The truth about electric cars...


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
and it ain't pretty. Could it be yet another example of left wing climate change propaganda?

Where’s Ralph?

One often reads that electric cars cost less to maintain than cars with gas or diesel engines because you’ll never have to change oil and filters or belts or coolant or replace a water pump or hoses. All perfectly true.

But why no mention of the electric car’s battery pack?

Eventually – just like the battery in your laptop and every other battery ever made – it will be less able to accept and store a charge. The cycle of discharge and recharge depletes a battery over time.

So people will buy a very expensive electric car – thinking that at least they’ll save some money on maintenance – and then find out they’ll be spending several thousand dollars to “maintain” (that is, to replace) the battery – long before the car itself has worn out.

Why no mention of this?

Another not-mentioned thing about electric cars is that to charge them in less than 8-12 hours (on standard household current) they must be plugged into a so-called “fast” charger.

Most homes do not come standard with “fast” chargers. And it is not free – or even cheap – to have one installed in your home. A 240 Volt circuit must be wired, which involves electricians. Plus the hardware for the charger itself.

You don’t have to spend the money on a “fast” charger install, of course. But without it, you had better plan ahead. If your battery runs down, the car isn’t going anywhere for hours – and so, neither are you.

It’s never mentioned.

How about the fact that the weather has a substantial effect on the EV’s legs – i.e., how long it will run (and how far it can go) before it must be hooked to its electrical umbilical cord for a recharge? Heat and cold affect battery performance; they also entail the use of accessories such as the heater and air conditioner meant to ameliorate the effects of heat and cold on the occupants of the vehicle.

These – wait for it! – use power.

Which in an electric car means the finite charge contained in the battery pack. Think about a flashlight. As soon as you turn it on, you are draining the batteries. And lights don’t draw that much power. Air conditioning does. So does an electric heater. Ever run a space heater in your house in winter? You probably noticed the effect on your utility bill.

In an electric car, you will notice the effect as well. In the form of a substantial reduction of range.

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Where's Ralph? - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk
and it ain't pretty. Could it be yet another example of left wing climate change propaganda?

Where’s Ralph?

One often reads that electric cars cost less to maintain than cars with gas or diesel engines because you’ll never have to change oil and filters or belts or coolant or replace a water pump or hoses. All perfectly true.

But why no mention of the electric car’s battery pack?

Eventually – just like the battery in your laptop and every other battery ever made – it will be less able to accept and store a charge. The cycle of discharge and recharge depletes a battery over time.

So people will buy a very expensive electric car – thinking that at least they’ll save some money on maintenance – and then find out they’ll be spending several thousand dollars to “maintain” (that is, to replace) the battery – long before the car itself has worn out.

Why no mention of this?

Another not-mentioned thing about electric cars is that to charge them in less than 8-12 hours (on standard household current) they must be plugged into a so-called “fast” charger.

Most homes do not come standard with “fast” chargers. And it is not free – or even cheap – to have one installed in your home. A 240 Volt circuit must be wired, which involves electricians. Plus the hardware for the charger itself.

You don’t have to spend the money on a “fast” charger install, of course. But without it, you had better plan ahead. If your battery runs down, the car isn’t going anywhere for hours – and so, neither are you.

It’s never mentioned.

How about the fact that the weather has a substantial effect on the EV’s legs – i.e., how long it will run (and how far it can go) before it must be hooked to its electrical umbilical cord for a recharge? Heat and cold affect battery performance; they also entail the use of accessories such as the heater and air conditioner meant to ameliorate the effects of heat and cold on the occupants of the vehicle.

These – wait for it! – use power.

Which in an electric car means the finite charge contained in the battery pack. Think about a flashlight. As soon as you turn it on, you are draining the batteries. And lights don’t draw that much power. Air conditioning does. So does an electric heater. Ever run a space heater in your house in winter? You probably noticed the effect on your utility bill.

In an electric car, you will notice the effect as well. In the form of a substantial reduction of range.

more at the link...
Where's Ralph? - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk
/—-/ And don’t forget the environmental damage when mining the metals used to make the batteries. Plus the child slave labor in South Africa. Subscribe to read
A couple of years ago I was at the Tesla showroom looking at the cars.

I asked the salesman about the cost of battery replacement. He said that he didn't know the answer to that. I've read that experts claim the cost would be between $8,000 to $20,000.

Just that fact alone will kill the used electric car market.

I mean, who is going to buy a used Tesla, knowing that kind of a repair bill is looming in the future? ..... :cool:
A couple of years ago I was at the Tesla showroom looking at the cars.

I asked the salesman about the cost of battery replacement. He said that he didn't know the answer to that. I've read that experts claim the cost would be between $8,000 to $20,000.

Just that fact alone will kill the used electric car market.

I mean, who is going to buy a used Tesla, knowing that kind of a repair bill is looming in the future? ..... :cool:
This may be why the press and central government are quiet about this very damning aspect of EVs....among many

Imagine the LWNJ who thinks he/she is saving the Earth, by buying a used Prius. Only to find out that they need thousands of dollars to replace the batteries. Most that LWNJ suddenly realizes they got duped.
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
Even Al Gores son got busted at over 100 in a Prius. I have heard the Tesla is insane fast due to direct drive electric motors in the hubs. They are an impressive looking car.
But it can't go everywhere I can.
Electric Cars are still not ready for prime time, a good city commuter but that is it.
A couple of years ago I was at the Tesla showroom looking at the cars.

I asked the salesman about the cost of battery replacement. He said that he didn't know the answer to that. I've read that experts claim the cost would be between $8,000 to $20,000.

Just that fact alone will kill the used electric car market.

I mean, who is going to buy a used Tesla, knowing that kind of a repair bill is looming in the future? ..... :cool:

The future might be different though. The more people have such things, the more they'll be developed and be cheaper.

I mean, imagine talking about laptop computers 40 years ago..... oh, no, you'd never get one of those to last an hour unless it's the size of a house.
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
Even Al Gores son got busted at over 100 in a Prius. I have heard the Tesla is insane fast due to direct drive electric motors in the hubs. They are an impressive looking car.
But it can't go everywhere I can.

Can't go with you into the bathroom.
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
Even Al Gores son got busted at over 100 in a Prius. I have heard the Tesla is insane fast due to direct drive electric motors in the hubs. They are an impressive looking car.
But it can't go everywhere I can.

Can't go with you into the bathroom.
WTF are you even babbling about?:cuckoo:
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
Even Al Gores son got busted at over 100 in a Prius. I have heard the Tesla is insane fast due to direct drive electric motors in the hubs. They are an impressive looking car.
But it can't go everywhere I can.

Can't go with you into the bathroom.
WTF are you even babbling about?:cuckoo:

You said "But it can't go everywhere I can."

I said "Can't go with you into the bathroom."

Can't be that hard, can it?
An electric car will never tow my boat or snowmobiles. Will never be as fun as driving my Hemi Grand Cherokee. Will never provide the range I need.
The long-term cost of an electric car and the environmental cost with gas cars is a wash after about 15 years. Unless you have a private solar or wind generator that electric car is still getting charged with power generated by fossil fuels. Still requires materials that damage the environment.
A clean vehicle is a myth.
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
Even Al Gores son got busted at over 100 in a Prius. I have heard the Tesla is insane fast due to direct drive electric motors in the hubs. They are an impressive looking car.
But it can't go everywhere I can.

Can't go with you into the bathroom.
WTF are you even babbling about?:cuckoo:

You said "But it can't go everywhere I can."

I said "Can't go with you into the bathroom."

Can't be that hard, can it?
Wow!!! You are so clever. :uhh:
True enough, except some electric cars are amazingly fast. The Tesla will beat your Grand Cherokee off the line.
Even Al Gores son got busted at over 100 in a Prius. I have heard the Tesla is insane fast due to direct drive electric motors in the hubs. They are an impressive looking car.
But it can't go everywhere I can.

Can't go with you into the bathroom.
WTF are you even babbling about?:cuckoo:

You said "But it can't go everywhere I can."

I said "Can't go with you into the bathroom."

Can't be that hard, can it?
Wow!!! You are so clever. :uhh:

Wow, you're so clever too.
The battery is indeed the weak point of an electric car. We still are nowhere close to battery technology that can match gasoline in terms of energy density, or which would allow an electric car to be charged at a rate comparable to pumping gasoline into a conventional car. Car-scale batteries are very expensive, and have a host of other problems.

If we can ever overcome the problems with batteries, then I expect internal-combustion-engined vehicles to very quickly become obsolete. Other than the battery-related issues, electric cars have tremendous advantages. They are mechanically simpler, so they should be much more reliable, much less expensive to maintain, and they ought to cost significantly less to manufacture. Consider that a typical electric motor has one moving part. Just one. How many dozens, or perhaps even hundreds of moving parts does a typical internal-combustion engine for an automobile have? And because electric motors have a much wider power band, and are electrically-reversible, they do not need nearly as complex a transmission—if they need one at all—as an internal combustion engine needs.

Electric motors are also much, much more efficient. Of the energy released by burning fuel in an internal combustion engine, only about a third of it makes it out the crankshaft. The rest is simply wasted, as heat and vibration. In fact, most internal combustion engines waste so much energy as heat, that they have to have a whole cooling system just to remove this heat in order to keep the engine from damaging itself.

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