The VIEW inadvertently says Obama needs to pay for media and politicians protective services


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
One of the guests phoney claims of multiple threats she said equates to the gov't needing to pay for her and others protection, because they "instigated" the bombers behavior.
However since the bombers criminal terrorist tendency behavior prexisted this administration then the guest is inadvertantly blaming the fuel for this crazed lone actor's behavior=the Obama administration.
Also Obamas abuse of power fueled the list of targets of people who were willing participants in that abuse of power and basic human rights and citizen rights (which were violated).
This admission by the view even opens up a whole other can of worms like inadvertantly admitting certain politicians and media outlets need to pay for every synagogue and church protective services since the fuel for the synagogue attack can be attributed to the acts and behavior of my fellow lansmen who have chosen their party lines over Ten Commandments. The acts of (thou shalt not bare false testimony) Blumenthal , Schumer, Feinstein along with Soros and others who have helped revisit a certain stereo type & revamp anti semitism at a new increased rate(22% in NY alone).
These tools have set us Jews back by 50 years by being such ***** to half the nation and to their country as a whole, and that divisive behavior and traitor behavior with seperation from the pulse of the people makes those sinister politicians become "sinister" enemies helping to fuel the less stable.
The instability of the sinister lawless who self serve without care for the plight of these people they hurt= unstable behavior by a few who can't seperate the selective recognition of sinister behavior of a few with the righteousness of a group from a whole perspective.
Even the sinister lawless ones have similar problems seperating or recognizing selective recognition when they broadstroke everyone as deplorable and racist, including labeling their own lansmen, and minorities who happen to support the success of their nation, not the obstruction and sabotage. So if the View is gonna blanket blame the administration for bad events while refusing to give credit for the good then their selective recognition exposes them and their logic backfires when reflected back we see this inadvertantly accuses their Dem party as responsible for Pittsburgh event thus requiring the DNC and MSM to pay for all Protective services for Synagogues, Churches and high profile religious figures including myself.
They can make their checks out to
'Oops' care of 'Bank of Geniuses'
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