The Stumbling White House Incoherence. . .On Many Sides, Many Sides(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Regardless if former Arkansas Governor, Bill Clinton, ever had sex with this woman. . .or even anyone from Hollywood(?). . .There is something clearly incoherent about how these people rally the troops, or even the deceased. The now famous gaffe about calls to fallen soldiers has an incoherent, official explanation.


So like his predecessors(?), this President went to the golf course while the plane with the more recently killed US military was even landing. Many could accept that. General Eisenhower played golf a lot.

The statement from the White House Press Secretary is flat out incoherent. "Presidents pay their respects. . .This President, like his predecessors, has done each of these(?). . . .Individuals claiming former Presidents. . . .called each family of the fallen, are mistaken."

So they did, and so they didn't? "His Predecessors" did do that. "His Predecessors" did not do that. On this basis, anyone can expect a launch of something, any minute, now.

When anyone asks about the Tax Returns, maybe in that statement there is a clue about why they are not released. . .subject to scrutiny. . .subject of clues. . .subject of reporting, "State of Mind."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Smoke 'Em if You've Got 'em: And are expecting a frank discussion at the White House!)
The pattern of incoherence sets the topic apart. The Press Secretary is the spawn of a Christian preacher.

These are celebrants of even Old Testament Deuteronomy, 23:19-20. The incoherence of a deity, denigrating civilizing usury arithmetic in Israel, but imposing subjugating usury on everyone else: Is the same incoherent kind of pattern. Just sayin' I come from Eden's Self-Service paradise--Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, fine cheeses, and chocolate Mousse strewn about all over for the taking(?)--and into the world of human community. For three bags of barley I agree to pay four. I plant the seed, and do the harvest. That is not evil. That is a stable food supply--humans on their own(?). That is a human community--not wandering around aimlessly, searching for the Horseradish. The arithmetic outcome is usury. I took something of value, but I restored the value with abundance, in the new human condition..

Out of the Savage and Denigrating, Imperial House of Egypt: Comes a Prince claiming Jewish origins. In Acts 7:22, said Prince is skilled in the ancient Roman wisdom of Egypt. They understand second-class, sex-object females. They rape. They Conquer. They Murder. They Slaughter. They Abuse. They Denigrate. They enslave. They imprison. They starve. They steal. They keep for themselves.

And so there is deity, alleged(?).

So the household preacher faith, following Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh Christ," Universal: Exposes the incoherence, and magnificently in even more incoherence. In Matthew 25:14-20, the slave with the more Talents gets more from the usury. The others get less. The one clearly unable to keep up with the others gets cast into foreclosure, completely.

It is thought so wonderful, it is dubbed, "The Kingdom of Heaven." The other kingdom(?), unless they are the same--in arithmetic, entirely likely(?)--is more the Obama Make-Work-Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit. Regardless if the labor had worked the entire time or not: An equal amount was payable to everyone. So The Servant with the One Talent also gets a daily allotment in the Matthew 20:1-16 version of arithmetic, The Kingdom of Heaven.

Being Coherent about it: Clearly deity is not what that is about. Put more simply: Ancient Humans were not rocket scientists. Moses actually screwed up the planet, completely.

And so where there could be coherence, instead there is incoherence.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("When Once the Master of the House is Risen Up, then shall He say, 'Depart from me all ye workers of iniquity, I know ye not from where ye are! There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you shall see all the prophets in the kingom, and you yourselves cast out!" In the context, anyone notes: Just Sayin'!)

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