The Trump-Directed U-Turn....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....from the suicidal Leftist policies.

Here's an update on the mid-course historic correction, on America's birthday.

1. "...17 months ago when Senator Schumer was weeping on the Senate floor, in emulation, he said, of the Statue of Liberty, over President Trump’s proposed curtailment of the rights of entry into America from a number of terrorism-plagued or sponsoring states.

2. ...remember the immense demonstrations, the lectures from the most gaseous Hollywood airheads, the interdiction by relatively peaceful mobs of demonstrators at major airports, as the Democrats got overreaching leftist federal district judges to strut their moment of national fame and presume to wrench control of immigration from the president, to whom the Constitution assigns it.

3. President Trump ... was upheld last week by the Supreme Court.
(Justice Clarence Thomas rightly implied in his judgment that the district courts have to be put in their place.)

4. ...the Supremes also decided that religiously based pregnancy counseling centers will not have to emphasize the speed and convenience of abortions by Planned Parenthood. This is the beginning of the lifting of the jack-booted official foot from the windpipe of anyone who believes in any version of the God...

5. The Supreme Court capped its action-packed week with the announced retirement of unpredictable swing judge Anthony Kennedy after 30 years. (He was appointed after the great Robert Bork was virtually assassinated by Teddy Kennedy, and by Joe Biden.) It is shocking that four justices apparently agreed that foreigners had a prima facie right to enter the United States, and the presidency surrendered its constitutional rights by this president’s ambiguous comments about criteria for entry into the United States.

6. The Democratic hot-air balloon about separating illegally entering children from their parents was still hissing furiously when the Supreme Court spoke.
This was over the unmitigated nonsense about 2,300 children abandoned by illegal intruders into America, being “torn from the arms of their parents.” They are fed and sheltered better than they are accustomed to in the countries they fled, and their parents had no business putting them at this risk.

7. ...all nonsense, like the claims after the prearranged Charlottesville riots last year over what to do with the statue of Robert E. Lee, when Trump was accused of favoring neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. The ne plus ultra of Democrats’ irresistible polemical silliness, likening Trump to the imperishable Adolf Hitler, empurpled the air as the floundering hacks of the Resistance filed through the Trumpophobic networks’ television studios, fulminating about the fate of the illegally transported and abandoned children.

8. If the new Mexican president, López Obrador, adheres to his campaign proposal of not interfering with the drug cartels, he will not only be handing his northern provinces entirely over to the most vicious gangsters in the history of the Americas, he will oblige President Trump to take measures that will make the protracted debate about the wall, ICE, the immigration chain and lottery, and separation of children sublimely academic.

9. He will force the United States to secure the border with an adequate deployment of the U.S. Army. These units, perhaps a whole division, would be better employed in this role than in squatting in their bases. There would be practically no casualties, no illegal immigrants, fewer opioids, and the country could take its time with the wall. This entire enervating debate would end.

10.If the new Mexican government abandons the Drug War, it will be the equivalent, in ending debate and uniting opinion in the United States, of Pearl Harbor. If the Democrats take abolition of ICE and de facto open borders to the voters in November, Mr. Trump will mow them down like sitting ducks."
Bloomberg Looms Large For 2020

The inimitable Conrad Black says even more that will be highly unpalatable to our Leftists.....

....coming right up.
11. "President Trump is rising steadily in the polls, which report that, contrary to the Democrats’ favorite fairy tale, only 31 percent of his supporters are males who did not attend university, according to Pew Research.

His sanctimonious press opponents who maintain their vigil of alleged falsehoods of the president take a great deal more liberties with the truth than he does, and the majority of the country is more impressed that by the principal criterion for judging a public office-holder’s honesty, whether he is doing what he promised prior to election to do. Here, Donald Trump has the best record of any president since Calvin Coolidge (who promised to do nothing).

He may durably uproot and expel them from their incumbency and legitimacy as a permanent government, and he may actually succeed as a president.

This is the explanation for the mushroom cloud of Democratic disconcertion about the ambivalent Anthony Kennedy."
Bloomberg Looms Large For 2020
12. "All of the nominees on the president’s list of 25, from which the well-respected Justice Neil Gorsuch was chosen last year, are clearly qualified. All, when probed about abortion, will say something like what Circuit Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a practicing Roman Catholic with seven children, replied at her confirmation hearing, that no judge should allow personal views to get in the way of established law.

The Democrats are snookered. They won’t be able to sell their goal-line defense of Roe v. Wade. It is a very inadequate decision anyway — the preeminent issue isn’t the right of a woman to do anything she wants with her own body; it is when the unborn attain the rights of a person."
Bloomberg Looms Large For 2020

Reminder: the unborn that she helped create is not a part of her body.
13. "Donald Trump is not everyone’s choice, but calling him a sexist, racist, xenophobe, warmonger, fiscal profligate, much less someone who would betray his country to a foreign power in an election: All of this is bunk and always was.

If the Democrats want to win, instead of just continuing on suicide watch, they will have to do it the old-fashioned way with real issues and a serious leader.

...evicting Trump from the White House will not be like falling off a log."
Bloomberg Looms Large For 2020


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