The Trumps just keep on winning

At least one RWnut around here is effectively admitting that he approves of the Trump crime family using politics, not to mention the presidency, for nothing more than personal enrichment.
That was the Obama's snowflake. The Trump's were already billionaires.
The harder the left works to destroy the Trump family, the more successful they become... :laugh:

Ivanka Trump's Clothing Sales Increased In 2016 | The Huffington Post

What year is this? can they have sales results for 2017 when we're only 1/3 of the way through 2017. These were annual results - not quarterly. :laugh:

So Ivanka's success selling made-in-China crap to gullible RWnuts is really your best example of American exceptionalism?

Goddam that's funny.
The harder the left works to destroy the Trump family, the more successful they become... :laugh:

Ivanka Trump's Clothing Sales Increased In 2016 | The Huffington Post
Don't you realize how laughable you sound touting the success of Ivanka's clothing line? I don't give two fucks how successful she is. No liberal cares. You're just building up this non sense in your head to cling to any trump victory you can get because you know he's imploding otherwise.

Its just astounding that they are actually happy to see the drumpfs stealing and lying. WTH? How is any of this good for the country? Oh yeah, they don't care about that.

First Lady Ivanka has no business pretending to be an "advisor" of anything except nail polish colors. We're paying enormous money on travel, vacations, security for the adult kids - things they should be paying for themselves.

They are not elected officials. They're royalty, stealing from the peons.

They know this and they know incredibly stupid and gullible trumpkins will gladly hand over their money, their family's money, their children's money and everything they could ever hope to have because -


At least one RWnut around here is effectively admitting that he approves of the Trump crime family using politics, not to mention the presidency, for nothing more than personal enrichment.
That was the Obama's snowflake. The Trump's were already billionaires.

Fine. Trump was already a billionaire when he came up with the Trump University con game.

Why was it so important for him to scam regular Americans out of their life savings when he already had more money than he knew what to do with?

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