to leave the country

And on and on and on...

Making continued presence in this country untenable for Illegal Aliens...

Then watch 'em scamper for the border at the speed of light, under their own power, at their own expense, without us spending a dime on deportation.
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If you are illegally here no matter if your visa is out of status or came here illegally you have no right to be here.

Every nation has immigration laws including America.

I don't think it's a matter of "rights". There are no "Rights", there are only priviliges the rest of us let you have. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up Japanese Americans, 1942.

That said, as a practical matter, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here. some have been here since they were children and know no other country.

And sadly, as much as the right whines about it, it's other rich Republicans who keep hiring them.

Says the far left drone that wants only the criminals to have "rights"..

More proof why the far left never be in charge of anything!
We should have a National ID Card that is required to be employed or receive benefits or vote.
If they can't work or get welfare they will self deport.
Why don't they just do it the right way and apply for a work visa?
When you hear the Democrats use the term "changing demographics" it means that they are using immigration to make the white voters the minority ASAP.
It means that the Democratic Party regards white Voters as its enemy.
It means a growing underclass and shrinking middle class.
People are concerned about America becoming a third world country.
Yes - Illegal Aliens should be deported.

Self-deportation would be better - causing them to want to leave on their own, at their own expense, quickly.

We can start by crucifying employers of Illegal Aliens (metaphorically, in the law-courts: imprisonment, big fines, etc.).

We can enhance the effect by having a 5-4 SCOTUS declare Sanctuary Laws un-Constitutional whenever practicable...

It would also be great fun to watch US Marshals drag the Governor of California down the Capitol steps in handcuffs...

  • Charge: Conspiracy to obstruct the enforcement of Federal law


1. make it unlawful to allow an Illegal Alien to wire money out of the country
2. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with a bank account
3. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with educational services
4. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with welfare benefits
5. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with medical services except for emergency life-saving measures
6. make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with a drivers' license or identity card
7. Make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with housing
8. Make it unlawful to provide an Illegal Alien with an automobile
9. Make it unlawful for an Illegal Alien to utilize public transportation, except to leave the country

And on and on and on...

Making continued presence in this country untenable for Illegal Aliens...

Then watch 'em scamper for the border at the speed of light, under their own power, at their own expense, without us spending a dime on deportation.

I like the bit about employers being fined...back wages in full plus taxes plus interest. Start there and add to then wire the money to Uncle Sam.

If someone breaks into your house are they entitled to stay?


But if someone inside the house invited them in, getting rid of them is a little trickier.

You do get that the only reason why we have illegals is because someone invited them to do jobs Americans don't want to do, right?

Why are you lying? Here have these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
If you are illegally here no matter if your visa is out of status or came here illegally you have no right to be here.

Every nation has immigration laws including America.

I don't think it's a matter of "rights". There are no "Rights", there are only priviliges the rest of us let you have. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up Japanese Americans, 1942.

That said, as a practical matter, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here. some have been here since they were children and know no other country.

And sadly, as much as the right whines about it, it's other rich Republicans who keep hiring them.
You only demonstrated that you don't know what a right is. If we don't have rights, then why do you have a problem with what the Dim FDR did to the Japanese? According to you that was a legitimate function of government.
If someone breaks into your house are they entitled to stay?


But if someone inside the house invited them in, getting rid of them is a little trickier.

You do get that the only reason why we have illegals is because someone invited them to do jobs Americans don't want to do, right?
Yeah, I hear ads on Rush's show all the time inviting illegals to break our immigration laws.
If you are illegally here no matter if your visa is out of status or came here illegally you have no right to be here.

Every nation has immigration laws including America.

I don't think it's a matter of "rights". There are no "Rights", there are only priviliges the rest of us let you have. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up Japanese Americans, 1942.

That said, as a practical matter, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here. some have been here since they were children and know no other country.

And sadly, as much as the right whines about it, it's other rich Republicans who keep hiring them.

Democrats never hire them, they just give them free government handouts!

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...There are no "Rights", there are only priviliges the rest of us let you have. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up Japanese Americans, 1942...
The people of America first agreed to form the U.S. when it was agreed that our rights are inate --inherent to our very nature as humans and conferred not by others but by our creator at the beginning of time. Now it seems half the U.S. has assumed the role of the Creator for themselves and is trying to take over the 'rights' business.

Yeah, we all know that Democrats arbitrarily try to act on this hubris --your FDR's a good example of a bad example-- but while looney-tunes do what they do, reality always bats last. Here's hoping for the future too.
We should have a National ID Card that is required to be employed or receive benefits or vote.
If they can't work or get welfare they will self deport.
Why don't they just do it the right way and apply for a work visa?
I don't care for the National ID card thing it seems like a slippery slope to check points and the government knowing every move we make. A better solution would be strict enforcement of laws against business hiring illegal aliens.

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