The Whacky World of Sarah Palin: good gawd almight, the lady is a tramp

since obama was elected, experience is no requirement. palin has common sense and she scares you guys to death. i don't know why people say obama is smart, i'll take common sense over harvard any day. ted kasinski went to harvard, timothy leary, and he's dead. so when palin's elected president you can wonder why you thought she was so stupint, and so will you. obamavitch would rather be a lousy one term president than be re-elected. too bad, he thinks he's papercan lincoln, dipshit. what about a tshirt that says obama's a ****, tshirts can't even talk, and so am i. i'm not, you do. tshits don't win elections
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She's so stupid and irrelevant but not a day goes by without Libs mentioning her.

when I get the time I will make you a more stylish stamp. :eusa_whistle:

HEY! FUCK YOU, ya piece o' shit!!!

That time of the month again? So early. :eek:
"I think he's quite complacent," the former Republican vice presidential hopeful said. "And I think he's in over his head. And I think he has poor advisers around him. And I think he's really in flux kind of when it comes to what his governing philosophy actually is. Some of this though is a result of he not having much experience and then a complicit media and maybe some voters who chose to not to allow him to be vetted very closely."

so since she is 100% wrong.....

he is not complacent and does not have a high opinion of himself or his abilities....

he is not in over his head....

he has excellent advisors ....

his governing philosophy has not changed....

he has tons of executive experience....

the media opposes him at every turn....

he was throughly vetted by everyone....

thanks for clearing that up...

btw 59% of the population seems to agree with the tramp....
If an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer" can be President,i think it's fair to say anyone can be President. Palin is actually far more qualified to be President than this current President is. Calling her a "Tramp" is just lame and only shows what snotty little A*sholes Socialists/Progressives are. Most of America is waking up though. The Leftists are rapidly becoming really really hateable.
We should keep ENCOURAGING the Democrat-Progressive cult members to keep up with their ugly stuff..

as someone said, the Amercian people are ALREADY SICK of it. Look at the boyking and his comrades in arms poll numbers in less than TWO YEARS.

The little sheeple antics are not only turning off the American people, but they are HAVING A HAND IN BRINGING DOWN THIER REGIME in the whitehouse..

so KEEP IT UP....baaa baa:clap2:
If an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer" can be President,i think it's fair to say anyone can be President. Palin is actually far more qualified to be President than this current President is. Calling her a "Tramp" is just lame and only shows what snotty little A*sholes Socialists/Progressives are. Most of America is waking up though. The Leftists are rapidly becoming really really hateable.

but you're forgetting he went to harvard. only brilliant people go to harvard. by the time he was 45 he had already written two books outlining solutions to our nations race problems. palin admitted she doesn't even read newspapers. he's a great orator.
We should keep ENCOURAGING the Democrat-Progressive cult members to keep up with their ugly stuff..

as someone said, the Amercian people are ALREADY SICK of it. Look at the boyking and his comrades in arms poll numbers in less than TWO YEARS.

The little sheeple antics are not only turning off the American people, but they are HAVING A HAND IN BRINGING DOWN THIER REGIME in the whitehouse..

so KEEP IT UP....baaa baa:clap2:

barack obama would give his left nut to run against palin in '12.
A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. :eusa_whistle:

Hey steph-infection, why don't you take a break. I've already mentioned I did not vote for Obama because of his lack of FP experience among other issues.

The thread is about the reasons to vote for Palin because of her supposed FP experience.

are you this clueless in real life? probably not. you're just reading through posts looking to strike out in anger.

do yourself a favor. get laid
The Whacky World of Sarah Palin, International Russian Expert.

The Whacky World of Sarah Palin: good gawd almighty, the lady is a tramp.


sit back and listen while you read...

Palin And Russia, Part V - CBS News

For those keeping score at home, the first person to make this argument was Fox News' Steve Doocy, who said, with a straight face, that Palin does know about international relations because she is right up there in Alaska right next door to Russia."

Cindy McCain was second, telling George Stephanopoulos, in response to a question about national security experience, "[R]emember, Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. It's not as if she doesn't understand what's at stake here."

U.S. News' Michael Barone was third, defending Palin's credentials by insisting, "Foreign policy experience? Well, Alaska is the only state with a border with Russia.

Fourth was conservative writer Frank Gaffney, who said Palin has learned foreign policy "by osmosis," because of Alaska's physical location.

John McCain, then, is fifth. Remember, when Doocy first made the argument, it was so laughable on its face that Jon Stewart called him a "moron." Now, the Republican nominee for president is making the same pitch, hoping people are just stupid enough to believe it.

Palin has never been to Russia.

on topic:eusa_whistle:
A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. :eusa_whistle:

Hey steph-infection, why don't you take a break. I've already mentioned I did not vote for Obama because of his lack of FP experience among other issues.

The thread is about the reasons to vote for Palin because of her supposed FP experience.

are you this clueless in real life? probably not. you're just reading through posts looking to strike out in anger.

do yourself a favor. get laid

hahaha, all the while you ACCUSE others of lashing post wasn't even DIRECTED at you, dumbshit.. do yourself a favor, and jackoff.:lol:
A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

Passed the Health Care bill. Passed the Financial Reg bill. Passed the New GI Bill. Got the banks out of the college loans business, saving much money for the government and the students.

All over the almost 100% blind opposition of the Repukes. And then there is the little matter of the Unemployment Benefits.
Palin? Not Vetted?


The Dems sent 600 lawyers up to Wasilla and Juneau digging up any dirt they could find and they came back holding only their freezing nuts sacks

Palin is the most vetted candidate in history. Palinistas have quite the record, regarding familiarity with historical-events.... :rolleyes:

"This is a local issue for New Yorkers. I’m weighing in on Sarah Palin. She’s local for Alaskans."​
A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.
How 'bout The Presidency?

Yeah...we Dems wish he could see Russia from the Whitehouse.....but, we'll settle for a successful-Presidency.....​
A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.
How 'bout The Presidency?

Yeah...we Dems wish he could see Russia from the Whitehouse.....but, we'll settle for a successful-Presidency.....​

The Presidency? he's not doing such a great job is he?


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A tramp? Wow. I can smell your desperation from here.

Give me an example of Obama's foreign policy expertise... or any expertise on any subject for that matter.

LOL... I don't think you are going to get anyone to respond with Obama's foreign policy or experience before he was President...

People like Dante need to learn to not throw stones in glass houses... but I don't think Liberals will ever learn that lesson.

Obama had the best experience of all. He actually "LIVED" in foreign countries.

I guess that means I can run the city of Memphis, Nashville, and the state of Illinois since I lived there...Sweet... I had no idea I was this qualified.

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