

Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I am new to the board. I'm coming from another board in which the mods social engineer constantly. They allowed liberal posters to flame conservatives and find any possible way to stifle conservative speech.

And I don't even consider myself a conservative necessarily. I just know that I'm not an uber-liberal zombie. I just think I have common sense. Frankly I can sympathize with many liberal concepts. And frankly many real conservative concepts would be considered liberal to the average Republican. I think Ron Paul is showing us that.

But back to the board, I was fleeing from. On that board, I was replying to a George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin thread. I stated that blacks are murdering at unparalleled numbers and yet they are rushing to judgement in an alleged murder. The board's mods called that a 'generalization' and that any race generalization went against their policies on bigotry and racism (even though it actually didn't).

I was just like, are you for real? You can't possibly have real discussion with that type of uber liberal social engineering. It's funny too, b/c if I would have made a generalization like whites are greedy b/c look at this or that or religious people are naive b/c of this or that then there wouldn't have been any trouble (not that there should've been. Adverse opinions are a part of conversation, even ones that regard race or religion).

I just decided I had enough of that biased manipulative condescending jazz and I left.

Well. I have no idea what to expect but at a glance I really think I can enjoy this board. I hope I'm right and that there is some decent activity here.

Also, once I tried to join another political forum. The mods would actually try to nitpick for opinions that they did not find fit their narrative and then they would literally decide if it should be posted. I think I got like one of four actual posts posted. And they were pretty ho hum posts but that's how much they wanted to thought police. I quickly left that site.

I assume that this is all r/t. And the terms made it sound like the mods aren't even trying to read every post (which is logical). I'm certainly not trying to offend anyone, but I think it's important to have r/t convo and not cow tow to over sensitive nimrods either.


Thee Great Gatsby
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Hello and welcome....hope you find it pleasant here.

Nothing against you....but I sure hate that movie ~LoL~
LOL: After reading the book and then watching the movie, I dind't like it either. Then I watched it again 15 years later and was like this is kinda cool. Try it again. It's on youtube last I checked.

And I think I will like it here. The site I was at, I actually paid to be a premium member (they had games) and they still wanted to label me racist for having an adverse racial opinion that was legitimate.

I'm fine with trying to have respectful dialogue. But that wasn't that. That was just flat out social engineering and liberal condescension at its finest.
You'll get labeled as a racist here as well. And the dialogue isn't respectful.

But if you stick to the rules you should be able to say what you please without getting shut down.
LOL. I don't care if 10,000 idiots want to label me whatever and only 5 say hey you're a swell fella. I just don't want to be on a site in which mods are socially engineering for the sake of their political narrative.
koshergrl pretty much stated the facts. I will add that the mods here are GREAT in my opinion, and I do mean that. They are fair and without their own agendas.

I very much enjoyed reading your Introduction, TheGreatGatsby and I loved the book and the movie. :D Can't wait to hear more of you, as you begin posting.

Thanks. I'm actually a bit lightheaded at the moment. But I'll be getting into the political dialogue soon, in the upcoming hours or days most likely.

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