The Trouble With The Two State Solution

You can not have a two state solution if one state{Palestine) says the other one (Israel) does not have a right to exist.

You can't have that!

That's where all the problems begin with this issue.
There are two million people there with no place to go...

Yeah, um, isn't that the whole point of self-determination and sovereignty? That they build their nation on that land, and, um, don't go anywhere?
Why do Jews have a right to an ethnostate, but no other ethnic group does?

More than 25% of Israel's citizens are non Jews, including members of their Parliament.

How does that equate to an ethnostate?
There needs to be peace and a solution. Two states with an agreement that they not be allowed to have a military and in which Israel can decide who can or cannot enter. Or, at some point the world convinces other Arab nations to offer them all access and refuge in their countries. If America can allow 7 million illegal inside the U.S over three years or so, why can't all the Arab nations offer the Palestiians free passage into their countries?
Why didn’t they accept Olmert’s proposal?
The trouble with the two state solution is that it leaves another enemy state on Israel's border, a state which refuses to admit that Israel has a right to exist. A state which will have an army and arm itself for future attacks on Israel. What country on the planet would agree to have a state formed right on their border which would be hell bent on wanting to eliminate you from existence?
Well, that's exactly what Israel is trying to do to the Palestinians. The Pals have a right to self determination. Gaza is a prison. No one can leave that area without Israeli permission. Christ, Gazans can't even fish without getting shot at by the IDF. Who the fuck shoots at people fishing!
Well, that's exactly what Israel is trying to do to the Palestinians. The Pals have a right to self determination. Gaza is a prison. No one can leave that area without Israeli permission. Christ, Gazans can't even fish without getting shot at by the IDF. Who the fuck shoots at people fishing!
You can not leave our country without permission. It is called a passport and visa.
Well, that's exactly what Israel is trying to do to the Palestinians. The Pals have a right to self determination. Gaza is a prison. No one can leave that area without Israeli permission. Christ, Gazans can't even fish without getting shot at by the IDF. Who the fuck shoots at people fishing!
Please refer back to post #1
Gaza is not your country! Why can't they leave by ship?
Gaza is also not their country. Sadly the people are victims of the radical leadership. Why can they not live in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, or any other country.

And, why should it be a problem for them to live in Gaza, they can build it into whatever they like? Hell, looks to me like the Gaza strip is mostly waterfront. I would love to live in the Mediterranean sea.

The only problem in Gaza is the education and the leadership. Teaching the Arab/Palestinians false history and hate. Leadership made up of tyrants who get rich off the people.

Leave by ship, get rid of the leadership and make that area of Israel great.

It is time to let Israel rule Gaza and the West Bank. Too small of an area for a welfare state.

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