The truth about Obama's contribution to the defict


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
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GOPers are too stupid or too dishonest to admit it was Bush who ran up the National Debt. But that has always been the plan of the GOP run up large deficits when they are in office and then blame it on liberals.

No American ideology is without hypocrisy.
Here is a non-partisan assessment on Obama's contribution to the debt.

PolitiFact | Obama inherited deficits from Bush administration

So guess what, repubs/cons? The Bush Tax cuts were in fact harmful.

However, I do think it is a fair criticism to say Obama had a significant contribution to the deficit. Despite that, I think this article proves that the GOP exaggerated it quite a bit.

Adding 4 trillion to the debt with no return is alot worse than any other president in the history of America has done. While a bunch are just as guilty, Obama took it to a whole other level of corruption/lies and straight up destroying the economy.
GOPers are too stupid or too dishonest to admit it was Bush who ran up the National Debt. But that has always been the plan of the GOP run up large deficits when they are in office and then blame it on liberals.

Did Bush add 4 trillion to the debt from 2008 to 2010? Nope, he was at his ranch in crawford texas. So that only leaves the democrat controlled senate/congress and white house from 2008 to 2010 to blame. I think you are the one who is too fucking stupid and dishonest here.
I'm done debating dumbass liberals. My voice will be heard on the issues in 2012 if this country survives that long.
I'm done debating dumbass liberals. My voice will be heard on the issues in 2012 if this country survives that long.

We don't even need to debate you. Did you not read the article? The Bush tax cuts are going to amount to a total of 8 trillion over the next 7 years.
Obama: At the beginning of the last decade, the year 2000, America had a budget surplus of over $200 billion. (Applause.) By the time I took office, we had a one-year deficit of over $1 trillion and projected deficits of $8 trillion over the next decade. Most of this was the result of not paying for two wars, two tax cuts, and an expensive prescription drug program. On top of that, the effects of the recession put a $3 trillion hole in our budget. All this was before I walked in the door. (Laughter and applause.)

Now — just stating the facts. : Obama’s State of the Union Address
By caheidelberger

President George W. Bush referred to his 2001 tax cuts as a “fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” Alas, he never forced them to put it on. As President Barack Obama said last night, the Bush Administration and Congress put two wars and a medicare prescription drug benefit on the credit card. Republicans didn’t get serious about tightening the straps on that straitjacket until a Democratic President and Congress needed the fiscal leeway to pour on government stimulus to avert a capital-D Depression.

The following charts lay out where we can lay responsibility for our federal deficits.

Yes We Can Blame Bush for Deficit
Obama needs to do a few things
1# get out of the middle east/africa
2# Cut military 200,000,000,000 per year
3# Cut all government programs by 5-10 percent
4# Move 10,000 troops to our borders...Defending their nation.

If he does this I will seriously consider voting for Obama in 2012!
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Since it's Congress that controls the purse strings in this country, let's compare the deficit from before the Democrats took control in 2006 and after. Not sure you're going to like the numbers once Nancy Pelosi was calling the shots, kiddies. Talk about a spike! Yikes...
And then once Barack, Nancy and Harry were ALL running the show the deficit took off for the stratosphere.
Since it's Congress that controls the purse strings in this country, let's compare the deficit from before the Democrats took control in 2006 and after. Not sure you're going to like the numbers once Nancy Pelosi was calling the shots, kiddies. Talk about a spike! Yikes...

they took contol in 2007, but the economy was crashing before that and they are not responsible for defered war payments and tax breaks.
Obama administration is spending $4.8 billion/day....3x Bush's administration and no one brings that up.:eusa_whistle:

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