The worst oppressive enemies of the U.S. align with the left


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies and efforts.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator whose views perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Russian agents working to undermine America’s fossil fuel industry use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media tools to spread propaganda and try to turn U.S. public opinion against domestic energy production, according to a new congressional report.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies and efforts.

Russia Uses Facebook to Hurt Pipelines, Other US Energy Projects
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies and efforts.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US
Another thing he has in common with Trump.
Nobody would invade us because on top of the biggest military in the world, half of every household has a gun.
Of course our enemies would love us to be disarmed.
The reich gets off on the idea of all firearms being confiscated. But the real truth is only assault type weapons would be illegal. They would not be taken away just not legal to buy anymore. So if you have them no one cares unless you make threats or are goofy, like most conservatives are.
Folks really need to see the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It's currently running on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. The Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs.

Once the Communists seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. They have much more damage planned. Americans just need to become aware of what's going on. They need to fight them at every turn. It begins at the Ballot Box.
Folks really need to see the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It's currently running on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. The Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs.

Once the Communists seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. They have much more damage planned. Americans just need to become aware of what's going on. They need to fight them at every turn. It begins at the Ballot Box.
Yes it does and getting the cant serve atives out is primary importance. We can see with rumputin how they will give our nation to anyone who has money.
The reich gets off on the idea of all firearms being confiscated. But the real truth is only assault type weapons would be illegal. They would not be taken away just not legal to buy anymore. So if you have them no one cares unless you make threats or are goofy, like most conservatives are.

Or try to sell it or give it to an asshole.
Folks really need to see the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It's currently running on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. The Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs.

Once the Communists seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. They have much more damage planned. Americans just need to become aware of what's going on. They need to fight them at every turn. It begins at the Ballot Box.
Yes it does and getting the cant serve atives out is primary importance. We can see with rumputin how they will give our nation to anyone who has money.

I see you're a Useful Idiot, but you should still watch the film 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It might just cause you to reconsider your loyalty to the Communists. Check it out.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies and efforts.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

The Blaze????

Does anyone here think the ayatollah has a twitter account? The account posting these tweets is unverified. Especially questionable is his women’s rights tweets. This is a Fundalmental Islamist in a country where women have few rights. Yeah. He wrote that. Sure he did.

There really is no cure for stupid.
Folks really need to see the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It's currently running on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. The Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs.

Once the Communists seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. They have much more damage planned. Americans just need to become aware of what's going on. They need to fight them at every turn. It begins at the Ballot Box.
Yes it does and getting the cant serve atives out is primary importance. We can see with rumputin how they will give our nation to anyone who has money.

I see you're a Useful Idiot, but you should still watch the film 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It might just cause you to reconsider your loyalty to the Communists. Check it out.
They are basically using the courts, and our rights against us. This is why Marxists like Obama Bin Lying are so important to their cause, because he can populate the courts with Liberal Anti-American Activist Judges.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies and efforts.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US
Does anyone here think the ayatollah has a twitter account?
Hahahahahahahaha! Now she’s denying widely reported, public information. :lmao:
The reich gets off on the idea of all firearms being confiscated. But the real truth is only assault type weapons would be illegal.
1. That is exactly what you dimwits said in 1986. And yet here you are - back for more firearms.

2. Tell us my fragile little snowflake, what constitutes an “assault type weapon”? That phrase alone is why people ignorant about firearms should never discuss firearms.
Does anyone here think the ayatollah has a twitter account?
The Washington Examiner sure does... :lmao:

Iranian supreme leader: US inability to pass gun control is the result of 'corruption'

The Washington Examiner is no better or different from the Blaze. Hardly credible sources. Both were used to disseminate fake news stories pushed by Russian bots.

The notion that the Ayatollah was speaking out in favour of women’s rights is laughable.
Once again - we see that the views of a violent, oppressive dictator who refers to himself as “The Supreme Leader” perfectly aligns with the views of the left (just like they did with Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is applauding the notion of a disarmed American citizenry.
It says everything that America’s enemies applaud and support the left’s policies and efforts.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US
Trump has aligned himself with one of the biggest criminals in the world. He takes opposition party heads off the street and they’re never seen again. About 50 journalists have disappeared off the face of the earth for printing the truth about him. Figure out who I’m talking about yet?
Trump’s best buddy. Criminal Vladimir Putin.
This traitorous President actually invited Russian spies into the Oval Office. First time that has ever happened. The dumb son of a bitch revealed classified information to them too. Did you see the picture of them laughing and slapping each other on the back? They must have been thinking,” Vlad told us this guy was an easy mark. I never imagined he’d be this stupid.”

Yes.... that would be your lord and savior. The dumbest and 2nd most corrupt man in the world. Donald Trump.

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