
Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.
Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.

There are some people who need therapy who I would not like to see holding an axe.

Just sayin'...
200 bucks for a cord of i got to be real nice to the guy who brings me wood...real nice...he owns a tree i get a call on occasion...saying he is dropping off a load of logs...

i did give him a bottle of his favorite tequila for his birthday..does that count....
I agree with Skull, good, hard physical labor can cure many a thing, be it feeling blah in the mind or in the body.
Good advice from Mr. Skullpilot. When the children were young I would grab a shovel and start working my way through the back yard digging up weeds. You can hack, shovel and beat dirt all day long and it helps it grow things better the next time you decide to plant in it. If that did not do it I'd borrow a sledge hammer and an axe from the neighbor and beat the heck out of something I wanted to cleanup and get out of the yard. We had this old storage cave that was caving in and needed to be removed. It took about three times of major frustration to fully eliminate the darn thing and when it when it was gone and fill in with all that dirt I shoveled the kids had a nice place to play
200 bucks for a cord of i got to be real nice to the guy who brings me wood...real nice...he owns a tree i get a call on occasion...saying he is dropping off a load of logs...

i did give him a bottle of his favorite tequila for his birthday..does that count....

I have an in with a tree guy too but not everyone can do that and I can't always get all the wood I need from him.

But I love splitting wood. I do have a gas powered hydraulic splitter but I only use that for the real nasty knotty pieces of wood all the rest I swing a maul or axe.

Just think if you did take my advice and split a cord of wood you could sell it and buy another. Then you could cancel your gym membership and save some money.
Good advice from Mr. Skullpilot. When the children were young I would grab a shovel and start working my way through the back yard digging up weeds. You can hack, shovel and beat dirt all day long and it helps it grow things better the next time you decide to plant in it. If that did not do it I'd borrow a sledge hammer and an axe from the neighbor and beat the heck out of something I wanted to cleanup and get out of the yard. We had this old storage cave that was caving in and needed to be removed. It took about three times of major frustration to fully eliminate the darn thing and when it when it was gone and fill in with all that dirt I shoveled the kids had a nice place to play

If the benefits of hard physical exercise could be got from a pill, it would be the most prescribed medicine in the world.
Good advice from Mr. Skullpilot. When the children were young I would grab a shovel and start working my way through the back yard digging up weeds. You can hack, shovel and beat dirt all day long and it helps it grow things better the next time you decide to plant in it. If that did not do it I'd borrow a sledge hammer and an axe from the neighbor and beat the heck out of something I wanted to cleanup and get out of the yard. We had this old storage cave that was caving in and needed to be removed. It took about three times of major frustration to fully eliminate the darn thing and when it when it was gone and fill in with all that dirt I shoveled the kids had a nice place to play

If the benefits of hard physical exercise could be got from a pill, it would be the most prescribed medicine in the world.

We hauled some trash to the dump one day years ago. There was a little old man that was there when we got there emptying his small trailer. We got everything off the pickup and the trailer and went over to see if we could help the old guy. He said, "No thank you, I'm 98 years old and my birthday is next month. This keeps me young. I may be slow but I'm still going." I believe he was right. We need a certain amount of physical labor to keep our reactors going and the fire burning so to speak.
Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.

I have a personal friend who is a psychologist. He says that the best cure for depression is a regular exercise program.

I know that when I am working out regularly, I feel great and when I'm slacking off, I don't feel so great.
Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.

I have a personal friend who is a psychologist. He says that the best cure for depression is a regular exercise program.

I know that when I am working out regularly, I feel great and when I'm slacking off, I don't feel so great.

I always laugh at those who think a regular exercise program involves joining a gym and buying stupid gadgets.
Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.

I have a personal friend who is a psychologist. He says that the best cure for depression is a regular exercise program.

I know that when I am working out regularly, I feel great and when I'm slacking off, I don't feel so great.

I always laugh at those who think a regular exercise program involves joining a gym and buying stupid gadgets.

I hope you're not talking to me, because I have never belonged to a gym in my life. I buy a lot of stupid gadgets, but they have nothing to do with an exercise program.
Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.

lol ~ Can you make me a pitcher of lemonade before you go?

I agree. Exercise is great therapy for stress and depression. As is a balanced diet.

Skull, when I was a teenager, I was given an ax, sledge, and a couple of wedges to use on hickory logs in the backyard.

I was never depressed, suffering from any sort of mental disorder, or whatever-the-fuck is Wrong With Kids These Days.

Of course, it never occured to me to refuse to work, because I'd get my ass kicked.

So, when I had (have) a teenager, I gave him the ax, sledge, wedges, and hickory logs.

Looked at me like I had lost my fucking mind, refused to work, then broke the handles on the ax and the sledge.

Did I kick his ass?

Why do we even wonder?

Sorry amigo, but Today's Therapy Costs $$$ and the District Attourney will bring you to court to convence you if necessary.
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Therapy my ass

If you need help dealing with the stresses of everyday life or if you're depressed or blue screw therapy and listen to me.

Spend 200 bucks and get a cord of unsplit wood dropped in your driveway

then buy a 10 pound splitting maul, an axe and a couple of 5 pound steel wedges and get to work

I guarantee by the time you're done with splitting and stacking that cord of wood, you'll feel a whole lot better.

Now I have to get back to therapy before i kill you all.

I have a personal friend who is a psychologist. He says that the best cure for depression is a regular exercise program.

I know that when I am working out regularly, I feel great and when I'm slacking off, I don't feel so great.

It is commonly prescribed by therapists to those with clinical depression to get up, take a shower, and get the hell OUT! Go do something. Anything. Exercise. Wander your favorite bookstore. Walk through the park and feed the ducks. This is still my favorite prescription for the blues or minor ailments like colds. Get some hygiene, put on your favorite clothes, do your hair and makeup (if you're female or a tranny), and go do something that you enjoy.

However, it still doesn't hurt to have someone objective to talk to, if only because hearing yourself articulate your problems often helps you to find solutions.
There seem to be many people who visit therapists for a medical condition like depression and anxiety that don't seem to improove. Now there are many reasons for this.
yet, I wonder: can someone audit these therapists providing a medical service to see if they ever successfuly treat (cure) their patients?

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