The ULTIMATE SARAH PALIN is a Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, STUPID MORON Bitch stupidity Pau

It gets better....yet.

How encouraging to see a twenty-five-year-old, displaying more intelligence, ability to (actually) reason and possess a world-view that Snooki Palin will NEVER attain!!!!!


Alyona Minkovski
has sparked a feeling of HOPE, within me, for twenty-somethings in the U.S.A. for the FIRST TIME, in over 30 YEARS!!!!!

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

"I was in Moscow one summer. I have a lot of family that still lives in Moscow. And so I had been working there and had been introduced to RT and at that point I was still in college, still thinking of what I might do after I graduate and had always been interested in journalism and decided to intern at the channel and just check it out.

I was going to U.C. Santa Cruz – U.C. Santa Cruz. I’m a banana slug, that’s a school in Northern California which is – has a very mellow, hippy vibe, I guess you could say, and which really made me realize that I lived in another world growing up when I came here to Washington, D.C. I never realized that I would be such an ubber crazy leftie until I moved here because I thought that that was absolutely normal.

But – so at that point, you know, I interned at RT. I was really interested in what they were doing, but all of their offices were still in Russia and I wasn’t prepared to move back there.

And then once I did graduate from the university, they had already opened up offices here. And so I decided to contact them, see if they are interested, if they need people and from there, it just kind of, you know, it all went the usual route: e-mails, phone calls, interviews and it happened."



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Yeah and Obama is so smart he signed 08 to Prince Williams wedding guest book. Damn fool . Or maybe he just wished it was still 08 because he knows he if fucked in 12
They all make bloopers and mistakes. We live in a free enough country where we get to enjoy them.

I can't support Palin not because she blurts out stupid things, but because I have doubts about her overall intellect and more important, her wearwithall.

Let's not forget, this was a woman who walked away from the job she was elected to, in order to take a TV gig on a network with the midgets and the sextuplets. And, yeah, I might do that, too, if you wave a big enough bag of money in front of me. But there would be reasons to doubt someone's commitment after that.
Yeah and Obama is so smart he signed 08 to Prince Williams wedding guest book. Damn fool . Or maybe he just wished it was still 08 because he knows he if fucked in 12

Thought he wasn't invited?!?! You CON artists need to get your stories straight!!!

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