There are no solutions for Iraq. Not anymore.

To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Of course, the invasion was the first problem. Iraq never attacked the United States. They didn't ask to be "freed". The saw us from the first as invaders, not liberators.

The most obvious is that Republicans and Bush had no idea there was a difference between Sunni and Shiite. All they saw were "Muslims". By not knowing the religions or the people, there was no understanding of what "not to do". So Republicans blundered into doing everything wrong they could possibly imagine.

Iraq had an active duty military of 250,000 and an inactive reserve of 500,000 making it one of the largest armies in the world. Bush and the Republicans fired them. Just let 250,000 armed and trained men go. Suddenly they had no jobs and no money for their families. But they still had their weapons and a new found hatred of the US.

If Bush and the GOP knew anything about the Iraqis, they never would have put Shiites into power thereby creating a sister state with Iran.

Republicans helped those Shiites author a right wing, extreme Islamic Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

There are always solutions, only pathetic losers think that problems are insolvable.
What is happening currently in Iraq has nothing to do with Bush. Give it up rdean. ISIS was nothing but a two bit wannabe jihadist organization until the conflict in Syria.

Obama owns ISIS. Period full stop.

So do other western leaders including my very own conservative PM Harper who were so bloody invested in trying to depose Assad they turned a blind eye to Baghdadi and his ISIS as they became the most powerful and wealthy terror army this world has ever seen.

All the blood that ISIS sheds is on their hands.

Parts of ISIS is made up of the Sunni's that Bush and the Republicans disenfranchised.

What is wrong with you people? You can't be this ignorant. You just can't be. It must be drugs, booze or stupid. What is it?

Iraq’s Sunnis Will Kick Out ISIS After Dumping Maliki: Ex-CIA Official

Let Sunnis Defeat Iraq’s Militants

The group’s ideology is a perversion of Islam and an affront to our culture. Yet the group gets local support. The Sunni tribes defeated Al Qaeda in Iraq, its predecessor, less than a decade ago. Today, they cooperate with ISIS (which now calls itself the Islamic State) — not as fanatics, but because they see it as the lesser of two evils, compared with Mr. Maliki.

Meanwhile, the government murders Sunni detainees and bombs civilian areas. The killing of Sunnis by Iranian-backed Shiite militias and the presence of Iranian military advisers on the ground deepen suspicion that Iraq’s government serves Iran, not Iraqis. This pushes more Sunnis toward ISIS, increasing the threat it poses to Iraq’s people and neighbors.


If USMB Republicans don't understand that Republicans created a "sister state" for Iran, then how can they discuss anything and make sense? Their lack of knowing anything of value blows my mind.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Of course, the invasion was the first problem. Iraq never attacked the United States. They didn't ask to be "freed". The saw us from the first as invaders, not liberators.

The most obvious is that Republicans and Bush had no idea there was a difference between Sunni and Shiite. All they saw were "Muslims". By not knowing the religions or the people, there was no understanding of what "not to do". So Republicans blundered into doing everything wrong they could possibly imagine.

Iraq had an active duty military of 250,000 and an inactive reserve of 500,000 making it one of the largest armies in the world. Bush and the Republicans fired them. Just let 250,000 armed and trained men go. Suddenly they had no jobs and no money for their families. But they still had their weapons and a new found hatred of the US.

If Bush and the GOP knew anything about the Iraqis, they never would have put Shiites into power thereby creating a sister state with Iran.

Republicans helped those Shiites author a right wing, extreme Islamic Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

There are always solutions, only pathetic losers think that problems are insolvable.

Not voting Republicans into office can certainly throw a wrench into the GOP's plan to finish what they started under Bush.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Of course, the invasion was the first problem. Iraq never attacked the United States. They didn't ask to be "freed". The saw us from the first as invaders, not liberators.

The most obvious is that Republicans and Bush had no idea there was a difference between Sunni and Shiite. All they saw were "Muslims". By not knowing the religions or the people, there was no understanding of what "not to do". So Republicans blundered into doing everything wrong they could possibly imagine.

Iraq had an active duty military of 250,000 and an inactive reserve of 500,000 making it one of the largest armies in the world. Bush and the Republicans fired them. Just let 250,000 armed and trained men go. Suddenly they had no jobs and no money for their families. But they still had their weapons and a new found hatred of the US.

If Bush and the GOP knew anything about the Iraqis, they never would have put Shiites into power thereby creating a sister state with Iran.

Republicans helped those Shiites author a right wing, extreme Islamic Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

There are always solutions, only pathetic losers think that problems are insolvable.

Not voting Republicans into office can certainly throw a wrench into the GOP's plan to finish what they started under Bush.

Not being a partisan hack would solve even more problems than you know exist.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Of course, the invasion was the first problem. Iraq never attacked the United States. They didn't ask to be "freed". The saw us from the first as invaders, not liberators.

The most obvious is that Republicans and Bush had no idea there was a difference between Sunni and Shiite. All they saw were "Muslims". By not knowing the religions or the people, there was no understanding of what "not to do". So Republicans blundered into doing everything wrong they could possibly imagine.

Iraq had an active duty military of 250,000 and an inactive reserve of 500,000 making it one of the largest armies in the world. Bush and the Republicans fired them. Just let 250,000 armed and trained men go. Suddenly they had no jobs and no money for their families. But they still had their weapons and a new found hatred of the US.

If Bush and the GOP knew anything about the Iraqis, they never would have put Shiites into power thereby creating a sister state with Iran.

Republicans helped those Shiites author a right wing, extreme Islamic Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution


And now we're forced to deal with the consequences of a failed, illegal war.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Not really.

I understand that Obama has been president for the past 6 years, but was never qualified for the job, and has completely screwed up Iraq during this period.

^The type of bias that disgraces America.

So we saw Big Oil Bush go to war with Iraq and we saw them burn the Oil Fields. Did we see WMD's?......

Your entire perspective is DECADES old and you still refuse to learn anything....

The only reason we have stayed in Iraq was because VP Cheney was a head member of Halliburton, a Construction Corporation that is also a head of the Federal Reserve. We have been rebuilding Iraq because of our "oops" and here is the debt clock

Don't get me wrong, Obama prey's on profits too. Lot's come from the same sources. But to ignore the Bush/Iraq ignorance is ignorance of politics in general. Obama could have pulled out years ago, but same puppet master.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Of course, the invasion was the first problem. Iraq never attacked the United States. They didn't ask to be "freed". The saw us from the first as invaders, not liberators.

The most obvious is that Republicans and Bush had no idea there was a difference between Sunni and Shiite. All they saw were "Muslims". By not knowing the religions or the people, there was no understanding of what "not to do". So Republicans blundered into doing everything wrong they could possibly imagine.

Iraq had an active duty military of 250,000 and an inactive reserve of 500,000 making it one of the largest armies in the world. Bush and the Republicans fired them. Just let 250,000 armed and trained men go. Suddenly they had no jobs and no money for their families. But they still had their weapons and a new found hatred of the US.

If Bush and the GOP knew anything about the Iraqis, they never would have put Shiites into power thereby creating a sister state with Iran.

Republicans helped those Shiites author a right wing, extreme Islamic Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

Sorry dude.

Obama has stated 32 times Al-Qaeda was decimated, the path to defeat or running scared.

ISIS is part of Al-Qaeda and Obama did not even recognize their resurgence and tried to convince the world terrorists were no longer a threat.

“Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin Laden is dead.”

He has had his own head so far up his own ass, his administration did not even think they were reorganizing and coming back stronger than before.

After all, how does the saying go?

You cut the head off a snake, it grows another one. You cut that one off, you find another...
Obama OKs air strikes, U.S. starts humanitarian Iraq aid | Detroit Free Press |

You're a pathetic hack who thought you could get out in front of this story where your boy is invading and attacking Iraq.. You know, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who clusterfucked Iraq and made the death of US service members in vain.. now he's having to go back in like the fuck up he is and you toadies are eating his asshole .. DESPICABLE AND TRANSPARENT.. so just STFU already.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Of course, the invasion was the first problem. Iraq never attacked the United States. They didn't ask to be "freed". The saw us from the first as invaders, not liberators.

The most obvious is that Republicans and Bush had no idea there was a difference between Sunni and Shiite. All they saw were "Muslims". By not knowing the religions or the people, there was no understanding of what "not to do". So Republicans blundered into doing everything wrong they could possibly imagine.

Iraq had an active duty military of 250,000 and an inactive reserve of 500,000 making it one of the largest armies in the world. Bush and the Republicans fired them. Just let 250,000 armed and trained men go. Suddenly they had no jobs and no money for their families. But they still had their weapons and a new found hatred of the US.

If Bush and the GOP knew anything about the Iraqis, they never would have put Shiites into power thereby creating a sister state with Iran.

Republicans helped those Shiites author a right wing, extreme Islamic Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

Iraqis certainly did ask for US assistance.

The Kurds' Story | The Survival Of Saddam | FRONTLINE | PBS
What is happening currently in Iraq has nothing to do with Bush. Give it up rdean. ISIS was nothing but a two bit wannabe jihadist organization until the conflict in Syria.

Obama owns ISIS. Period full stop.

So do other western leaders including my very own conservative PM Harper who were so bloody invested in trying to depose Assad they turned a blind eye to Baghdadi and his ISIS as they became the most powerful and wealthy terror army this world has ever seen.

All the blood that ISIS sheds is on their hands.

Parts of ISIS is made up of the Sunni's that Bush and the Republicans disenfranchised.

What is wrong with you people? You can't be this ignorant. You just can't be. It must be drugs, booze or stupid. What is it?

Iraq’s Sunnis Will Kick Out ISIS After Dumping Maliki: Ex-CIA Official

Let Sunnis Defeat Iraq’s Militants

The group’s ideology is a perversion of Islam and an affront to our culture. Yet the group gets local support. The Sunni tribes defeated Al Qaeda in Iraq, its predecessor, less than a decade ago. Today, they cooperate with ISIS (which now calls itself the Islamic State) — not as fanatics, but because they see it as the lesser of two evils, compared with Mr. Maliki.

Meanwhile, the government murders Sunni detainees and bombs civilian areas. The killing of Sunnis by Iranian-backed Shiite militias and the presence of Iranian military advisers on the ground deepen suspicion that Iraq’s government serves Iran, not Iraqis. This pushes more Sunnis toward ISIS, increasing the threat it poses to Iraq’s people and neighbors.


If USMB Republicans don't understand that Republicans created a "sister state" for Iran, then how can they discuss anything and make sense? Their lack of knowing anything of value blows my mind.

Fool. This is not about "Sunnis feeling disenfranchised". Not at all.

And ISIS will tell you their movement is not about hurt feelings. Or being sad that they don't have a bigger role in government. Or treated better at a ballot box.

That's western propaganda. Complete and utter bullshit.
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Not really.

I understand that Obama has been president for the past 6 years, but was never qualified for the job, and has completely screwed up Iraq during this period.

Can you actually explain how you think Obama has completely screwed up
Iraq using facts as the basis for your evaluation? Or is all you can do is generalized right-winger cliche's and ignorance based slurs?
To understand why there are no solutions, you have to understand what Bush and the Republicans did to Iraq to put that country in such a terrible position.

Not really.

I understand that Obama has been president for the past 6 years, but was never qualified for the job, and has completely screwed up Iraq during this period.

Can you actually explain how you think Obama has completely screwed up
Iraq using facts as the basis for your evaluation? Or is all you can do is generalized right-winger cliche's and ignorance based slurs?

Obama is responsible for Iraq crisis

WASHINGTON — Yes, it is true that there was no al-Qaida in Iraq when George W. Bush took office. But it is equally true that there was essentially no al-Qaida in Iraq remaining when Barack Obama took office.

Which makes Bush responsible for the terrible costs incurred to defeat the 2003-09 jihadist war engendered by his invasion. We can debate forever whether those costs were worth it, but what is not debatable is Obama's responsibility for the return of the Islamist insurgency that had been routed by the time he became president.

By 2009, al-Qaida in Iraq had not just been decimated but humiliated by the American surge and the Anbar Awakening. Here were aggrieved Sunnis, having ferociously fought the Americans who had overthrown 80 years of Sunni hegemony, now reversing allegiance and joining the infidel invader in crushing, indeed extirpating from Iraq, their fellow Sunnis of al-Qaida.

At the same time, Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki turned the Iraqi army against radical Shiite militias from Basra all the way north to Baghdad.

The result? "A sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq." That's not Bush congratulating himself. That's Obama in December 2011 describing the Iraq we were leaving behind. He called it "an extraordinary achievement."

Which Obama proceeded to throw away. David Petraeus had won the war. Obama's one task was to conclude a status-of-forces agreement (SOFA) to solidify the gains. By Obama's own admission — in the case he's now making for a status-of-forces agreement with Afghanistan — such agreements are necessary "because after all the sacrifices we've made, we want to preserve the gains" achieved by war.

Which is what made his failure to do so in Iraq so disastrous. His excuse was his inability to get immunity for U.S. soldiers. Nonsense. Bush had worked out a compromise in his 2008 SOFA, as we have done with allies everywhere. The real problem was Obama's reluctance to maintain any significant presence in Iraq.

The result was predictable. And predicted. Overnight, Iran and its promotion of Shiite supremacy became the dominant influence in Iraq. The day after the U.S. departure, Maliki ordered the arrest of the Sunni vice president. He cut off funding for the Sons of Iraq, the Sunnis who had fought with us against al-Qaida. And subsequently so persecuted and alienated Sunnis that they were ready to welcome back al-Qaida in Iraq — rebranded in its Syrian refuge as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria — as the lesser of two evils. Hence the stunningly swift ISIS capture of so much of Iraq.

But the jihadist revival is the result of a double Obama abdication: creating a vacuum not just in Iraq but in Syria.

Faced with a de facto jihadi state spanning both countries, a surprised Obama now has little choice but to try to re-create overnight, from scratch and in miniature, the kind of U.S. presence — providing intelligence, tactical advice and perhaps even air support — he abjured three years ago

His announcement that he is sending 300 military advisers is a pale substitute but the only option Obama has left himself. The leverage he forfeited will be hard to reclaim. But it's our only chance to keep Iraq out of the hands of the Sunni jihadists of ISIS and the Shiite jihadists of Tehran.

Obama is responsible for Iraq crisis
This is not about "Sunnis feeling disenfranchised". Not at all.

And ISIS will tell you their movement is not about hurt feelings. Or being sad that they don't have a bigger role in government. Or treated better at a ballot box.

Iraq's Sunnis are not at all aligned with the IS terrorist ideology. That is why Sunnis destroyed al Qaeda in Iraq in 2006 and 2007 in what was called the Anbar awakening. Sunnis will do it again if Maliki steps down and a more inclusive government is formed. Obama see Maliki as the enabling reason IS terrorists have invaded do Obama will not put US fighters in the sky to be seen as the US being Maliki's Air Force. The Commander In Chief explained it quite well again last night. But those who hate the man don't listen directly to him. They prefer his words be filtered thorough a Radio news entertainment jockey spinning it all for their pleasure of hating.
We invaded Iraq, destabilized the country, got tens of thousands of Americans and countless innocent other people maimed or killed and then we left without cleaning up our mess.

And please let's not forget that democrats voted to invade as well as republicans.
By 2009, al-Qaida in Iraq had not just been decimated but humiliated by the American surge and the Anbar Awakening. Here were aggrieved Sunnis, having ferociously fought the Americans who had overthrown 80 years of Sunni hegemony, now reversing allegiance and joining the infidel invader in crushing, indeed extirpating from Iraq, their fellow Sunnis of al-Qaida.

At the same time, Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki turned the Iraqi army against radical Shiite militias from Basra all the way north to Baghdad.

The result? "A sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq." That's not Bush congratulating himself. That's Obama in December 2011 describing the Iraq we were leaving behind. He called it "an extraordinary achievement."

Which Obama proceeded to throw away.

David Petraeus had won the war. Obama's one task was to conclude a status-of-forces agreement (SOFA) to solidify the gains. By Obama's own admission — in the case he's now making for a status-of-forces agreement with Afghanistan — such agreements are necessary "because after all the sacrifices we've made, we want to preserve the gains" achieved by war.

Which is what made his failure to do so in Iraq so disastrous. His excuse was his inability to get immunity for U.S. soldiers. Nonsense. Bush had worked out a compromise in his 2008 SOFA, as we have done with allies everywhere. The real problem was Obama's reluctance to maintain any significant presence

Obama is responsible for Iraq crisis

We know where Charles Krauthammer is coming from don't we? He can be proven wrong as he was in 2003 by refuting his bulkshit lie that Obama had the chance to get immunity for troops to stay in Iraq that would be approved by Iraq's parliament. Bush negotiated with a weak not sovereign government in 2008 and barely got the sOFA passed. In 2010 the Maliki government was stronger, a million man army and he headed a sovereign nation for two years.

No way was there going to be an extension of the SOFA without overthrowing the government again. No way.

The current events are on the sovereign government of Iraq and no one else.

Bush is responsible for creating the entire mess overall and putting the Maliki
Government in place.

It was Msliki that demanded the UN authorization for US troops be ended in 2009. Bush failed to get Maliki to abandon that since Maliki Could not be trusted to continue and hold the gains made by the start of 2009.

Krauthammer can be refuted several more ways and I will
so over time. So try not to run away.
By 2009, al-Qaida in Iraq had not just been decimated but humiliated by the American surge and the Anbar Awakening. Here were aggrieved Sunnis, having ferociously fought the Americans who had overthrown 80 years of Sunni hegemony, now reversing allegiance and joining the infidel invader in crushing, indeed extirpating from Iraq, their fellow Sunnis of al-Qaida.

At the same time, Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki turned the Iraqi army against radical Shiite militias from Basra all the way north to Baghdad.

The result? "A sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq." That's not Bush congratulating himself. That's Obama in December 2011 describing the Iraq we were leaving behind. He called it "an extraordinary achievement."

Which Obama proceeded to throw away.

David Petraeus had won the war. Obama's one task was to conclude a status-of-forces agreement (SOFA) to solidify the gains. By Obama's own admission — in the case he's now making for a status-of-forces agreement with Afghanistan — such agreements are necessary "because after all the sacrifices we've made, we want to preserve the gains" achieved by war.

Which is what made his failure to do so in Iraq so disastrous. His excuse was his inability to get immunity for U.S. soldiers. Nonsense. Bush had worked out a compromise in his 2008 SOFA, as we have done with allies everywhere. The real problem was Obama's reluctance to maintain any significant presence

Obama is responsible for Iraq crisis

We know where Charles Krauthammer is coming from don't we? He can be proven wrong as he was in 2003 by refuting his bulkshit lie that Obama had the chance to get immunity for troops to stay in Iraq that would be approved by Iraq's parliament. Bush negotiated with a weak not sovereign government in 2008 and barely got the sOFA passed. In 2010 the Maliki government was stronger, a million man army and he headed a sovereign nation for two years.

No way was there going to be an extension of the SOFA without overthrowing the government again. No way.

The current events are on the sovereign government of Iraq and no one else.

Bush is responsible for creating the entire mess overall and putting the Maliki
Government in place.

It was Msliki that demanded the UN authorization for US troops be ended in 2009. Bush failed to get Maliki to abandon that since Maliki Could not be trusted to continue and hold the gains made by the start of 2009.

Krauthammer can be refuted several more ways and I will
so over time. So try not to run away.

You state there was no way for an extension of SoFA except you forgot to add factual information to back your claim. Additionally, since you are stating baseless facts, so to did Obama so he didn't try? Nice

It's Obama's mess plain and simple. But they, if it makes you sleep at night and perhaps brings you handouts, then I completely understand where you're coming from

BULLSHIT. Have him step aside then and give an optimist a shot at it . Fuck this loser attitude.

Obama is not the President of Iraq, so him stepping down has nothing to do with it. I disagree with the premise of the OP that there are no solutions. There is one great solution. Maliki steps down and the US assists a genuine inclusive government with air strikes..... and more military aid.... than currently receiving.... If Maliki steps down as Sistani and even Iran wants him to do.

There's a solution... and hopefully it comes soon.

But there is no American military solution by us if Maliki stays in and refuses to form an inclusive government.

We can't be seen as Maliki's air force bailing him out. It just won't work.
You state there was no way for an extension of SoFA except you forgot to add factual information to back your claim.

Was the SOFA extended beyond 2010? No, That is my fact. You and Krauthammer think it could have been extended but you have no facts to back it up. And you never will find a fact that supports your outlandish claim.

My original fact that you are ignoring was that Iraq was a two year old totally sovereign state by the end of 2011. Obama had no cards or incentives to convince the people of Iraq that the fucked up job that Bush did in Iraq should be continued by the presence of combat troops and or trainers with immunity from Iraqi law.
Obama had no cards or incentives to convince the people of Iraq that the fucked up job that Bush did in Iraq should be continued by the presence of combat troops and or trainers with immunity from Iraqi law.

Obama had no "cards or incentives"



So Obama becomes leader of the most powerful nation on Earth and it suddenly become impotent.

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