The Worst Trolls On The Internet Are Government Trolls...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
We have all run into them. All over the Internet, there are horrible trolls that seem to delight in making life miserable for other people. But the worst trolls of all are the government trolls. And thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have some startling new evidence of what really goes on behind the scenes. According to newly revealed documents, British spy agency GCHQ is manipulating online discussions, infiltrating the computers of specific targets, purposely destroying reputations, altering the results of online polls, and using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for propaganda and espionage purposes. If people don’t start getting outraged about this now, the governments of the western world are going to see it as a green light to do even more. Eventually, it might get so bad that we won’t be able to trust much of anything that we see on the Internet.

There is a lot about the Internet that is really awful, but one great thing about it is the fact that it has allowed average individuals to communicate on a mass scale unlike ever before. As the general population has become aware of how powerful of a tool the Internet can be, the elite have become extremely alarmed. Unlike so many other things in our society, it has not been something that they have been able to easily control.

But the elite have been starting to catch up to all of this new technology and are learning how to use it for their own purposes. Thanks to Snowden, we now have a list of specific tools that GCHQ has been using to manipulate the Internet. The following is a short excerpt from a recent ZDNet article about these new revelations…

A number of interesting tools and their short descriptions are below:...
» The Worst Trolls On The Internet Are The Government Trolls Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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Here's some more info on what Snowden has revealed...

GCHQ's dark arts: Leaked documents reveal online manipulation, Facebook, YouTube snooping

GCHQ has developed a toolkit of software programs used to manipulate online traffic, infiltrate users' computers and spread select messages across social media sites including Facebook and YouTube.

The UK spy agency's dark arts were revealed in documents first published by The Intercept, and each piece of software is described in a wiki document written up by GCHQ's Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG). The document, which reads like a software inventory, calls the tools part of the agency's "weaponised capability."...

GCHQ's dark arts: Leaked documents reveal online manipulation, Facebook, YouTube snooping | ZDNet
Yep, I was just commenting on a thread in General Discussion that there are new accounts on USMB that are less than 30 days old that have accumulated more than 1500 posts.

1500/30 = 150/3 = 50 posts per day.

It also happens to be that each and everyone of these accounts are ALWAYS Pro-Government and some recognizable shade of Progressivism.

They also tend to have THANK ratios in posts where they are thanked in the 8:1 to 10:1 numbers; whereas, 1.2 -2.0 is the average for accounts that post at normal frequencies.
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Yep, I was just commenting on a thread in General Discussion that there are new accounts on USMB that are less than 30 days old that have accumulated more than 1500 posts.

1500/30 = 150/3 = 50 posts per day.

It also happens to be that each and everyone of these accounts are ALWAYS Pro-Government and some recognizable shade of Progressivism.

They also tend to have THANK ratios in posts where they are thanked in the 8:1 to 10:1 numbers; whereas, 1.2 -2.0 is the average for accounts that post at normal frequencies.

Oh, Government Trolls are everywhere. You can usually spot em though. They're just a tad bit too All-In on that Big Brother control stuff. There's very likely a few on this Board right now.
The guberment is gonna gitcha!

I think there are paid Teaper trolls floating around this forum. Then the White Nationalist trolls, trying to recruit the teaper lemmings. Then the gay left trolls, trying to destroy America with amorality. Of course, let's not forget about German trolls, trying to infiltrate the weak minded people with the mutant German gene of hate. And the canadian trolls...well they are insignificant.

Trolls everywhere! BLAME OBAMA! It is the government's fault! Blame BOOSH! Blame Hillary!
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The guberment is gonna gitcha!

I think their are paid Teaper trolls floating around this forum. Then the White Nationalist trolls, trying to recruit the teaper lemmings. Then the gay left trolls, trying to destroy America with amorality. Of course, let's not forget about German trolls, trying to infiltrate the weak minded people with the mutant German gene of hate. And the canadian trolls...well they are insignificant.

Trolls everywhere! BLAME OBAMA! It is the government's fault! Blame BOOSH! Blame Hillary!

Man, you Government Trolls are getting dumber and more useless by the day. We demand our money back. Tax Money doesn't grow on trees for God's sake.
The guberment is gonna gitcha!

I think their are paid Teaper trolls floating around this forum. Then the White Nationalist trolls, trying to recruit the teaper lemmings. Then the gay left trolls, trying to destroy America with amorality. Of course, let's not forget about German trolls, trying to infiltrate the weak minded people with the mutant German gene of hate. And the canadian trolls...well they are insignificant.

Trolls everywhere! BLAME OBAMA! It is the government's fault! Blame BOOSH! Blame Hillary!

Man, you Government Trolls are getting dumber and more useless by the day. We demand our money back. Tax Money doesn't grow on trees for God's sake.

:lol: Says the man that thinks anyone who disagrees with him is a government troll.

This should be in the conspiracy theory forum.
Why wouldn't you think the Government is monitoring this board?

Speaking of Government Trolls. Right on cue. So predictable. :badgrin:

We get paid to monitor and report your activities to the Internet Police

What did you think happened to all those USMB "Banned" posters?

Funny only to your fellow Big Brother Worship-Bots. I don't have any problem believing you're a Government Troll. You fit the profile perfectly. It is what it is.
Speaking of Government Trolls. Right on cue. So predictable. :badgrin:

We get paid to monitor and report your activities to the Internet Police

What did you think happened to all those USMB "Banned" posters?

Funny only to your fellow Big Brother Worship-Bots. I don't have any problem believing you're a Government Troll. You fit the profile perfectly. It is what it is.

I will neither confirm nor deny who pays me to post here
Yep, I was just commenting on a thread in General Discussion that there are new accounts on USMB that are less than 30 days old that have accumulated more than 1500 posts.

1500/30 = 150/3 = 50 posts per day.

It also happens to be that each and everyone of these accounts are ALWAYS Pro-Government and some recognizable shade of Progressivism.

They also tend to have THANK ratios in posts where they are thanked in the 8:1 to 10:1 numbers; whereas, 1.2 -2.0 is the average for accounts that post at normal frequencies.

Oh, Government Trolls are everywhere. You can usually spot em though. They're just a tad bit too All-In on that Big Brother control stuff. There's very likely a few on this Board right now.

They are called Authoritarians. And they usually come from one party

Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is a personality and ideological variable studied in political, social, and personality psychology. Right-wing authoritarians are people who have a high degree of willingness to submit to authorities they perceive as established and legitimate, who adhere to societal conventions and norms, and who are hostile and punitive in their attitudes towards people who don't adhere to them. They value uniformity and are in favour of using group authority, including coercion, to achieve it.

Homeland Security?
Terror Color Alerts?
Warrentless Wiretapping?

Any of that sound familiar?
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I get paid $1000 for every poster I turn over to the Internet Police

Yep, I was just commenting on a thread in General Discussion that there are new accounts on USMB that are less than 30 days old that have accumulated more than 1500 posts.

1500/30 = 150/3 = 50 posts per day.

It also happens to be that each and everyone of these accounts are ALWAYS Pro-Government and some recognizable shade of Progressivism.

They also tend to have THANK ratios in posts where they are thanked in the 8:1 to 10:1 numbers; whereas, 1.2 -2.0 is the average for accounts that post at normal frequencies.

you might want to take off your partisan blinders because the biggest trolls on the board are the new rightwingnut gubmint hating Obama deranged trolls.

silly wabbit
I think the nazi wannabe White Nationalist Trolls outnumber the Gubmint Trolls five to one on this forum.

Hey...does being a Gubmint Troll pay well? Is it salaried, or an hourly wage, or pay-per-post?

"Uncle Sam is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life..."
The guberment is gonna gitcha!

I think their are paid Teaper trolls floating around this forum. Then the White Nationalist trolls, trying to recruit the teaper lemmings. Then the gay left trolls, trying to destroy America with amorality. Of course, let's not forget about German trolls, trying to infiltrate the weak minded people with the mutant German gene of hate. And the canadian trolls...well they are insignificant.

Trolls everywhere! BLAME OBAMA! It is the government's fault! Blame BOOSH! Blame Hillary!

Man, you Government Trolls are getting dumber and more useless by the day. We demand our money back. Tax Money doesn't grow on trees for God's sake.

:lol: Says the man that thinks anyone who disagrees with him is a government troll.

This should be in the conspiracy theory forum.

Nah, not anyone. But some, yes. Like i said, it's very likely there's a couple Government Trolls on this Board right now. Are you one of em? I doubt it. Just my feeling anyway.
I think the nazi wannabe White Nationalist Trolls outnumber the Gubmint Trolls five to one on this forum.

Hey...does being a Gubmint Troll pay well? Is it salaried, or an hourly wage, or pay-per-post?

"Uncle Sam is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life..."

I get $5 a post and $1000 for every subversive poster I turn in to the Internet Police
Man, you Government Trolls are getting dumber and more useless by the day. We demand our money back. Tax Money doesn't grow on trees for God's sake.

:lol: Says the man that thinks anyone who disagrees with him is a government troll.

This should be in the conspiracy theory forum.

Nah, not anyone. But some, yes. Like i said, it's very likely there's a couple Government Trolls on this Board right now. Are you one of em? I doubt it. Just my feeling anyway.
No, the organization that pays me is more powerful than the government. The government doesn't matter, they don't control America. My employer does!

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