The vast, secretive face database that could instantly ID you in a crowd


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

If you’ve been to the DMV to have your driver’s license photo taken, there’s a good chance your face is in a little-known group of databases that functions like a digital police lineup. Except, in this case, you needn’t even be suspected of a crime, and soon the searching could take place virtually anywhere, anytime.

The Vast, Secretive Face Database That Could Instantly ID You In A Crowd

No surprise here as they strip away your privacy and your rights based off some bs terrorist lies they fed the public and the sheep never saw a problem with it all. They' would give an asshole print if you told them it would keep them safe. They are dumb enough to put it on NY's TV screens if you told them it kept them safer too.
911 was used against you in every way there is, and stripped away everything America was about.

YOU ARE THE TERRORIST and always have been in the eyes of a Government that wanted to enslave you into their matrix.

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