CDZ The Trade War is Helping American Workers, not Wall Street

I generally support tariffs if there is ANY reason to have one.

I generally oppose tariffs unless there is a good reason to have them. The problems is that our trading partners continually cherry pick which tariffs they support and which tariffs they oppose, always to their benefit and our detriment. For example, Canada wants to sell us cars but doesn't want to buy our dairy products. In addition, they have undermined our tariffs on China by buying its cheap steel while selling us their domestically produced steel. The only way to effect change is to apply consequences to this type of behavior.
. . . which will cost us jobs and raise prices in those area, jwoodie.
The real problem with China is that non-Chinese companies will relocate over the coming year if the trade war continues. Rising unemployment or even a strong likelihood of it is a threat to the regime. That will reduce earnings for Wall Street. US workers are the easiest workers to locate to and much safer for investors since Trump and the states cannot and will not impose tariffs on American workers. We already have a shortage of American workers and a policy of reciprocal tariffs is the president's goal so wages are headed up.
I guess if you call more expensive products for americans "helping" then youre right.
The real problem with China is that non-Chinese companies will relocate over the coming year if the trade war continues. Rising unemployment or even a strong likelihood of it is a threat to the regime. That will reduce earnings for Wall Street. US workers are the easiest workers to locate to and much safer for investors since Trump and the states cannot and will not impose tariffs on American workers. We already have a shortage of American workers and a policy of reciprocal tariffs is the president's goal so wages are headed up.

I generally support tariffs if there is ANY reason to have one. A tariff against a GM vehicle made in Canada which has a similar set of regulations and costs and one made in America doesn't necessarily accomplish alot.

A tariff against a Chinese product taking advantage of cheap labor and no environmental regulations, sure.

Things have exceptions though. The Marshall Plan can teach us a bit about when and where to give away American money so we don't need to give away lives so I'm not totally against redistributing our $'s to some country on the brink of a communist revolution via unbalanced trade.

That said, I spent the better part of a decade getting lectured by republicans about how bad tariffs were so I'm enjoying this a bit.
Fuck the neo-Cons.
The real problem with China is that non-Chinese companies will relocate over the coming year if the trade war continues. Rising unemployment or even a strong likelihood of it is a threat to the regime. That will reduce earnings for Wall Street. US workers are the easiest workers to locate to and much safer for investors since Trump and the states cannot and will not impose tariffs on American workers. We already have a shortage of American workers and a policy of reciprocal tariffs is the president's goal so wages are headed up.

I generally support tariffs if there is ANY reason to have one. A tariff against a GM vehicle made in Canada which has a similar set of regulations and costs and one made in America doesn't necessarily accomplish alot.

A tariff against a Chinese product taking advantage of cheap labor and no environmental regulations, sure.

Things have exceptions though. The Marshall Plan can teach us a bit about when and where to give away American money so we don't need to give away lives so I'm not totally against redistributing our $'s to some country on the brink of a communist revolution via unbalanced trade.

That said, I spent the better part of a decade getting lectured by republicans about how bad tariffs were so I'm enjoying this a bit.
Fuck the neo-Cons.

Eh, try to pull them to your ideas not embed them further in an opposite position.

Me and people who hate Social Security can all get together and love the death penalty for example.
The real problem with China is that non-Chinese companies will relocate over the coming year if the trade war continues. Rising unemployment or even a strong likelihood of it is a threat to the regime. That will reduce earnings for Wall Street. US workers are the easiest workers to locate to and much safer for investors since Trump and the states cannot and will not impose tariffs on American workers. We already have a shortage of American workers and a policy of reciprocal tariffs is the president's goal so wages are headed up.

I generally support tariffs if there is ANY reason to have one. A tariff against a GM vehicle made in Canada which has a similar set of regulations and costs and one made in America doesn't necessarily accomplish alot.

A tariff against a Chinese product taking advantage of cheap labor and no environmental regulations, sure.

Things have exceptions though. The Marshall Plan can teach us a bit about when and where to give away American money so we don't need to give away lives so I'm not totally against redistributing our $'s to some country on the brink of a communist revolution via unbalanced trade.

That said, I spent the better part of a decade getting lectured by republicans about how bad tariffs were so I'm enjoying this a bit.
Fuck the neo-Cons.

Eh, try to pull them to your ideas not embed them further in an opposite position.

Me and people who hate Social Security can all get together and love the death penalty for example.
I have no desire to start a perpetual military action across the globe.
If we go to war, it’s for the win.
The real problem with China is that non-Chinese companies will relocate over the coming year if the trade war continues. Rising unemployment or even a strong likelihood of it is a threat to the regime. That will reduce earnings for Wall Street. US workers are the easiest workers to locate to and much safer for investors since Trump and the states cannot and will not impose tariffs on American workers. We already have a shortage of American workers and a policy of reciprocal tariffs is the president's goal so wages are headed up.

I generally support tariffs if there is ANY reason to have one. A tariff against a GM vehicle made in Canada which has a similar set of regulations and costs and one made in America doesn't necessarily accomplish alot.

A tariff against a Chinese product taking advantage of cheap labor and no environmental regulations, sure.

Things have exceptions though. The Marshall Plan can teach us a bit about when and where to give away American money so we don't need to give away lives so I'm not totally against redistributing our $'s to some country on the brink of a communist revolution via unbalanced trade.

That said, I spent the better part of a decade getting lectured by republicans about how bad tariffs were so I'm enjoying this a bit.
Fuck the neo-Cons.

Eh, try to pull them to your ideas not embed them further in an opposite position.

Me and people who hate Social Security can all get together and love the death penalty for example.
I have no desire to start a perpetual military action across the globe.
If we go to war, it’s for the win.

We might be talking past not to eachother. Or perhaps I'm just not understanding. It happens.

The Marshall Plan was there to keep us from having to go fight communists across the globe. It cost us American Dollars for the benefit of American lives. I view that as an intelligent plan at the least and its up for debate if we should continue giving aid via favorable trade arrangements or our right aid to our poorer neighbors.
IP theft by China is a huge problem. If China collapses then it loses influence worldwide.
Well, the U.S. did great with tariffs, because its tariffs in the 19th Century were protectionist without being predatory. The British, on the other hand, went all 'free trade n stuff' around 1845 or so and were toast by 1900, squeezed by Bismarck's Germany and its predatory tariffs and America finally going for export market share. We definitely need to go back to those polices for ourselves and rebuild our domestic industries back, and we also desperately need a major anti-corruption drive on the lines that Singapore's 1960's efforts. We've never had one, and 'business as usual' is a certain path to Third World Shit hole status within a couple of decades.

If anybody needs to have the differences between protectionist and predatory tariffs explained to them, feel free to ask. It is also another source of revenue preferable to the increasing reliance on property taxes and payroll taxes.
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I generally support tariffs if there is ANY reason to have one.

I generally oppose tariffs unless there is a good reason to have them. The problems is that our trading partners continually cherry pick which tariffs they support and which tariffs they oppose, always to their benefit and our detriment. For example, Canada wants to sell us cars but doesn't want to buy our dairy products. In addition, they have undermined our tariffs on China by buying its cheap steel while selling us their domestically produced steel. The only way to effect change is to apply consequences to this type of behavior.

Being an export driven slave country, they practice predatory dumping tactics, or more accurately they let multi-national racketeers set up such operations and they take half the business as a 'partner'. The net effect is exactly the same, you can't sell in their 'markets' unless you produce the stuff there, and you can't produce the stuff there without a Cadre 'business partner' raking off from the top. Meanwhile, they have their American operations subsidized the cost of developing the technology borne by taxpayers here, then transferred there at no cost to the Red Chinese. We even educate a lot of their Cadre in our universities.
America will win any trade war.....America is the largest world economy.
America will win any trade war.....America is the largest world economy.

They need our markets to dump product in, we have a large enough domestic market to consume products in and survive without them. It will take a while before domestic production in many goods will be large enough to over run domestic consumption.

Another boon is in agriculture; exporting less means cheaper prices at home, and not stripping away our top soils and wearing out our farmlands just to feed Red China and it's military imperialism.
America will win any trade war.....America is the largest world economy.

They need our markets to dump product in, we have a large enough domestic market to consume products in and survive without them. It will take a while before domestic production in many goods will be large enough to over run domestic consumption.

Another boon is in agriculture; exporting less means cheaper prices at home, and not stripping away our top soils and wearing out our farmlands just to feed Red China and it's military imperialism.

America's location on the globe, it's large land mass and it's varying climate zones combined with it's vast portage (2 major oceans and long coast lines) along with it's superior natural resources and not to mention its contiguous States and a Constitution that rules the land mass is the reason for its superior economy. Trump has a firm grasp on this more than any President in the past 5 decades. Economic superiority and natural resources is the reason that America out paced the Nazis and indeed Japan and even Russia. I believe Ben Franklin knew this when he said that we have a Republic.....If we can keep it. Everyone wants what we have....don't ever forget.
Thanks to the trade-war, the price of framing lumber is up 30%. The cost of a typical house is now ~$7500 more.

Thanks to the trade-war, the price of steel is up significantly. US steel mills cannot make enough rebar even, much less exotic steels needed for many American businesses. Those have to come from Europe. Nobody has the capital to build new exotic steel and aluminum plants. There are no venture capitalists or banks that see that there is a future in this. It's a bad risk for business loans.

This may create 100K new jobs in the old rust-belt, but it hurts everyone in the US. First the businesses will try to absorb the additional costs, but ultimately we pay more for everything.

Thanks to the trade-war, soybean farmers have lost up to 25% of their market. Same with pig farmers. China is now making trade deals with Russia for soybeans. Once these deals are made and they ramp-up production, we may never get the Chinese buyers back.

Thanks to the trade-war, Harley-Davidson stopped expanding in the US and has gone overseas.

Trump is too stupid to understand the unintended consequences of these tariffs.
Thanks to the trade-war, the price of framing lumber is up 30%. The cost of a typical house is now ~$7500 more.

No, it isn't; it's up because of lumber being high for a long time, thanks to fake bubbles, like the current one, and in any case the cost of criminal illegal alien labor is still cheap enough to generate a lot of over-building now as it did then, so try another fake gimmick.

Thanks to the trade-war, the price of steel is up significantly. US steel mills cannot make enough rebar even, much less exotic steels needed for many American businesses. Those have to come from Europe. Nobody has the capital to build new exotic steel and aluminum plants.

More rubbish; they are sitting on all kinds of cash, and have been for a long time as well; that's why they pay shit for interest at banks and the Fed.

There are no venture capitalists or banks that see that there is a future in this. It's a bad risk for business loans.

What do you base this on? Some article at Forbes or the WSJ?

This may create 100K new jobs in the old rust-belt, but it hurts everyone in the US. First the businesses will try to absorb the additional costs, but ultimately we pay more for everything.

So what? We're paying more for everything anyway; the whole point of foreigners dumping on our markets was to destroy our domestic production; now we're going to rebuild it, and a little short term price instability is just fine.

Thanks to the trade-war, soybean farmers have lost up to 25% of their market. Same with pig farmers. China is now making trade deals with Russia for soybeans. Once these deals are made and they ramp-up production, we may never get the Chinese buyers back.

Screw them. All they did was destroy yet more American farmland and raise domestic prices. lol let Russia destroy its farmland feeding Red Chinese scum. Not a problem for us.

Thanks to the trade-war, Harley-Davidson stopped expanding in the US and has gone overseas.

Another distorted fake news story. their sales have been dropping a long time.

Trump is too stupid to understand the unintended consequences of these tariffs.

You're too stupid to do basic arithmetic, while he's built many fine properties over a lucrative building career and got elected President. You don't get to call anybody stupid, stupid.
Thanks to the trade-war, the price of framing lumber is up 30%. The cost of a typical house is now ~$7500 more.

No, it isn't; it's up because of lumber being high for a long time, thanks to fake bubbles, like the current one, and in any case the cost of criminal illegal alien labor is still cheap enough to generate a lot of over-building now as it did then, so try another fake gimmick.

Thanks to the trade-war, the price of steel is up significantly. US steel mills cannot make enough rebar even, much less exotic steels needed for many American businesses. Those have to come from Europe. Nobody has the capital to build new exotic steel and aluminum plants.

More rubbish; they are sitting on all kinds of cash, and have been for a long time as well; that's why they pay shit for interest at banks and the Fed.

There are no venture capitalists or banks that see that there is a future in this. It's a bad risk for business loans.

What do you base this on? Some article at Forbes or the WSJ?

This may create 100K new jobs in the old rust-belt, but it hurts everyone in the US. First the businesses will try to absorb the additional costs, but ultimately we pay more for everything.

So what? We're paying more for everything anyway; the whole point of foreigners dumping on our markets was to destroy our domestic production; now we're going to rebuild it, and a little short term price instability is just fine.

Thanks to the trade-war, soybean farmers have lost up to 25% of their market. Same with pig farmers. China is now making trade deals with Russia for soybeans. Once these deals are made and they ramp-up production, we may never get the Chinese buyers back.

Screw them. All they did was destroy yet more American farmland and raise domestic prices. lol let Russia destroy its farmland feeding Red Chinese scum. Not a problem for us.

Thanks to the trade-war, Harley-Davidson stopped expanding in the US and has gone overseas.

Another distorted fake news story. their sales have been dropping a long time.

Trump is too stupid to understand the unintended consequences of these tariffs.

You're too stupid to do basic arithmetic, while he's built many fine properties over a lucrative building career and got elected President. You don't get to call anybody stupid, stupid.

Watch the Nightly Business Report like I do every day and you might learn something. This is just ignorance, the biggest problem with Trump voters.

Just Google the interview before the Putin Summit given my Jeff Glor of CBS. That will tell you how smart he is. Totally incompetent. Cannot even finish reading a newspaper, much less a long document like the indictments.

Lucrative building career? He ripped off contractors, banks and the government and he probably owes Russian banks $.5B. We will find out how many years he cheated on his taxes soon, as well as money-laundering. He was probably almost broke on paper when he got elected. He had major heartburn coughing up $10M for the campaign, dug his heels in, but was forced by the RNC.
The Big Giant Boogie Man Red China announced tariffs on some 460 billion in US goods. That's hilarious, proving once again who is by far in the best positions with respect to the trade wars which most foreign countries have been conducting against our domestic economy unimpeded for several decades now. Still, some keep parroting the silly idea that those alleged 'price increases' for American consumers actually exist, even though no evidence exists to support that lie. They forget that companies that imported goods never actually passed on any cost savings for those goods to consumers in the first place.
Thanks to the trade-war, the price of framing lumber is up 30%. The cost of a typical house is now ~$7500 more.

No, it isn't; it's up because of lumber being high for a long time, thanks to fake bubbles, like the current one, and in any case the cost of criminal illegal alien labor is still cheap enough to generate a lot of over-building now as it did then, so try another fake gimmick.

Thanks to the trade-war, the price of steel is up significantly. US steel mills cannot make enough rebar even, much less exotic steels needed for many American businesses. Those have to come from Europe. Nobody has the capital to build new exotic steel and aluminum plants.

More rubbish; they are sitting on all kinds of cash, and have been for a long time as well; that's why they pay shit for interest at banks and the Fed.

There are no venture capitalists or banks that see that there is a future in this. It's a bad risk for business loans.

What do you base this on? Some article at Forbes or the WSJ?

This may create 100K new jobs in the old rust-belt, but it hurts everyone in the US. First the businesses will try to absorb the additional costs, but ultimately we pay more for everything.

So what? We're paying more for everything anyway; the whole point of foreigners dumping on our markets was to destroy our domestic production; now we're going to rebuild it, and a little short term price instability is just fine.

Thanks to the trade-war, soybean farmers have lost up to 25% of their market. Same with pig farmers. China is now making trade deals with Russia for soybeans. Once these deals are made and they ramp-up production, we may never get the Chinese buyers back.

Screw them. All they did was destroy yet more American farmland and raise domestic prices. lol let Russia destroy its farmland feeding Red Chinese scum. Not a problem for us.

Thanks to the trade-war, Harley-Davidson stopped expanding in the US and has gone overseas.

Another distorted fake news story. their sales have been dropping a long time.

Trump is too stupid to understand the unintended consequences of these tariffs.

You're too stupid to do basic arithmetic, while he's built many fine properties over a lucrative building career and got elected President. You don't get to call anybody stupid, stupid.

Watch the Nightly Business Report like I do every day and you might learn something. This is just ignorance, the biggest problem with Trump voters.

Just Google the interview before the Putin Summit given my Jeff Glor of CBS. That will tell you how smart he is. Totally incompetent. Cannot even finish reading a newspaper, much less a long document like the indictments.

Lucrative building career? He ripped off contractors, banks and the government and he probably owes Russian banks $.5B. We will find out how many years he cheated on his taxes soon, as well as money-laundering. He was probably almost broke on paper when he got elected. He had major heartburn coughing up $10M for the campaign, dug his heels in, but was forced by the RNC.

Just more noise, no real news here, as usual. All I see for products made with a significant amount of steel in them are 30% and 40% off sales as far as the eye can see.

Trump has made you parrots and fake news spammers his bitches.

Oh wait, that's been a way of life for them since he ran in the Primaries, so never mind, I don't need to keep pointing it out, do I?

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