The stupidity of proportionate retaliatory strikes


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
We see this on display in Iraq as we speak. First one of our bases got hit the other day with rockets from a proxy force of Iran....Trump strikes back at Iran's proxy in a proportionate we just got hit again with more u.s. servicemen injured.

Why wasn't the Iranian proxy not afraid to hit us again?....simply because we did not hit them hard we will have to strike again....hopefully Trump will now understand the stupidity of proportionate warfare....which only prolongs the conflict. When we retaliate it must be of the nature that the Iranian proxys will suffer so much they will not dare attack my opinion a comprehensive campaign against Iranian proxys should begin and not to exclude Iran itself....they must understand they are responsible for the behavior of their proxys.

Unfortunately, Trump is not now in a position of being able to do a whole lot in the middle east....with the pandemic still going oin.
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If we need to...if it escalates to a certain point we can hit the mullahs palace without even crossing into Irans air space. (that's why we sent seven B-52s over there).

We could do the same to their 3 largest oil refineries.

But it hasn't gotten to that point yet. And we don't have a problem with the PEOPLE of Iran...only the mullahs who are running the show.
If we need to...if it escalates to a certain point we can hit the mullahs palace without even crossing into Irans air space. (that's why we sent seven B-52s over there).

We could do the same to their 3 largest oil refineries.

But it hasn't gotten to that point yet. And we don't have a problem with the PEOPLE of Iran...only the mullahs who are running the show.

The people get the kind of government they deserve....that is why I fear for America...but irregardless we could hit Iran hard.....very hard....and crippingly hard without using nukes and without any boots on the ground.

They know this and that is why after their favorite general was taken out...they made such a puny retaliatory strike against us....Trump wisely recognized this and has tried to set up negotiations.

yet now....they allow their proxies to attack us must be taken care of.
We have 7 B-52's over there.

Each B-52 can carry & launch 20 cruise missiles...when launched from 40,000 feet a cruise missile can hit tehran without the B-52 crossing into Irans air space.

That's 140 cruise missiles at once...In one one flight.

For the sake of the PEOPLE of Iran...I hope it doesn't come to that!
Ain't we lucky that all we have to do is send a couple of missiles instead of a boat load of Troops or a boxcar load of extortion money?

I would not call it 'lucky' I would call it adequate preparations by a President who understands that peace comes from strength.

That kowtowing to an enemy which obama constantly practiced is the worst thing that can be done if one truly wants peace.
We have 7 B-52's over there.

Each B-52 can carry & launch 20 cruise missiles...when launched from 40,000 feet a cruise missile can hit tehran without the B-52 crossing into Irans air space.

That's 140 cruise missiles at once...In one one flight.

For the sake of the PEOPLE of Iran...I hope it doesn't come to that!

I remember the people of Iran celebrating the return of the Ayatollah like it was the 2nd coming of Christ.

Anyhow I think we should let Israel take care of Iran We have provided them with the military means to take care of the problem.

We have held Israel back too long....time to turn them loose...hey if Iran wants to use proxys let us turn the tables on them and use a proxy of our own!!!
How many dead Americans is acceptable if we go into Iran? ... 10,000 ... 20,000 ...
We can take care of Iran with a phone call.....Trump to Netanyahu....go for it Bibi -- Byebye iran

Netanyahu would have to overrun the Gaza Strip and West Bank first ... and that's going to piss off a lot of folks in the region ... Jordon may not allow Israeli tanks to cross her territory ...

But I digress ...

Once we've destroyed the Iranian government and all their infrastructure ... then what? ... hold democratic elections? ... re-install the shah? ... nuke her blue? ... whatever we do after, the Iranians will revolt ... US boots on the ground for a very long time ...
How many dead Americans is acceptable if we go into Iran? ... 10,000 ... 20,000 ...
We can take care of Iran with a phone call.....Trump to Netanyahu....go for it Bibi -- Byebye iran

Netanyahu would have to overrun the Gaza Strip and West Bank first ... and that's going to piss off a lot of folks in the region ... Jordon may not allow Israeli tanks to cross her territory ...

But I digress ...

Once we've destroyed the Iranian government and all their infrastructure ... then what? ... hold democratic elections? ... re-install the shah? ... nuke her blue? ... whatever we do after, the Iranians will revolt ... US boots on the ground for a very long time ...

You are totally confused to say the least. Let me try and straighten out the mess you have gotten yourself into here.......first of all gaza and the west banki could be overrun anytime and very quickly....but they are not even a factor regarding Iran.

Israel has nothing to fear from any of her neighbors no matter what state of mind they are in...most of them are sane enough to know better than to mess with Israel.

We or Israel would not need to destroy all of their infrastructure ...just destroy their command and control. The Iranians long for freedom, love America and hate the regime they suffer under...they would rise up against it when the opportunity presents itself.

Once the corrupt mullahs, the revolutionary guard and anyone else loyal to the regime have been neutralized the Iranian people would form a government which would be quickly recognized by the U.S. and Israel.

It would be a bright new day for Iran....they are a very intelligent and for the most part educated people and I think they have learned their lesson about getting involved in a islamic theocracy----their devotion to the Ayatollah is long since dead.

Again no U.S. boots will be needed on the ground.

At the most perhaps some special forces and advisors.for awhile.

Iran is ripe for plucking.

Israel has long had a plan on how to deal with Iran and the aftermath of the death of the regime there.

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