The Two Worst Racists In America

The issue is so relative and subjective.

All you're doing is perpetuating the hate instead, continuing the negativity, fear mongering instead of making a positive difference. What exactly do you get from repeatedly stating your bigotry? Are you warning all the other white people to beware?

He is not perpetuating hate. He is merely stating that, based on statistical fact, it is reasonable to have more caution when among Blacks than among Whites. What positive things can be done – tell Blacks to quit committing such a disproportionate number of violent crimes.

I'm still waiting for YOUR PERSONAL BAD EXPERIENCES with black folks.

That is irrelevant. Just because one does not have a personal bad experience does not negate the statistics that clearly demonstrate that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes. Racism aside, it is a statistical fact. Get over it.
The issue is so relative and subjective.

He is not perpetuating hate. He is merely stating that, based on statistical fact, it is reasonable to have more caution when among Blacks than among Whites. What positive things can be done – tell Blacks to quit committing such a disproportionate number of violent crimes.

That is irrelevant. Just because one does not have a personal bad experience does not negate the statistics that clearly demonstrate that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes. Racism aside, it is a statistical fact. Get over it.

Obviously you haven't read any of us other posts on this message board and if you still feel the same way, then you probably think like him and hence see no problem.
Based on government statistics for 2002 (the latest one they had), crimes committed by whites and blacks are pretty much the same in some categories but whites are much higher when it comes to sexual crimes

Bureau of Justice Statistics
filename: ncrp0204.csv
Table 4. New court commitments to State prison, 2002: Offense, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin
data source: National Corrections Reporting Program, 2002
author: Timothy Hughes
refer questions to: [email protected] 202-307-0765
date of version 08/31/05

Table 4. New court commitments to State prison, 2002: Offense, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin

Most serious offense White\1 Black\1 Other\2 Hispanic origin\3
All offenses 100 % 100 % 100 % 100
Violent offenses 26.8 % 28.3 % 34.3 % 33.6
Homicide 2.7 3 4.1 3.8
Murder/nonnegligent manslaughter 1.6 2.3 2.8 2.9
Murder 1.4 2 2.5 2.2
Nonnegligent manslaughter 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.7
Negligent manslaughter 1 0.6 1.3 0.8
Unspecified homicide 0.1 0.1 . 0.1
Kidnapping 0.6 0.7 0.8 1
Rape 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.6
Other sexual assault 6.1 2.5 5.2 5.2
Robbery 5 10.7 5.6 8.2
Assault 8.4 9.2 13.7 11.6
Other violent 1.8 1.1 2.7 2.3
Property offenses 32.9 % 23.8 % 28.2 % 21.1
Burglary 12.7 8.5 9.2 8.3
Larceny 7.6 6.6 6.1 4.2
Motor vehicle theft 2 1.6 4 3.7
Arson 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.3
Fraud 6.1 4.2 4.9 2
Stolen property 2.4 1.7 1.7 1.9
Other property 1.4 0.8 1.7 0.8
Drug offenses 24.2 % 37.4 % 20 % 34.4
Possession 8.5 11.9 6.8 8.5
Trafficking 10.3 18.6 10 22.1
Other/unspecified drug 5.4 6.9 3.3 3.9
Public-order offenses 15.4 % 10 % 16.9 % 10.2
Weapons 2.1 4.2 3.3 4.1
Driving while intoxicated 6.2 1.2 7.6 2.8
Other public-order 7 4.7 6.1 3.3
Other offenses 0.7 % 0.4 % 0.5 % 0.6
Number of admissions 139,575 139,774 4,345 34,520

Detail may not add to total because of rounding.
*Less than 0.05%.
1\Includes persons of Hispanic origin.
2\Includes American Indians/Alaskan Natives, Asians, Native Hawaiians, or other Pacific Islanders.
3\Includes persons of all races.

Most serious offense of State prisoners, by offense, admission type, age, gender, race, and Hispanic origin, 10/05,

This is what you called stats and facts - not links to youtube, wikipedia and sports illustrated. Like I said perpetuating hate and fear due to extreme ignorance.


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I don't know why people who want to change the topic or talk about a different scenario quote someone who is talking about something else.

The discussion I was having with WJ was about racism against blacks so I'm not sure why you're comparing which countries are more racists - also Europe is a continent and the US is a country.

As for reading links, I don't know how many times I have to say it so I won't bother.

This is nothing more than ignorance, close-mindedness and just pure racism...nothing to do with statistics or facts.

Is not the UK part of Europe? You are the one who first introduced Canada and UK into the fray.

I agree with the original post. Sharpton and Jackson ARE race-baiters, and each has become quite wealthy capitilizing on shouting "fire" whether or not it acually exists. The last thing they want is equality. There's too much money in racism.

The only thing to fear is the overreaction by the secular progressive, PC bunch. They'd rather gnaw their own arms off than be so much as accused of racism. They'll sacrifice/crucify anyone and/or anything.

But more than fearing it, I am contemptible of those who politicize it and otherwise keep it alive because it's a viable money-maker.
Is not the UK part of Europe?
And so now according to you the UK represents all of Europe :rolleyes:

You are the one who first introduced Canada and UK into the fray.

Actually no I'm not, try again:

As for personal experiences, how many white Americans (and Canadians, and Brits) DON'T have a personal bad experience involving crime, violence, etc. by a black person?

Thanks for trying to discredit me and deflect from what was actually being discussed with nonsensical points.
Well it sucks for you that you have to live your life in fear. You might be surprised to hear that racism isn't as prevalent in Canada and UK as it is in the US, especially towards blacks. That's not to say that racism doesn't exist, because for sure it does but it's not as prevalent. There also isn't this deep rooted hate and fear for blacks where I come from and there are plenty of black folks here.
What's your definition of prevelant?

Racism in Canada: Tolerance
It was a savage beating that seemed so incompatible with Quebec's reputation of tolerance and openness.

Two neo-Nazi skinheads punched and stabbed a black man outside a Montreal bar, turned on their heels and made a Nazi salute as Evens Marseille, then 26, fell to the ground, clutching at the 13-cm. wound to his stomach.

In a precedent-setting case, Marseille was awarded the largest financial settlement for a hate crime in the province by the Quebec Human Rights Commission last summer.

Daniel Laverdiere and Remi Chabot were ordered to pay $40,000 in moral damages and $10,000 in punitive damages.

"We can try and deny neo-Nazis exist in Canada but this case confirms it," said Fo Niemi, executive director of the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations in Montreal. The centre filed the civil rights complaint on Marseille's behalf to the Quebec commission in 2003.

According to a Leger Marketing poll, Canadians are divided on whether racism poses a problem for them: 52% say it's significant while 47% consider it to be insignificant. Not surprisingly, victims of racism are more likely to consider it a problem, at 60%, than those who have not.

When awarded the settlement, Marseille was sober about his victory, telling reporters at the time, "I can't say that I'm happy because I just find it sad that (hate crimes) can happen."

Canada doesn't have a centralized system for collecting national police-reported statistics relating to hate-motivated crimes. But in its absence is a growing number of police forces that have established their own hate crime units in recognition of the chasm between visible minority groups and the authorities, according to a 2004 StatsCan report.

In another 2004 pilot survey of hate crime, conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 12 Canadian police forces reported 928 hate crime incidents during 2001 and 2002. More than half of these hate crimes were racially or ethnically motivated at 57%, followed by religion at 43%.

Last year hate crimes continued to make headlines across the country. In Edmonton, Muslims arrived at the Canadian Islamic Centre for their 5 a.m. prayers to be greeted by scraps of pork strewn at the doorstep and around the windows. In Montreal, 12 teenage boys narrowly escaped a firebombing when a masked man tossed a burning Molotov cocktail into an Orthodox Jewish school.

In Toronto, Muslim leaders called it a "Black Sunday" for their community when vandals smashed the windows and glass doors of a mosque just days after 17 Toronto-area men were arrested on terror-related charges. And last month the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal ordered two women who uttered racial slurs to an Indian couple in 2002 to pay $25,000 in moral and punitive damages. It marked the first time victims of a hate crime used Quebec's Charter of Rights to seeks damages.

In the Sun Media poll, 41% of respondents say racism in their city is on the decline, while 17% believe it's more racist and 29% feel it's remained static.

A look at statistics from the country's largest police force reveals that the number of reported hate crimes declined between 2003 and 2005 and is expected to flatten out for 2006 as well, said Det.-Const. Jack Gurr of the Toronto Police Service.

Their hate-crime trends are in line with a pilot survey conducted by StatsCan, both finding that the Jewish and Black communities were the most frequently targeted. In 2004, these communities each reported 33 hate crimes in Toronto. Similarly, 26% of all hate crimes reported among participating forces were committed against the Jewish community. Blacks made up 17% of hate crime victims.

B'Nai Brith reports a steady increase in anti-Semitism over the last 10 years. They experienced a dramatic three-fold spike last summer during the Middle East crisis in Lebanon, according to Anita Bromberg, co-ordinator for the League of Human Rights.

"There's a stronghold in anti-Semitism despite all our efforts. Anti-Semitism is alive and well in Canada."

But numbers can be misleading, Gurr warned, adding hate crimes are often under-reported among certain communities such as Muslims.

"Some of these people come from other countries where they're still in the mindset that they can't trust the police," he said. "Some will take the vandalism painted on their garage, wash it off, and not talk about it again."

But Khaled Mouammar, president of the Canadian Arab Federation, went further, charging security agencies with racial profiling.

"Many Arabs and Muslims come from dictatorial countries where they had a fear of authorities. They thought they were coming to a free country. But since 2001, they feel they're living in a country where the authorities are against them."

The StatsCan survey also found a short-lived increase in the number of hate crimes reported following Sept.11. Police reported a three-fold increase in the number of hate crimes reported two months after the attacks, compared to the same period the year before - 68% of which were associated with the terror attack.

The Toronto hate crimes unit publishes a detailed annual review, complete with ethnic breakdowns and trends that date back to 1993 when the unit was founded, making it perhaps the most transparent of police forces.

Repeated interview requests with the Calgary police force were denied, while Montreal doesn't make its statistics public.

"Quebec doesn't have a coherent strategy of tracking hate crimes," Niemi said. "That indicates the great reluctance of Quebec authorities to deal with hate crimes. Quebecers are very sensitive to our international reputation of being open, tolerant and socially progressive. They're concerned it would jeopardize our image."

Meanwhile, though there's been much discourse on racism from the host society, rarely do we address the racist attitudes that newcomers bring with them when they settle, experts point out. "People who come to Canada come with different experiences, with different ethnic and cultural residues ... bring with them other prejudices," said University of Toronto professor Anna Makolkin who specializes in migration and nationalism.

"Canada has become a battleground for different ethnic groups ... They should leave their differences at the door. They cannot bring them into Canada."

Oppression is "learned behaviour," added Tuula Heinonen, a University of Manitoba professor specializing in cross-cultural adaptation.

"Sometimes people who have been oppressed ... may have a tendency to to oppress others," she said. "Let's face it. There are groups that will live separately from each other in Canada. That's how they'll deal with it."

The discourse on racism often follows a one-way street, Makolkin noted.

"There's racism in the host society, but there are also profound racist attitudes in incoming societies. This is something no one wants to talk about."
As for personal experiences, how many white Americans (and Canadians, and Brits) DON'T have a personal bad experience involving crime, violence, etc. by a black person?

I don't. My only experience with being the victim of a crime came when my motorcycle was vandalized. The perpetrator was white.
What's your definition of prevelant?

Talk about pathetic not to mention predictable from a cock-asian who thinks he's white :rofl: (chill I know chinky). Posting an article proves what? I said racism does exist but it's not any where as bad as it is in the US and for you to even begin to argue that shows how desperate you are.
I don't. My only experience with being the victim of a crime came when my motorcycle was vandalized. The perpetrator was white.
Maybe....he saw your Jimmy Buffet logo on your bike and mistook you for a black guy....maybe????
And so now according to you the UK represents all of Europe :rolleyes:

I didn't say it represented anything. I asked you if it was not part of Europe since you saw fit to admonish another poster for deflecting when he responded to YOUR comment.

Actually no I'm not, try again:

Well it sucks for you that you have to live your life in fear. You might be surprised to hear that racism isn't as prevalent in Canada and UK as it is in the US, especially towards blacks. That's not to say that racism doesn't exist, because for sure it does but it's not as prevalent. There also isn't this deep rooted hate and fear for blacks where I come from and there are plenty of black folks here.

I'm sorry. I guess this a figment of my imagination.:eusa_shifty:

Thanks for trying to discredit me and deflect from what was actually being discussed with nonsensical points.

I see. So responding to the original post in a thread is "deflecting?"

Resonding to YOUR question of what there is to fear is "deflecting?"

Do please remove the stupid hat. It's caused you to mess all over yourself as far as your response is concerned.
Talk about pathetic not to mention predictable from a cock-asian who thinks he's white :rofl: (chill I know chinky). Posting an article proves what? I said racism does exist but it's not any where as bad as it is in the US and for you to even begin to argue that shows how desperate you are.
Did you even read the article? Half of Canadians see racism as a problem in Canaduh. The article provided stats to hate crimes in Canaduh whereas all you did was make an unsubstantiated claim that "racism isn't as prevalent in Canada and UK as it is in the US." Tell me, do you have facts that prove that racism isn't as prevalent in Canaduh as it is in the US or were you just making another one of your "Canaduh is more civilized" observations?
I'm not going to waste my time posting to your trivial bullshit for too much longer.

You blamed me for introducing Canada and the UK into this thread. Anyone with grade 2 reading skill can see that the first person to bring it up with WJ - I even provided you the quote for that but you still can't see to get that through your thick skull.

I see. So responding to the original post in a thread is "deflecting?"

Blaming me for bringing Canada and the UK into this thread (when I didn't) is deflecting.

Resonding to YOUR question of what there is to fear is "deflecting?"

Do please remove the stupid hat. It's caused you to mess all over yourself as far as your response is concerned.
You're one to talk about've proven yours over and over again.
Did you even read the article? Half of Canadians see racism as a problem in Canaduh. The article provided stats to hate crimes in Canaduh whereas all you did was make an unsubstantiated claim that "racism isn't as prevalent in Canada and UK as it is in the US." Tell me, do you have facts that prove that racism isn't as prevalent in Canaduh as it is in the US or were you just making another one of your "Canaduh is more civilized" observations?

No I'm not going to read an article that has nothing to do with what I was discussing. Yeah I'm sure they surveyed 100% of the Canadians so you can make your lame-ass argument that 50% of Canadians believe racism is a problem - WHICH IS STILL WHAT I WASN'T ARGUING.
No I'm not going to read an article that has nothing to do with what I was discussing. Yeah I'm sure they surveyed 100% of the Canadians so you can make your lame-ass argument that 50% of Canadians believe racism is a problem - WHICH IS STILL WHAT I WASN'T ARGUING.
You made a statement and I commented on it. If it wasn't what you were arguing, stop introducing red herrings. I bet you we'll have a black President before you civilized Canaduhuns elect a black Prime Minister. :badgrin:
I'm not going to waste my time posting to your trivial bullshit for too much longer.

You blamed me for introducing Canada and the UK into this thread. Anyone with grade 2 reading skill can see that the first person to bring it up with WJ - I even provided you the quote for that but you still can't see to get that through your thick skull.

Blaming me for bringing Canada and the UK into this thread (when I didn't) is deflecting.

You're one to talk about've proven yours over and over again.

By spanking your ass? That would make you beneath stupid then, I guess.:lol:

Geez, what a freakin' foul-mannered crank.

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