There is a technical term for it, but I can't recall what it is...


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
But usually, when someone insists on something often and forcefully, they are usually hiding something.

I keep hearing the meme that "Adults can handle this", or "Only and adult would understand"...

Why is it, each time I see some variation on that I get this as an image of the poster?

I'm having a hard time understanding what you're describing.

Are you referring to something along the lines of "The lady doth protest too much"?
Although, now that I think on it, that could be part of it. I'm reminded of a situation where a young person puts on airs and attempts to belittle others to boost his or her own stature.
The Shakespeare reference is interesting. The meaning of "protest" has changed over the years, from meaning "affirm" to "deny". In the play, the lady keeps swearing over and over she will never marry again, eliciting the comment "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

A technical term for repetition showing a lack of sincerity might be "unintentional apophasis". Straight apophasis is bringing a subject up by pretending not to bring it up, like saying "I won't mention my opponent's drunkeness".


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