The Trump neocons love the smell of napalm in the morning


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
strange days indeed. Was it only 3 mos ago that Trump was bringing all the troops home from the ME, besides the one's he'd sent to Saudi Arabia and the patrons of SIL Jared?
How many victory dances did democrats perform when SEALs killed a feeble old man they called Bin Ladin? Lefties celebrated when Obama ordered a drone strike on a U.S. citizen in Yemen when it was determined that he was a low level terrorist. The guy was killed as well as his son and a passenger in the car and democrats called it unfortunate collateral damage. You almost gotta laugh that lefties conveniently forget about Hillary's husband's splendid little war in Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down. Meanwhile 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in freaking Florida.
strange days indeed. Was it only 3 mos ago that Trump was bringing all the troops home from the ME, besides the one's he'd sent to Saudi Arabia and the patrons of SIL Jared?
I love the smell of burning Quds commanders.

You can shove the neocon slander up your nether regions.
strange days indeed. Was it only 3 mos ago that Trump was bringing all the troops home from the ME, besides the one's he'd sent to Saudi Arabia and the patrons of SIL Jared?
I love the smell of burning Quds commanders.

You can shove the neocon slander up your nether regions.
fuck you, neocon
We like the smell of burnt Muslim terrorists in the morning.

All without using any ground troops.

Charred, smoldering remains and glass beads.

Funny how upset Tards get when Trump wins, America wins, Donald looks good, and we defend and protect American sovereignty, property and lives against a sworn terrorist enemy that promises to kill us 24/7!
Don't kid yourselves girls- Democrats are just as Neocon as the other sociopaths in the District of Criminals- in fact it could be argued, legitimately, that they love Neocon Policy since they are in charge of the purse strings and still fund ALL global atrocities which is for propping up the Petrodollar which funds their love of policies to infringe on Liberty, near and far-
I relish the smell of Korea(LG), Japan( My Acura and V-max) and Chinese(my tools) smell every morning.
My computer had the flu(usa made---Microshit)
Now I Greeced it and it's fine :10:
We like the smell of burnt Muslim terrorists in the morning.

All without using any ground troops.
I guess your missing the news where Trump is sending thousands of more troops to the Middle East. Read and listen to real news.
Huckabee said that though it is “unusual to celebrate a death,” all “Americans and decent people the world over cheer the news that madman, murderer, and terrorist Osama bin Laden is dead.” Romney, who was also in the running, declared it a “great victory for lovers of freedom and justice everywhere.” Michele Bachmann praised it as a victory as well, as did Rick Santorum, Tim Pawlenty, and Chris Christie.

Compare those to the 2020 Democrats’ responses last night
All morning Dim's have been showing the world whose side they're on.
White liberals, and the millions of so-called Americans who are now Dimocrats, but who originally came from that region, are in mourning today
His actions weren't much different than actions the US government has been implementing for many decades now. Including against Iran.
Oh bullshit.

When did the US military EVER target civilian populations....other than during the Obama administration?

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