The swamp is fighting back.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Is there some reason why we need a really dumbed down society? The answer is yes and we are watching it play out right in front of us.

You need a really lethargically inquisitive society to watch corrupt Russian officials channel $145 million directly and indirectly into the Clinton foundation and then end up with control of twenty percent of the uranium supply of the United States. You then need an almost wide-eyed bumpkin-like snake-oil buying society to watch Hillary Clinton Blame the current president for colluding with the Russians to win the election and swallow it.

The dumb in our society notwithstanding, the rest of us know when the tail is wagging the dog. It would be news if the Russians didn’t interfere in our elections. They’re the Russians-it’s what they do. Oh, and to illuminate the issue for the cognitively slow, we interfere in their elections and political affairs as well-it’s what we do.

This would all be kind of funny were it not for the fact that so many sluggish thinkers in our democracy actually believe that the president plotted with Putin in a cave somewhere to get the keys to the White House. Then they looked the other way while Bill and Hillary Clinton were shoveling bribed money from Russian officials into the Clinton Foundation in exchange for uranium.

Now what should really give US citizens pause is that the FBI and the Department of Justice knew about the Clintons and the uranium deal. The sound of crickets was deafening as they swung into action to preemptively exonerate Hillary in the email scandal and then a launch a false flag investigation against the president for-wait for it-colluding with the Russians.

If this were a cartoon we could all laugh at the stupidity but this is what an entrenched political establishment has done to our society and it threatens our democracy. The FBI and DOJ are supposed to protect Americans from bad people who do bad things. Instead they act like bag men for the Mafia to shield a corrupt political establishment from a president that might expose the fact they are the bad guys.

No one is laughing and no one should be because our fragile democracy is on the verge of imploding. The president has said he wants to drain the swamp and the swamp is fighting back. Let’s hope the president wins.
No! There is absolutely no reason for a dumbed-down society.

That needs fixed, ASAP.

I really would not like if it was me that had to make it it my life-goal n stuff to fix that.

I will if I have to, but dammit man, my talents lie elsewhere.

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