The theology of ISIS


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The doomsday ideology of ISIS

Despite what world leaders like Obama may say, ISIS is based upon Islam.

Again, more lies.

This is what non-Muslims must know about Islam.

In that prophecy, Muhammad said that after a “tyrannical monarchy,” an Islamic caliphate would return. The formation of the caliphate would lead to a grand battle with the West that would bring along the end of the world.

This is what fuels the fighting in Islam, and will continue to fuel the fighting.
If more people understood what is driving ISIS, maybe fewer people would believe that if we are just nice to them they'll leave us alone.
I don't understand how something isn't Islam when it is QUITE FUCKIN CLEAR it is. The bullshit they worship has it written for all to see.
That's like someone was telling me genital mutilation has nothing to do with Islam. UMMMM YES it is. PLAIN AS DAY in the fitrah.
If more people understood what is driving ISIS, maybe fewer people would believe that if we are just nice to them they'll leave us alone.
Who's saying we should be nice to ISIS? I think you have your head up your ass.
Yeah konradv, just pretend that leftists are not telling us constantly not to judge or hate or even complain about Islamo terrorists. Make a juvenile remark about my ass.
Truthfully, I don't even care what ISIS does or doesn't believe in from a theological standpoint. They are a threat to the civilized folk out there and should be put down with extreme violence post haste.

I'd compare them to a rabid dog. You don't try to understand a rabid dog, you just kill it. But that's not really fair because a rabid dog can't control itself. ISIS is comprised of human beings who choose to commit atrocities and we're better off as a species without the likes of them.
Truthfully, I don't even care what ISIS does or doesn't believe in from a theological standpoint. They are a threat to the civilized folk out there and should be put down with extreme violence post haste.

I'd compare them to a rabid dog. You don't try to understand a rabid dog, you just kill it. But that's not really fair because a rabid dog can't control itself. ISIS is comprised of human beings who choose to commit atrocities and we're better off as a species without the likes of them.

Well it is important because all we hear from Obama, and those before them, is that the West is not at war with Islam.

Well guess what guys, they are at war with the West.

I realize what they are trying to do, they are trying to diffuse the situation by not addressing it, but it's not working. It's just making them look silly as they continue to compare Christian Crusaders hundreds of years ago to the war loving Muslims of today.

Allah is a war god, and Mo is his prophet. No one can reform what Mo has spoken. Mo is their religion. If and when Islam becomes the religion of the world, then they will continue to kill each other just like they have continued to do in the Middle East since the beginning of this sick religion.
What makes people join Isis? Almost never recruitment at mosque...

Why do people join Isis? Expert says foreign fighters are almost never recruited at mosque
26 Nov.`15 - Scott Atran tells the UN in New York that a large majority of new Isis members are recruited by their own friends and peers, and says the leadership of the militant group understands youth ‘much better than the governments that are fighting against them’
The vast majority of people who join Isis are recruited by family and friends and radicalisation hardly ever occurs in a mosque environment, a leading Oxford University academic has said. Speaking on a panel hosted by the UN in New York, Scott Atran revealed that research shows three quarters of those who join Isis as foreign fighters were encouraged to do so by friends and peers. A further 20 per cent were recruited to Isis by family members, the expert said.


Israfil Yilmaz, a 28-year-old Dutch Isis foreign fighter who held a Q & A on social media​

In the wake of the Paris attacks almost two weeks ago, there have been widespread calls for Muslim communities to do more to denounce extremism in structured settings. Yet according to Mr Atran, who cofounded the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at Oxford University, research has shown “radicalisation rarely occurs in mosques” and certainly not through anonymous recruiters and strangers. An American and French anthropologist, Mr Atran said Isis offered the same kind of “revolutionary pull” as had occurred during the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and the rise of Nazi Germany.

He says the West has inaccurately written Isis off as mindless terrorists, when in fact the group understands the youth it attracts” much better than the governments that are fighting against it”. Far from just being a problem of radicalisation in mosques, Mr Atran said, a significant number of Isis recruits actually come from Christian families – “and they happen to be the fiercest of all the fighters we find”. Mr Atran told a meeting on "Foreign Terrorist Fighters" organised by the UN Security Council's counter-terrorism committee that "it is the call to glory and adventure that moves these young people to join the Islamic State" and that "jihad offers them a way to become heroes".


See also:

ISIS Has Help Desk for Terrorists Staffed Around the Clock
Nov 16 2015 - NBC News has learned that ISIS is using a web-savvy new tactic to expand its global operational footprint -- a 24-hour Jihadi Help Desk to help its foot soldiers spread its message worldwide, recruit followers and launch more attacks on foreign soil.
Counterterrorism analysts affiliated with the U.S. Army tell NBC News that the ISIS help desk, manned by a half-dozen senior operatives around the clock, was established with the express purpose of helping would-be jihadists use encryption and other secure communications in order to evade detection by law enforcement and intelligence authorities. The relatively new development -- which law enforcement and intel officials say has ramped up over the past year -- is alarming because it allows potentially thousands of ISIS followers to move about and plan operations without any hint of activity showing up in their massive collection of signals intelligence.

Authorities are now homing in on the terror group's growing cyber capabilities after attacks in Paris, Egypt and elsewhere for which ISIS has claimed credit. "They've developed a series of different platforms in which they can train one another on digital security to avoid intelligence and law enforcement agencies for the explicit purpose of recruitment, propaganda and operational planning," said Aaron F. Brantly, a counterterrorism analyst at the Combating Terrorism Center, an independent research organization at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Brantly was the lead author of a CTC report on the Islamic State's use of secure communications, based on hundreds of hours of observation of how the Jihadi Help Desk operates.

"They answer questions from the technically mundane to the technically savvy to elevate the entire jihadi community to engage in global terror," Brantly said in an interview Monday. "Clearly this enables them to communicate and engage in operations beyond what used to happen, and in a much more expeditious manner. They are now operating at the speed of cyberspace rather than the speed of person-to-person communications."

The existence of the Jihadi Help Desk has raised alarm bells in Washington and within the global counterterrorism community because it appears to be allowing a far wider web of militants to network with each other and plot attacks. A senior European counterterrorism official said that concerns about the recent development are especially serious in Europe, where ISIS operatives are believed to be plotting major attacks, some of them with direct assistance from ISIS headquarters in Syria.



Sinjar offensive: Discovery of network of tunnels reveals how Isis prepared for looming Kurdish onslaught
25 Nov.`15 - Judit Neurink ventured into the newly liberated Iraqi city – and found an extraordinary underground complex designed to protect the jihadis from air strikes
On the surface there is chaos, destruction and the rubble left behind by the pounding that the Iraqi city of Sinjar received – first as it was seized by Isis in August last year, then as Kurdish forces drove the jihadists back out and recaptured it earlier this month. A few disconsolate Yazidis have slowly begun to return, to find out what remains of their homes and their possessions, and to rescue anything remaining that they can find.


The tunnels Isis dug beneath Sinjar contained weapons, blankets and medicine – as well as lighting and fans[/center

But below ground, hidden from sight among the shattered buildings and beneath the cratered streets, a different Sinjar has begun to emerge – an extraordinary network of tunnels, with sleeping quarters, wired with electricity and fortified with sandbags, where Isis fighters lived and prepared defences against the looming Kurdish onslaught. “We found between 30 and 40 tunnels inside Sinjar,” said Shamo Eado, a commander from Sinjar with the Iraqi Kurdish fighters known as Peshmerga. “It was like a network inside the city. “Daesh [the Arabic nickname for Isis] dug these trenches to hide from air strikes and have free movement underground as well as to store weapons and explosives,” he said. “This was their military arsenal.”


Skulls remain at the site of a purported mass grave in the city of Sinjar​

The narrow tunnels, carved into the rock apparently with pneumatic drills, are just tall enough for a man to stand in. Inside, sandbags line sections of the walls, electrical wires power fans and lights and metal braces reinforce the ceilings. One section of the tunnel resembles a bunker. Dusty copies of the Koran sit on shelves above piles of blankets and pillows, with painkillers and antibiotics stored on the floor.

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ISIS declares war against the world in latest video...

ISIS Video Vows War Against World: Islamic State Targets Include Mexico, China, Japan, Russia, US, Iran
November 25 2015 - The Islamic State group (aka ISIS or ISIL) released a new video Wednesday, this one featuring a voice taunting and telling the U.S. and other countries fighting the terrorist group to “bring it on.” A deep voice speaking in fluent English touts ISIS' successes in establishing “a state built on the prophetic methodology” and mocks the high suicide rate among U.S. soldiers.
“This is the source of our glory: our obedience to our lord. We are uncompromising in our call to Tawhid [Islamic monotheism]. We only call to Allah, unlike the countless deviant factions raising their false banners,” the voice says. The video, which includes high-quality graphics, claims the U.S. is “too weak” to put boots on the ground in ISIS-held places in Syria and Iraq, and says its army fights on behalf of "legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites." Militants will eventually fight “80 banners,” the voice says, purportedly citing a religious prophecy. Currently, 60 nations have joined the fight against ISIS, and the video features an image of each nation's flag. The narrator calls them a "coalition of devils." “Your numbers only increase us in faith,” the video says.


ISIS has released a new video in which the group threatens 60 countries who've joined in the fight against them. Pictured: A masked, black-clad militant, who has been identified by the Washington Post newspaper as a Briton named Mohammed Emwazi, brandishes a knife in this still image from a 2014 video obtained from SITE Intel Group​

The new video comes just a day after a video was released showing a balaclava-clad militant with a rifle threatening France with fresh attacks. ISIS claimed responsibility for the coordinated terror attacks in Paris earlier this month that left at least 130 people dead and hundreds more wounded. ISIS, which has claimed responsibility for several recent terror attacks around the world, has increasingly vowed to take its fight global. Some experts have speculated the recent threats of an offensive indicate fears among ISIS' leadership over recent losses of territory in Iraq and Syria.

ISIS has also released videos threatening attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. One of the videos used images showing a busy Times Square in Manhattan as French music played in the background, and another showed government buildings in Washington. “We will blow it up, the same as we blew up the idols in this good land," one fighter said, referring to the White House. "The victory has been promised to us by our creator, by our Lord." Although the militant group holds considerable territory in the Middle East, they have seen considerable setbacks in recent months.

ISIS Video Vows War Against World: Islamic State Targets Include Mexico, China, Japan, Russia, US, Iran
Here's hoping that the current violence among Muslims will help the next generation to question their faith.

Times were different so it's apples and oranges, but it was the Christian violence of The Spanish Inquisition that started the ball rolling which culminated in the French and American Revolutions and the beginning of Liberal thinking and democracy.
I don't understand how something isn't Islam when it is QUITE FUCKIN CLEAR it is. The bullshit they worship has it written for all to see.
That's like someone was telling me genital mutilation has nothing to do with Islam. UMMMM YES it is. PLAIN AS DAY in the fitrah.

ISIS is Islam, but Islam is not ISIS.

Just like The KKK is Christian, but Christianity is not The KKK.

Violence needs to be met with violence.

As long as they're not violent about it, Monkeys should be free to understand their own God in whatever way satisfies their own individual need for The Divine, including use of the ancient Arab stories.
Truthfully, I don't even care what ISIS does or doesn't believe in from a theological standpoint. They are a threat to the civilized folk out there and should be put down with extreme violence post haste.

I'd compare them to a rabid dog. You don't try to understand a rabid dog, you just kill it. But that's not really fair because a rabid dog can't control itself. ISIS is comprised of human beings who choose to commit atrocities and we're better off as a species without the likes of them.

The politics and/or religious beliefs that are used as an excuse for violence mean nothing... meet violence with violence and let Monkeys believe whatever they need to, provided they have enough self-control to keep their hands to themselves.
I don't understand how something isn't Islam when it is QUITE FUCKIN CLEAR it is. The bullshit they worship has it written for all to see.
That's like someone was telling me genital mutilation has nothing to do with Islam. UMMMM YES it is. PLAIN AS DAY in the fitrah.

ISIS is Islam, but Islam is not ISIS.

Just like The KKK is Christian, but Christianity is not The KKK.

Violence needs to be met with violence.

As long as they're not violent about it, Monkeys should be free to understand their own God in whatever way satisfies their own individual need for The Divine, including use of the ancient Arab stories.
No but extremism is Islam.
Islam is only peaceful when everyone is conformed. Except for people that cherry pick.
Raymond Ibrahim: ISIS and the Hydra of Jihad
Why U.S. strategies against the jihad always fail and worse.
March 16, 2016

Raymond Ibrahim was recently interviewed by the Hoover Institution’s Strategika Podcast. Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the Center, discussed his article “ISIS: The Latest Phase of the Jihad,” and explained how his original analysis concerning the resilient nature of the jihad from over a decade ago has proven equally resilient, especially in the context of the Hydra of Jihad. The 15-minute interview follows:


Raymond Ibrahim: ISIS and the Hydra of Jihad

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