The Witcher


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Ok. I'm confused. I know the time frame jumps I get that. But I don't get a few other things.

Who was the vamp female monster Gerault did not kill? Siri?

Yenn...she is now beautiful. But what did that have to do with the vamp female monster?

They are all connected but I am not savvy yet to what the hell is going on. Can someone 'splain to me?
I have a hard time understanding what the hell they are saying too, so..that doesn't help me at all. My ears..or the speakers on my tv...or the mumbling they do. Could be all the above.

Siri has weird eyes. Hell, she is weird, period.

The woman in episode 1...was she siri's mother? Cursed or some such? And now the daughter is or was?

Yenn..she is half elf? What did she have done to herself to become beautiful? Looked like some kind of abortion.

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