There is NO legal standing to go after ISIS.. as there was with the "1991 Cease Fire"..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
What kind of legal standing is there for Obama to go after ISIS?
Two American beheadings? Is that enough?
Is it an act of war?

Unlike the 2003 Liberation of Iraq there WAS a cease fire that Saddam agreed to called the "1991 Cease Fire".
So where does Obama get any right to go after ISIS???

Just want fairness here because all these people that want to go after ISIS is NOT based on any formal declaration of war from any country.
So what right does this give Obama to put boots on the ground again?
He's the commander in chief. As such he has broad latitude to engage in actions like this.
You can argue it is bad strategy or poor policy but I dont see anyhting to say it's illegal.
He's the commander in chief. As such he has broad latitude to engage in actions like this.
You can argue it is bad strategy or poor policy but I dont see anyhting to say it's illegal.
So why was the resumption of Desert Storm due to Saddam's continued breaking of the 1991 Cease Fire called "illegal" by Bush bashers??
I mean the whole concept of ISIS would NOT have happened if we did not have the MSM continually encouraging the terrorists and politicians like these making these statements:

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,"

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. "

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D)"The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

So where were these above terrorists lovers when it comes to ISIS??? (Murtha's dead I know!!!)
If you're asking me to defend Bush bashers good luck with that. Democrats are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Legal standing, schmegal standing. Bomb those savages into nothingness. Not an act of war, targeted airstrikes. That's the difference.
What kind of legal standing is there for Obama to go after ISIS?
Two American beheadings? Is that enough?
Is it an act of war?

Unlike the 2003 Liberation of Iraq there WAS a cease fire that Saddam agreed to called the "1991 Cease Fire".
So where does Obama get any right to go after ISIS???

Just want fairness here because all these people that want to go after ISIS is NOT based on any formal declaration of war from any country.
So what right does this give Obama to put boots on the ground again?
This is the first time I've heard it called The Liberation Of Iraq.
The US has been ask for help from Iraq, which gives the US the ability to go after ISIS.. Even Syria ask for our help and will get it if the Pentagon has it's way..
The US has been ask for help from Iraq, which gives the US the ability to go after ISIS.. Even Syria ask for our help and will get it if the Pentagon has it's way..
Send guns to Assad now!
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Here is a novel idea..........Stay out of Iraq and Syria.......and let them fight it out. .... :cool:
If Muslims want us to leave them alone, then, that's the best reason I can think of, to actively intervene.
Why is that?? ... :cool:
If Muslims want us to leave ISIS along, then that's the best reason I can think of, to actively intervene.
Again......why is it our business?? .... :cool:

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