The Tweet of God!


Je Suis Charlie
Mar 2, 2013


The new U.S. Congress is 80% white, 80% male, 92% Christian, and 99% 1%.


Anyone want to disagree with God on this one?

More tweets at;

God TheTweetOfGod Twitter
Why would G-d tweet, when he can just control us through flouride?


Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.

That's true. His tweet about Florida is unequivocal that we should burn homosexuals at the stake.
Why would G-d tweet, when he can just control us through flouride?


Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.

That's true. His tweet about Florida is unequivocal in that we should burn homosexuals at the stake.

That would fall under "human activity" and therefore is verbotten.
Why would G-d tweet, when he can just control us through flouride?


Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.


Behold, I bring you the 15....

(crash, crash, bang...)

....uh, I bring you the 10 commandments....
Why would G-d tweet, when he can just control us through flouride?


Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.

That's true. His tweet about Florida is unequivocal in that we should burn homosexuals at the stake.

That would fall under "human activity" and therefore is verbotten.
Not if we use drones.
God tweets, well I can hardly wait for it to catch on with the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus!
Why would G-d tweet, when he can just control us through flouride?


Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.

That's true. His tweet about Florida is unequivocal in that we should burn homosexuals at the stake.

That would fall under "human activity" and therefore is verbotten.
Not if we use drones.

We are now as powerful as God because we can watch people from above and strike them dead with a bolt from the sky.
Why would G-d tweet, when he can just control us through flouride?


Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.

That's true. His tweet about Florida is unequivocal in that we should burn homosexuals at the stake.

That would fall under "human activity" and therefore is verbotten.
Not if we use drones.

We are now as powerful as God because we can watch people from above and strike them dead with a bolt from the sky.
Did you say you are as powerful as God?

You are going to burn in hell for that.
Because the last time God told mankind to write down what he was saying it got lost in translation.

Now he gets to say exactly what he means in 140 characters or less. No need for any interpretations.

That's true. His tweet about Florida is unequivocal in that we should burn homosexuals at the stake.

That would fall under "human activity" and therefore is verbotten.
Not if we use drones.

We are now as powerful as God because we can watch people from above and strike them dead with a bolt from the sky.
Did you say you are as powerful as God?

You are going to burn in hell for that.


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