The trouble with racism is...

It comes from fear

I thought it came from ignorance.

Ignorance of what? The different races differ in terms of average ability levels and behavior. These differences exist everywhere in the world, and always have. Differences this durable and omnipresent are almost certainly genetic.

You pathetic fucking losers can't let go of your stormfront talking points no matter how many times they are refuted. You're a bad fucking joke.
I thought it came from ignorance.

Ignorance of what? The different races differ in terms of average ability levels and behavior. These differences exist everywhere in the world, and always have. Differences this durable and omnipresent are almost certainly genetic.

You pathetic fucking losers can't let go of your stormfront talking points no matter how many times they are refuted. You're a bad fucking joke.

You must be a regular visitor to Stormfront if you're so familiar with their "talking points."
Ignorance of what? The different races differ in terms of average ability levels and behavior. These differences exist everywhere in the world, and always have. Differences this durable and omnipresent are almost certainly genetic.

You pathetic fucking losers can't let go of your stormfront talking points no matter how many times they are refuted. You're a bad fucking joke.

You must be a regular visitor to Stormfront if you're so familiar with their "talking points."

No need to visit that cesspool since you assholes keep making field trips here.
It used to be white men with pointed heads would march down a street in a Black neighborhood and Blacks would run and hide,now those same white men in pointed hats would rather drink a glass of gasoline,then even think about marching through a Black neighborhood.
It used to be white men with pointed heads would march down a street in a Black neighborhood and Blacks would run and hide,now those same white men in pointed hats would rather drink a glass of gasoline,then even think about marching through a Black neighborhood.

You're right about one thing but wrong about another. We certainly have evolved from walking down streets, waving flags and hiding our faces. But no WN drinks gasoline. A lot don't even drink beer or any other alcohol. What we do, however, is try to subvert our enemy as best we can. As Denzel said, "This is chess, nigga. Not checkers!"
It used to be white men with pointed heads would march down a street in a Black neighborhood and Blacks would run and hide,now those same white men in pointed hats would rather drink a glass of gasoline,then even think about marching through a Black neighborhood.

You're right about one thing but wrong about another. We certainly have evolved from walking down streets, waving flags and hiding our faces. But no WN drinks gasoline. A lot don't even drink beer or any other alcohol. What we do, however, is try to subvert our enemy as best we can. As Denzel said, "This is chess, nigga. Not checkers!"

"What we do, however, is try to subvert our enemy as best we can. As Denzel said, "This is chess, nigga. Not checkers!""

"I don't like you subverting anyone"


  • $05019305_.jpg
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It used to be white men with pointed heads would march down a street in a Black neighborhood and Blacks would run and hide,now those same white men in pointed hats would rather drink a glass of gasoline,then even think about marching through a Black neighborhood.

"as a man thinketh so is he"

"the only way you can prove you can think is by proving you made your body"


  • $1.jpg
    8.1 KB · Views: 74
You pathetic fucking losers can't let go of your stormfront talking points no matter how many times they are refuted. You're a bad fucking joke.

You must be a regular visitor to Stormfront if you're so familiar with their "talking points."

No need to visit that cesspool since you assholes keep making field trips here.

"No need to visit that cesspool"

they took my shoes


  • $3711185354_855a91519f_o.jpg
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Ignorance of what? The different races differ in terms of average ability levels and behavior. These differences exist everywhere in the world, and always have. Differences this durable and omnipresent are almost certainly genetic.

You pathetic fucking losers can't let go of your stormfront talking points no matter how many times they are refuted. You're a bad fucking joke.

You must be a regular visitor to Stormfront if you're so familiar with their "talking points."

"Differences this durable and omnipresent are almost certainly genetic."

"i like my genes"


  • $403236_331073433596586_202144186489512_870468_822073124_n.jpg
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still sounds like ignorance to me....


Common sense isn't ignorance. Do you deny that blacks cause half of the murders within this country?

Do you deny that blacks cause far more violence against whites?
Do you deny that black young adults are far more likely to join gangs and attack whites?
Do you deny that blacks don't teach their children to work hard?(on the norm).

How the fuck could this be ignorance?

Where would we be without Charles Drew? Most of us would be dead, or never born. Do you really think he was less intelligent than a white guy?

At our local highschool the last gang war was between the Russians and the Hispanics...funny, neither of the gangs were black.

I'm not saying there aren't a disproportionate amount of crime amongst blacks, I think that's because of their disproportionate illegitimacy rate of nearly 70%. Sadly, the rest of us are catching up to them, what will you complain about then? What then will make you think you are better than blacks?

And yes, you are ignorant. You think because a disproportionate number of blacks are involved in violence or crimes that somehow their whole race is less than you simply because of your skin color.

"that somehow their whole race is less than you simply because of your skin color"

white southerners make the n words
I say the truth. The truth is racism within the minds of the stupid.

So you're ok with a high murder rate?
So you're ok with much of your population living off of the government?
So you're ok with your son screwing everything in sight?
So you're ok with lying to the American people and calling everyone racist if you get caught???

Really??? WTF

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