The Tide is Changing?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is it possible that, "The People" are coming to their senses in regards to, "Big Government".

Well, I would hope so but the change should start at the top given the power grabs over the American people in the past 3 1/2 years especially.


Only 7% Support Legal Reasoning That Led to Greater Government Regulation

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could regulate how much wheat a farmer could grow on his own property for his own use. That ruling dramatically enhanced the power of the federal government by making almost all economic activity subject to federal regulation as “interstate commerce." However, voters today overwhelmingly reject that underlying argument.

Only 7% Support Legal Reasoning That Led to Greater Government Regulation - Rasmussen Reports™
Is it possible that, "The People" are coming to their senses in regards to, "Big Government".

Well, I would hope so but the change should start at the top given the power grabs over the American people in the past 3 1/2 years especially.


Only 7% Support Legal Reasoning That Led to Greater Government Regulation

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could regulate how much wheat a farmer could grow on his own property for his own use. That ruling dramatically enhanced the power of the federal government by making almost all economic activity subject to federal regulation as “interstate commerce." However, voters today overwhelmingly reject that underlying argument.

Only 7% Support Legal Reasoning That Led to Greater Government Regulation - Rasmussen Reports™

I agree with you, Lumpy...and have reason to believe that what you say is true....

I have never seen this much interest in politics, the Constitution, and the beliefs of our politicians, before.

And the irony is, that we have Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) to thank. Had he been a polished and experienced pol, they might have been able to continue, piecemeal, until all of America was gone.

He did such a poor job of hiding his design, that folks have behaved as Admiral Yamamoto predicted re: the attack on Pearl Harbor-
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

I just ordered "Hostile Takeover: Resisting Centralized Government's Stranglehold on America [Hardcover]"
by Matt Kibbe

This, from one of the Amazon reviews:

"All-in-all, Kibbe provides an awesome addition to a growing list of powerful Tea Party-inspired, minimal government books that are reshaping our intellectual landscape. "
I used to share a benchtop for lunch break with an old Norwegian toolmaker and his favortite phrase was "The bottleneck is always at the top". With Obama, so is the shredding of the Constitution.
I hope there is a change, but im hoping people do it because they educated themselves and made teh decision, not like dems that bring people to their side for any reason. Just educate urself, be aware and understand what both parties are about.

PErsonally i can do with less government in my life and im okay with some of hte social programs that help people but LET me decide where my taxes go to and who it helps and let me know people arent striving to want to be lazy. WHen i hear 20 year old kids tell me they are are already tired of working it scares me that theyd rather sit home and play xbox or whatever is the rage and let hte government pay their way.
Is it possible that, "The People" are coming to their senses in regards to, "Big Government".

Well, I would hope so but the change should start at the top given the power grabs over the American people in the past 3 1/2 years especially.


Only 7% Support Legal Reasoning That Led to Greater Government Regulation

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could regulate how much wheat a farmer could grow on his own property for his own use. That ruling dramatically enhanced the power of the federal government by making almost all economic activity subject to federal regulation as “interstate commerce." However, voters today overwhelmingly reject that underlying argument.

Only 7% Support Legal Reasoning That Led to Greater Government Regulation - Rasmussen Reports™

Don't Count on it. Most people only pay Lip Service to the Idea, then they go vote their Pocket books and not their Principles.
People agree with anything that sounds good, in a vague sort of way - like being against "more government control" - which is a phrase right out of a sci-fi movie.

It's a whole different story when you get into specifics.
" Is it possible that, "The People" are coming to their senses in regards to, "Big Government". "

I dunno man, there's a lot of people who already have their hands in the cookie jar. They're okay with cutting somebody else's bennies, but not their own. I worry that we may have to suffer through a very bad depression before the country as a whole forces the issue one way or another. And whichever way they move may not be the best one either.
" Is it possible that, "The People" are coming to their senses in regards to, "Big Government". "

I dunno man, there's a lot of people who already have their hands in the cookie jar. They're okay with cutting somebody else's bennies, but not their own. I worry that we may have to suffer through a very bad depression before the country as a whole forces the issue one way or another. And whichever way they move may not be the best one either.

thats the problem hands in teh cookie jars and whos got the stones to cut those arms off?
This entire Debate about the Nanny State Big Government vs Limited Government. It would die right down if we had robust Private Sector Growth. Most Americans are only thinking about it because the Economy is in the shitter. Get some Good Growth and Revenue Rolling in and most will forget about it. Only the Diehards like my self would be left arguing against the Growth of the size and scope of Government.

Sad but true.
This entire Debate about the Nanny State Big Government vs Limited Government. It would die right down if we had robust Private Sector Growth. Most Americans are only thinking about it because the Economy is in the shitter. Get some Good Growth and Revenue Rolling in and most will forget about it. Only the Diehards like my self would be left arguing against the Growth of the size and scope of Government.

Sad but true.

u are correct and im not debating that, i personally still want some hands cut from the cookie jar.
The Tide is Changing?

Well, Romney is certainly trying to change it...

This entire Debate about the Nanny State Big Government vs Limited Government. It would die right down if we had robust Private Sector Growth. Most Americans are only thinking about it because the Economy is in the shitter. Get some Good Growth and Revenue Rolling in and most will forget about it. Only the Diehards like my self would be left arguing against the Growth of the size and scope of Government.

Sad but true.

Don't think we'll get robust private sector growth unless the public sector is more limited than it is now. And BTW we're going to have to be more effective and efficient with the revenue we're getting. I'm not for giving the gov't more money until they demonstrate the ability to psend what they're getting a lot more wisely than they have up to now. And that's a shot at both parties.
People agree with anything that sounds good, in a vague sort of way - like being against "more government control" - which is a phrase right out of a sci-fi movie.

It's a whole different story when you get into specifics.

The phrase "government run healthcare" was made up by Republican polster Frank Luntz after focus groups said they did not like it.

It was named Politifact's Lie Of The Year.

Rank and file Republicans are puppets on a string.
This entire Debate about the Nanny State Big Government vs Limited Government. It would die right down if we had robust Private Sector Growth. Most Americans are only thinking about it because the Economy is in the shitter. Get some Good Growth and Revenue Rolling in and most will forget about it. Only the Diehards like my self would be left arguing against the Growth of the size and scope of Government.

Sad but true.

Don't think we'll get robust private sector growth unless the public sector is more limited than it is now. And BTW we're going to have to be more effective and efficient with the revenue we're getting. I'm not for giving the gov't more money until they demonstrate the ability to psend what they're getting a lot more wisely than they have up to now. And that's a shot at both parties.

Let's start by cutting military pensions....
People agree with anything that sounds good, in a vague sort of way - like being against "more government control" - which is a phrase right out of a sci-fi movie.

It's a whole different story when you get into specifics.

The phrase "government run healthcare" was made up by Republican polster Frank Luntz after focus groups said they did not like it.

It was named Politifact's Lie Of The Year.

Rank and file Republicans are puppets on a string.

"Soviet style healthcare" would be a more accurate term.
People agree with anything that sounds good, in a vague sort of way - like being against "more government control" - which is a phrase right out of a sci-fi movie.

It's a whole different story when you get into specifics.

The phrase "government run healthcare" was made up by Republican polster Frank Luntz after focus groups said they did not like it.

It was named Politifact's Lie Of The Year.

Rank and file Republicans are puppets on a string.

"Soviet style healthcare" would be a more accurate term.

1993 - GOP Health Plan (their answer to HilaryCare) includes a Mandate.
2006 - RomneyCare includes a Mandate.
2008 - GOP Candidates McCain & Romney support a Mandate, Candidate Obama does not.
2010 - Pres. Obama's Health Plan, as a concession to Republicans, includes a Mandate.
2011 - Suddenly a Mandate is Socialism and UnConstitutional.
2012 - Right Rank & File are totally clueless that their votes have been supporting a Mandate
for 20 years.
Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The reform law passed by referendum, narrowly. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Its 8 million people have health care that is not tied to their employers, they can choose among many plans, and they can switch plans every year. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone « Fareed Zakaria
This entire Debate about the Nanny State Big Government vs Limited Government. It would die right down if we had robust Private Sector Growth. Most Americans are only thinking about it because the Economy is in the shitter. Get some Good Growth and Revenue Rolling in and most will forget about it. Only the Diehards like my self would be left arguing against the Growth of the size and scope of Government.

Sad but true.

Don't think we'll get robust private sector growth unless the public sector is more limited than it is now. And BTW we're going to have to be more effective and efficient with the revenue we're getting. I'm not for giving the gov't more money until they demonstrate the ability to psend what they're getting a lot more wisely than they have up to now. And that's a shot at both parties.

Let's start by cutting military pensions....

really ud want to keep lots of people on SSD who dont deserve it or can work and u want to cut military pensions? Wow

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