The Ukraine Attacked Russian City with Missile!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Injuring 15 Russian citizens.
Causing another escalation of the war against Russia that was formerly out of bounds.
And undoubtedly will cause Russia to escalate too!

Will this bring a revenge attack on Kiev this time?
Injuring 15 Russian citizens.
Causing another escalation of the war against Russia that was formerly out of bounds.
And undoubtedly will cause Russia to escalate too!

Will this bring a revenge attack on Kiev this time?
Difficult to understand the Midgets aims .The attack is a deflection from main events and is just the equivalent of one wasp stinging a huge bear . And naturally the bear will then attack the wasp nest in retaliation . I doubt Kyiv will become a target other than in infrastructure terms -- there is a 700 mile defence line plus other offensive moves whch are priority . But Kyiv is desperate for any good sounding PR and it may be that the UK elites special forces have a relatively open brief to create such diversions. Based on the last 17 months , Dear Uncle will do nothing that escalates overall and will keep his priorities , which are checking the present last ditch effort to penetrate the Russian eastern defence line and to separately gear -up for the move to Odessa .

Injuring 15 Russian citizens.
Causing another escalation of the war against Russia that was formerly out of bounds.
And undoubtedly will cause Russia to escalate too!

Will this bring a revenge attack on Kiev this time?
I don't trust the Russians at all. Until Ukraine claims responsibility I'll just assume this is a Russian pretext for more missile strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine.
Difficult to understand the Midgets aims .
The midget being Zelensky? How does that apply to what I said?
The attack is a deflection from main events and is just the equivalent of one wasp stinging a huge bear .
So far Russia has been reacting to the Ukraine's escalations as if they are more than stings.
And naturally the bear will then attack the wasp nest in retaliation .
The sting analogy doesn't suggest a retaliatory attack on the entire nest.
I doubt Kyiv will become a target other than in infrastructure terms -- there is a 700 mile defence line plus other offensive moves whch are priority .
Yes, I suppose so on second thought. I'm just anxious to see if Russia has the ability to get their Kinzhals through the Patriots? Do you have an analysis on the question?
But Kyiv is desperate for any good sounding PR and it may be that the UK elites special forces have a relatively open brief to create such diversions. Based on the last 17 months , Dear Uncle will do nothing that escalates overall and will keep his priorities , which are checking the present last ditch effort to penetrate the Russian eastern defence line and to separately gear -up for the move to Odessa .
Dear uncle being Biden?

I believe that America will never escalate to nuclear but will escalate in small steps in conventional warfare.

I think that Russia is going to be pressed to a major escalation quite soon. A Ukrainian attack on Russian civilians with results will do it.

Neither Russia or America can afford to lose this war! Of that I'm sure! You?

Those who are best informed seem to agree that Russia is going to take Odessa.
I don't trust the Russians at all. Until Ukraine claims responsibility I'll just assume this is a Russian pretext for more missile strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine.
There's nothing to gain by your treading water on this one.
What do 'you' think about Russia's ability to neutralize the Patriot missile system?

I'm thinking that Russia will do it with impunity when the expenditure of a dozen Kinzhals is worth it.
There's nothing to gain by your treading water on this one.
What do 'you' think about Russia's ability to neutralize the Patriot missile system?

I'm thinking that Russia will do it with impunity when the expenditure of a dozen Kinzhals is worth it.
They are welcome to try. They will certainly make the Patriots better with a real world field test.

Do the Ukrainians have worthy targets for the Kinzhals or will they just be used for terrorizing Ukraine civilians?
Will this bring a revenge attack on Kiev this time?

Nope, because the main goal of NWO dwarf putin (piss be upon him) is to kill as much as possible Russians.
The same does Zelensky with Ukrainians
Both of them clean former Great Russia from natives peoples for relocation of Jews from Israel and establishment of Khazaria 2.0
Criminal Putin murdered his best General Surovikin, imprisoned many of another ones, deliberately destroyed supplies of Russian army.
He practically invites NATO to bomb Russia.
Russians are idiots still not grasp this
As Russians say in such cases, when their missiles hit apartment buildings in Ukraine, it was their own air defence missile that missed the target.
Difficult to understand the Midgets aims .

Your f..... Putin is a piece of shit, he murdered his best general Surovikin and imprisoned more as 50 leading officers including generals.
He does anything against Russians and you're his propagandist
John Edgar Slow Horses
Pal, that was a sarcasm, in case you didn't catch my drift. A like from you is something out of the ordinary. I'm pro Putin, pro Russia and a hohol not well wisher, remember?
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I'm pro Putin, pro Russian

Anyone 'pro Putin' is in reality 'pro-Satan' because the dwarf has stolen the future of Russians.
Almost 70% of the country earn today not more as $2k annually, and your beloved faggot gives $100bn to his new African 'friends' today.
unusual about that?

Unusual is your f... from the bunker prohibited Janukowic to disperse Maidan in 2014.
Thereafter he refused to take the East Ukraine into Russia then Donbass.
Moron waited 8 years and gave Ukrainians a possibility to modernize their army,
Now he'd already lost almost 20% of new territorials
The country is isolated, there are nor friends except beggars from Africa
Your f.... Putin is a traitor and an idiot, anyone supporting him is the same
Anyone 'pro Putin' is in reality 'pro-Satan' because the dwarf has stolen the future of Russians.
Almost 70% of the country earn today not more as $2k annually, and your beloved faggot gives $100bn to his new African 'friends' today.
Somehow I can't see a foe in you, just hope you'll come around some day.

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