The Vote/The Franchise: Theory versus Practice

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The Vote/The Franchise is granted by law, by government. It is a right people are born with, but only so because the law says so, not nature or some god. The right to vote is given/granted by government.

So there are rights government gets to grant and also take away. Some people rant and rave about rights and the government as if it is an evil thing to believe and support the idea that the government can and should grants rights.

We are supposed to believe that Americans think of 'the vote' as a wonderful thing. We do, in theory, but in reality and practice any campaign worth it's salt, along with it's supporters, favor limiting the votes of opponents in a political battle. I am sure there are those pure as snow who would say they desire all citizens to vote and the end result of any election is okay by them, but this is also a theoretical/hypothetical thing. Where in practice do we see this played out?

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