The tragic life of slaves around the World

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is happening right now - all over the world. Imagine living in such misery! The hopelessness you would feel being a slave - owned by someone else! These people need our prayers. This is tragic. Truly tragic. When you go to bed tonight, hug your children, your spouse, your cats, your dogs and thank God that you are not experiencing such an awful existence. Remember to say a prayer for those who are not so fortunate. If there is one thing we can be grateful for right now - it is our freedom. We are a free people. Thank God for liberty and the right to decide where you will go tomorrow and what you will do. There is so much we Americans take for granted. Tonight it is good time to remember how blessed we truly are.

Trafficked into slavery on Thai trawlers to catch food for prawns Global development The Guardian

There is nothing but a jagged line of splinters where Myint Thein’s teeth once stood – a painful reminder, he says, of the day he was beaten and sold on to a Thai fishing boat.

The tattooed Burmese fisherman, 29, bears a number of other “reminders” of his life at sea: two deep cuts on each arm, calloused fingers contorted like claws and facial muscles that twitch involuntarily from fear. For the past two years, Myint Thein has been forced to work 20-hour days as a slave on the high seas, enduring regular beatings from his Thai captain and eating little more than a plate of rice each day. But now that he’s been granted a rare chance to come back to port, he’s planning something special to mark the occasion: his escape.

Using a pair of rusty scissors, Myint Thein chops off his long, scraggly locks. He rinses himself down with a hose, slips on his only pair of trousers and, peering out at his surroundings, remembers not to open his mouth too wide. A man with no teeth is easy to remember.
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Slaves forced to work for no pay for years at a time under threat of extreme violence are being used in Asia in the production of seafood sold by major US, British and other European retailers, the Guardian can reveal.

A six-month investigation has established that large numbers of men bought and sold like animals and held against their will on fishing boats off Thailand are integral to the production of prawns (commonly called shrimp in the US) sold in leading supermarkets around the world, including the top four global retailers: Walmart, Carrefour, Costco and Tesco.

The investigation found that the world's largest prawn farmer, the Thailand-basedCharoen Pokphand (CP) Foods, buys fishmeal, which it feeds to its farmed prawns, from some suppliers that own, operate or buy from fishing boats manned with slaves.

Men who have managed to escape from boats supplying CP Foods and other companies like it told the Guardian of horrific conditions, including 20-hour shifts, regular beatings, torture and execution-style killings. Some were at sea for years; some were regularly offered methamphetamines to keep them going. Some had seen fellow slaves murdered in front of them.

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Trafficked into slavery on Thai trawlers to catch food for prawns Global development The Guardian
While there are no official records of how many men are enslaved on Thai fishing boats, the Thai government estimates that up to 300,000 people work within its fishing industry, 90% of whom are migrants vulnerable to being duped, trafficked and sold to the sea.

The vast majority of these men come from neighbouring Cambodia, Laos and Burma, lured by Thailand’s strong economy and large pool of unskilled jobs. They pay brokers to help traffic them over the border and find them work in factories, on plantations or at construction sites – but many of them will be sold instead on to boats to fill a massive labour shortage in Thailand’s fishing sector.Trafficked into slavery on Thai trawlers to catch food for prawns Global development The Guardian
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GENEVA — The year 2014 was the deadliest for migrants on record, the International Organization for Migration said on Tuesday, calling for political leadership and concerted international action to tackle the causes of “desperation migration.”

At least 4,868 people have perished while escaping conflict and hardship so far this year, over double the 2,400 deaths recorded last year, the Geneva-based organization report.

This little boy's name is Enso. He is ten years old. He was found on the streets at age 1 and put to work by his master at age 2. He does chores for 6 people and is a slave. This is happening right now. This little boy is not permitted to attend school. The privilege of being born in America and living in America is incredible. This little boy would love to be adopted by an American family. I wish he was my child. I would love to adopt him. This child should be playing baseball ,reading good books and going to school. He does not deserve this life!
Photo Galleries End Slavery Now
Oh! What the American people have taken for granted!
There are approximately 30 million people who are slaves in the world today. 30 million people kept in slavery.

Bride slaves - this is happening in India - Munni is suffering greatly. She lives in India. This is her story:

Munni was shared among her husband and his brothers who could not find wives. Decades of aborting female babies has led to a shortage of women, resulting in rape, trafficking and wife-sharing. Photograph: Nita Bhalla/TrustLaw/Reuters

She hides her face in shame. She is the victim and yet she is the one hiding her face in shame! How awful! Headlines End Slavery Now
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Bashir, who refused to give his surname, is from Tijara in the north-western state of Rajasthan. He used to make his living harvesting crops or quarrying rocks. Now he supplements his meagre income by travelling to Assam twice a year – with his own purchased wife – to bring back brides for local village families.

“We tell them they’ll get good husbands here. We pay the families $70-100 [£45-65],” Bashir says, sitting outside his family home. “It’s a community service. We are poor, they are poor, so it’s a win-win situation.”

Yet the reality of these marriages for women bought and sold as brides is often a life of slavery and abuse. The UNODC says thousands of these women are raped, abused, used as domestic slaves and often eventually abandoned.

Sahiba was only 16 when a distant relative told her family in Assam that he could marry the poor teenager into a good home. He took her away, raped her twice and sold her as a bride to a family in Palwal, Haryana, 60km from the Indian capital Delhi. “I didn’t want to be raped again, so I went along with it,” she says. “And I thought it was a real marriage.”

She later discovered from her sister-in law that she had been bought for 13,500 rupees (£135) for her mentally ill husband, whom the family thought no one else would marry. “My blood began to boil and I decided to escape,” Sahiba says. “When I refused to sleep with my new husband, I was beaten and attacked with a knife. ‘We bought you,’ his family told me. ‘You have to obey.’”Headlines End Slavery Now
Makes the assholes here marching in protest look pretty stupid, doesn't it?
Therein lies the stupidity of some people. I guess your stance is that if someone has it worse than you its ok for you to be mistreated. What a dumb ass.

I do not believe that is what has troubled you, Asclepias. I believe you have been hit with the reality that the people in NY and Ferguson have nothing to complain about. They are living like kings and queens compared to these people being posted on this thread. They protest to destroy property, smash and grab and justify this by reliving the story of how an armed robber who refused to stand down is now dead because a police officer dared to defend himself. The other one refused to obey the law - resisted arrest and had a heart attack in an ambulance and for this you think these people are justified in inciting the people of America to violence against Police Officers? Resulting in the death of 2 officers and for what? So they can have some free television sets? The trouble here is that the entitlement mindset has gone into overdrive and now people believe they are justified in armed robbery and law breaking with no consequences. It is time to face reality. True injustice is what you see in these photographs. You've got nothing to complain about and neither does any other red blooded American in this country. Thank God you live here and stop behaving as if the world owes you a living. It does not.

If the protesters in America do not stop this nonsense and start having a grateful heart for the great privilege of being an American? I believe God will have to wake all of you up Himself! You won't like it either!

Mark my words! That day is Coming! It is surely Coming!
Makes the assholes here marching in protest look pretty stupid, doesn't it?
Therein lies the stupidity of some people. I guess your stance is that if someone has it worse than you its ok for you to be mistreated. What a dumb ass.

I do not believe that is what has troubled you, Asclepias. I believe you have been hit with the reality that the people in NY and Ferguson have nothing to complain about. They are living like kings and queens compared to these people being posted on this thread. They protest to destroy property, smash and grab and justify this by reliving the story of how an armed robber who refused to stand down is now dead because a police officer dared to defend himself. The other one refused to obey the law - resisted arrest and had a heart attack in an ambulance and for this you think these people are justified in inciting the people of America to violence against Police Officers? Resulting in the death of 2 officers and for what? So they can have some free television sets? The trouble here is that the entitlement mindset has gone into overdrive and now people believe they are justified in armed robbery and law breaking with no consequences. It is time to face reality. True injustice is what you see in these photographs. You've got nothing to complain about and neither does any other red blooded American in this country. Thank God you live here and stop behaving as if the world owes you a living. It does not.

If the protesters in America do not stop this nonsense and start having a grateful heart for the great privilege of being an American? I believe God will have to wake all of you up Himself! You won't like it either!

Mark my words! That day is Coming! It is surely Coming!
Pardon me but thats a bunch of BS. Different circumstances entirely. The people all over this country has just as much right to draw attention to brutality no matter how it looks compared to someone elses plight. They have slavery right here in the US if you really want to precise. It makes no sense to not protest. What you are advocating is that we allow our situaton to grow just as bad as theirs then and only then is it right to complain. Well at that point you wont have much of a voice left will you?

This girl is in her early 20's. She was trafficked into blue jeans sweatshop factory where she was forced to work 20 hour days - slept on floor - little to eat - NO PAY - They were locked inside and forced to work 20 hours a day, people. Can you imagine it? She managed to escape - reported it to the authorities and the police raided the sweatshop rescuing 38 girls - ages 14 - 26. Thank God she escaped and was able to assist in the freedom of the other 38 girls. Most are not so fortunate. Imagine being forced to work in a sweatshop for 20 hours a day and sleep on the floor with little to eat. Imagine what kind of life that would be.
Makes the assholes here marching in protest look pretty stupid, doesn't it?
Therein lies the stupidity of some people. I guess your stance is that if someone has it worse than you its ok for you to be mistreated. What a dumb ass.

I do not believe that is what has troubled you, Asclepias. I believe you have been hit with the reality that the people in NY and Ferguson have nothing to complain about. They are living like kings and queens compared to these people being posted on this thread. They protest to destroy property, smash and grab and justify this by reliving the story of how an armed robber who refused to stand down is now dead because a police officer dared to defend himself. The other one refused to obey the law - resisted arrest and had a heart attack in an ambulance and for this you think these people are justified in inciting the people of America to violence against Police Officers? Resulting in the death of 2 officers and for what? So they can have some free television sets? The trouble here is that the entitlement mindset has gone into overdrive and now people believe they are justified in armed robbery and law breaking with no consequences. It is time to face reality. True injustice is what you see in these photographs. You've got nothing to complain about and neither does any other red blooded American in this country. Thank God you live here and stop behaving as if the world owes you a living. It does not.

If the protesters in America do not stop this nonsense and start having a grateful heart for the great privilege of being an American? I believe God will have to wake all of you up Himself! You won't like it either!

Mark my words! That day is Coming! It is surely Coming!
Pardon me but thats a bunch of BS. Different circumstances entirely. The people all over this country has just as much right to draw attention to brutality no matter how it looks compared to someone elses plight. They have slavery right here in the US if you really want to precise. It makes no sense to not protest. What you are advocating is that we allow our situaton to grow just as bad as theirs then and only then is it right to complain. Well at that point you wont have much of a voice left will you?

You keep it up and the Communists will make sure we have it just as bad. Cut the nonsense! I have heard enough! You and your protester buddies are going to create a situation in which our freedoms will be a thing of the past! You can be sure the sharks are circling the waters even now just waiting for the moment we are vulnerable enough to blindside us and take us down hard. America is becoming more and more vulnerable to an outside attack because a nation divided is destined to fall. WAKE UP.

And stop trying to derail my thread. This isn't Ferguson, Tootsie bell. I am not putting up with it.
Asslips whining, eh? I love the ignore feature.

He can ignore me. In fact, if finding out how difficult the real world has it is too much, I'd strongly advise it. I'm not finished yet. Not by a long shot!
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