The vile seven degrees of separtation from bill clinton...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As the media wing of the democrat party covers various seems to me we can play a game..for each story of vile behavior...from rape to racism....we can see the story that was ignored or buried when it comes to bill clinton...

Bill cosby accused of rape.....bill clinton accused of rape and sexual assault....

Scalise accused, wrongly, of attending a racist event.....bill clinton's political mentors were segregationists william fulbright and orval faubus....

I wonder how many other vile stories can find their counter part in bill clinton's life....what with hilary possibly running for they said back when he ran...we get two for the price of one.....
Yes.....two of the biggest racists in the democrat party....two of the most vile people in the democrat party...thanks for reminding us......and they also have less than seven degrees of separation from bill clinton....

good play....
LOL. Poor 'Conservatives'. Got their ass kicked twice by a black man, now going to get their asses kicked twice again by a white woman.
Yea, we get it , liberals don't vote for intellectual policy, they only vote for the prom Queen and wonder why they get screwed
Dumb ass liberals still couldn't get walker out of Wisconsin and lost of all places ... Maryland
How Conviently you have forgot about 2 FUCKING MONTHS AGO
Not at all. If you wish to look at my posts prior to the election, you will find that I consistently predicted the Senate to go GOP with that party winning 52 to 54 seats. As did Statingheist. Whereas you people were braying all over the boards about a Romney landslide.
Yea I know you will get the senate back and I know Hillary will win if she lives that long, but my question remains the same why did you pick Obama? The guy was worse then bush Jr
our economy would be off the charts by now if you would have picked Hillary and no one would have heard of ISIS and crimera would still be part of Ukraine.

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