The US is wasting its arsenal on Ukraine

You ignorant dumb ass that was the actual event in 201. That is what was videoed and those segments were put together with the people who were actually there talking.
Its staged bullshit like the White Helmets movie:

Weakening our ability to defend ourselves. No doubt Biden and his master's plan. No oil reserves, no ways to defend ourselves on a national basis, flooding the country with criminal illegals and our police and military are being turned against US, food shortages, usurping of authority by the left. corrupt judges. Oh yeah... the country is doing well so sez Potatohead.
You do know that the U.S. has done this many times?

During the Yom Kippur War, the U.S. stripped its forces in West Germany of weapons and munitions in order to resupply Israel.

During the NATO bombing of Serbia (second one) in the 1990s, the U.S. expended virtually its entire inventory of air launched cruise missiles.

In the year leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the U.S. had to go on an emergency binge of buying everything from small arms ammunition to JDAM guidance systems and even to regular bombs.
You do know that the U.S. has done this many times?

During the Yom Kippur War, the U.S. stripped its forces in West Germany of weapons and munitions in order to resupply Israel.

During the NATO bombing of Serbia (second one) in the 1990s, the U.S. expended virtually its entire inventory of air launched cruise missiles.

In the year leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the U.S. had to go on an emergency binge of buying everything from small arms ammunition to JDAM guidance systems and even to regular bombs.
dont know if all of that is accurate but now there is a chip shortage
Democrat administrations are sensitive to lawful citizens possessing firearms but it turns out that the federal government is the biggest illegal supplier of weapons and nobody gets to investigate corrupt administrations. Obama sent thousands of illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico and somebody should have gone to jail when one of the weapons was used to murder a Border Patrol Officer but nobody was even fired. Old Joe left thousands of weapons in Afghanistan when he suddenly quit the fight and you can bet your ass that they will be used against Americans in future conflicts. How do we know that the quirky Ukraine government will remain loyal to the U.S. once the conflict is resolved or the Russians capture and ship the U.S. made weapons to their jihad friends?
Weakening our ability to defend ourselves. No doubt Biden and his master's plan. No oil reserves, no ways to defend ourselves on a national basis, flooding the country with criminal illegals and our police and military are being turned against US, food shortages, usurping of authority by the left. corrupt judges. Oh yeah... the country is doing well so sez Potatohead.
If Putin threatens to nuke us I suspect Joe Biden will just surrender.
Never mind US arsenal....

More sad and tragic than that .....Ukraine is wasting young LIVES on this war.

Zelensky is a selfish monster sending young lives to fight for him.....and die unnecessarily for him. They should all surrender!

The US is wasting its arsenal on Ukraine​

Why people here so gun ho to support WHITE Ukraine but no support for any warring BLACK nations of Africa?

How come NO alliances with any nations of Africa?

Maybe some unexplained bigotry here?
Maybe that is what you don't get? I'll bet you have never heard anything about Russian demands to the US and NATO back in December.
I am for normalizing Ukraine, that requires that the Russians remove the current clown regime. Europe´s stability will benefit after the Z is accomplished.
Also, Europe's stability will benefit if Germany is divided into several nations.
Also, Europe's stability will benefit if Germany is divided into several nations.
Ukraine doesn´t have to be cut. It just has to acknowledge its Russian heritage. That half of its population is Russian.

But currently too many Ukrainians in high positions are just waving their hands...


So you hate Germany and want to divide it because they let Bandera rot in a KZ. But we discussed that before: Europe depends on German exports and most of the EU´s financial assistance for eastern European countries comes from Germany.
Ukraine doesn´t have to be cut. It just has to acknowledge its Russian heritage. That half of its population is Russian.

But currently too many Ukrainians in high positions are just waving their hands...


So you hate Germany and want to divide it because they let Bandera rot in a KZ. But we discussed that before: Europe depends on German exports and most of the EU´s financial assistance for eastern European countries comes from Germany.
Of course your former ally Bandera has nothing to do with that. I still have some prejudice against Germany because of those things your predecessors did in our land.

But that is not the reason of my point. From all big powers of Europe, Germany is the most Russia-leaning nation, historically. The former 'Union of Three Black Eagles' ended bad for Eastern Europe, and there is a need to be sure this doesn't happen in the future.
Of course your former ally Bandera has nothing to do with that. I still have some prejudice against Germany because of those things your predecessors did in our land.
I tell you a secret they don´t like to hear. It actually wasn´t Germany but something we would call deep state today. The SS and depending organs, including some Nazi leaders. They were responsible for any horrors people in eastern Europe suffered while Germany occupied the region. What real Germany actually did, was following an order of the Fuhrer to maximize the arms production in occupied countries and that wouldn´t benefit from killing people. For Ukraine, it was the "Iwan-Programm". Part of it were Azovstal 1 and 2 (German term for steel is Stahl). Those were made by the German company Krupp. I guess this development is why many Ukrainians today prefer the 3. Reich. But the program lasted for months only and the Germans had to withdraw from there. You can read about it here: Iwan-Programm – Wikipedia

But that is not the reason of my point. From all big powers of Europe, Germany is the most Russia-leaning nation, historically. The former 'Union of Three Black Eagles' ended bad for Eastern Europe, and there is a need to be sure this doesn't happen in the future.
Don´t take that shit serious. For real, forget about it. Such intrigues were the custom back then, in all of Europe. The entire political system based on this behavior.
I tell you a secret they don´t like to hear. It actually wasn´t Germany but something we would call deep state today. The SS and depending organs, including some Nazi leaders. They were responsible for any horrors people in eastern Europe suffered while Germany occupied the region. What real Germany actually did, was following an order of the Fuhrer to maximize the arms production in occupied countries and that wouldn´t benefit from killing people. For Ukraine, it was the "Iwan-Programm". Part of it were Azovstal 1 and 2 (German term for steel is Stahl). Those were made by the German company Krupp. I guess this development is why many Ukrainians today prefer the 3. Reich. But the program lasted for months only and the Germans had to withdraw from there. You can read about it here: Iwan-Programm – Wikipedia

Don´t take that shit serious. For real, forget about it. Such intrigues were the custom back then, in all of Europe. The entire political system based on this behavior.
It is not only about the past. I also look at the present. Your country has wagged the tail before the Russians too many times.
Maybe that is what you don't get? I'll bet you have never heard anything about Russian demands to the US and NATO back in December.

Nobody remembers Putin's whining in Munich about how the fall of the Soviet Union was the 'biggest disaster of the Century' and his dream of retaking all those countries back. There is no gain in letting the KGB thug have all he wants and then having to go and retake that ground later under far worse conditions, in fact that is the height of stupidity and repeating history over and over again, just because of domestic Party politics.
It is not only about the past. I also look at the present. Your country has wagged the tail before the Russians too many times.
Maybe the views differ here a little bit. Russia and Germany are big trading partners and what we buy from Russia is more essential than the sensitivities of other countries. These other countries even profit from it. Tass reported that Russian gas is still flowing through Ukraine into the EU. That means Russia is still paying Ukraine transit fees. Poland is still using Russian gas although they didn´t renew the contract with Russia. They receive their gas now from Germany, for much higher price than before. That´s the price for living in the past. If North Stream 1 woudn´t exist, we would not be able to supply Poland. That was a close one for Poland and just an own goal. For being against Russia for no reason at all

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