The Untamed City: A Dystopian Outcome (Proyas/Spielberg)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Modern storytellers have offered us elaborate visions of a dystopian future and apocalyptic worlds in which ethics and values give way to piracy and avarice and pure evil. Movies such as Dark City, A.I., and Mad Max: Fury Road offer dramatic and even frightening images of 'ungoverned humanity.'

The engaging new age film-makers Alex Proyas and Steven Spielberg have contributed much to the storytelling landscape in this genre.

The TV-movie Fatherland (Rutger Hauer) offered us the intriguing dystopian story of a possible altered future in which Nazi Germany actually won WWII, leading to a new 'society' of fascism-gauged customs.

Here's a dystopian alternate-future yarn about a proposed undesirable future outcome of the course of our modern world of globalization customs, inspired by the sadism-forecast film The Ninth Gate. Perhaps such a yarn would make for an exciting premise for a Proyas/Spielberg film. I'd definitely cast Ryan Reynolds or Leo DiCaprio as the protagonist Deadpool in this dystopian yarn.

Incidentally, you can find a YouTube link for Fatherland here.



The brilliant city on planet Earth had become a great bastion for traffic and commerce and social idealism. Facebook, NASDAQ, and had made the new age of computers something to marvel. Neon-lit cities across the world and especially in America were hubs of ideal customs and social exchanges, and crime-officers ensured that acts of terrorism and anarchy were well-controlled and anti-social behaviors were addressed by international courts, psychiatric councils, and/or civil organizations. CIA director Thomas Nash remarked, "This could all have gone the other way."


What had Nash worried? Well, just 10 years ago, the 'new world' was anything but 'well-controlled.' The trauma of 9/11, when the World Trade Center was destroyed by fundamentalist-Muslim terrorists enraged about 'misdealings' regarding the UN and Israel-Palestine, OPEC, and even Wall Street, awakened humanity to the 'sensitivity' of modern globalization politics. The Trump Administration was 'given' the responsibility of making America the 'Big Brother' of commerce-gauged peace. During Labor Day weekend 2011, President Trump had to deal with a nuclear missile test-crisis involving incendiary nation North Korea, leading up to the peace-promotional PyeongChang Olympics in 2018 in South Korea (which saw a beneficial alliance between the Koreas). Two valiant 'democracy-defenders,' costumed 'vigilantes' and 'super-heroes' trained and designated by the CIA, named Deadpool and Scarlett, were assigned to make sure this did not go awry, and they succeeded. However, Nash wondered what would have happened if Deadpool/Scarlett failed. Would the world have been plunged into a complete purgatory?


Deadpool visited a storyteller named Ed Proxis and asked him to pen a tale about a possible dystopian 'alternate-future' in which the untamed city became the hallmark of 'globalization-intrigue' rather than good governance, a future in which Deadpool and Scarlett failed in their democratic mission to assist the Trump Administration. The storyteller agreed to pen such a dystopian tale for the extremely-popular Deadpool. Proxis imagined a future in which Deadpool and Scarlett were unable to infiltrate the anti-Western terrorist groups ISIS and Cobra, leading to an all-out nuclear war between North Korea and South Korea, China, and America. The war would create such calamity that globalization institutions such as ECOSOC and the World Bank simply crumbled. Proxis imagined a future world in which the average urban cop roamed around aimlessly, simply 'witnessing' new age 'horrors' like rival street-gangs warring on the streets, looting stores, and feeding the bellies of the corrupt politicians they employed or were employed by, and Deadpool and Scarlett were merely 'wandering messengers' who went completely ignored.


Proxis wrote, "Deadpool discovers a terrible mail-order-bride service in Europe which caters to all kinds of vice, corruption, and crime, becoming more of a slave-prostitution ring than a customs activity for civilization. He finds that multiple daydreaming mail-order-brides are decapitated by 'crazed men' seeking to use modern networking 'applications' to create sadomasochism-feeding examples of hell on Earth." After Proxis completed his entire 'fable' of this terrible 'alternate-future,' Deadpool and Scarlett were so impressed that they delivered the screenplay for the film to a major movie studio and it was made into a big-budget Brett Ratner directed Hollywood (USA) film titled Altered Beast and starring Leo DiCaprio and Anne Hathaway as Deadpool and Scarlett and Jude Law as a vile urban 'lord' named Satan. The film was nominated for Best Cinematography and Best Screenplay, and CIA director Thomas Nash tweeted, "Perhaps visions of undesirable futures reminds us of the inherent value of good governance of real civilization developments!"




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