The story about Sean Spicer using the n word

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Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.
Oh My. There has never been a thread based on a scam posted here. We can't let something like that start now.
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.

You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.

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Oh My. There has never been a thread based on a scam posted here. We can't let something like that start now.

And there wasn't one this time. I created a thread about the First Amendment involving Sean Spicer's attorney-boy trying to suppress the Associated Press for a report about the incident that the OP of this thread refers to ---- as if we'd be expected to know what he's talking about without a backstory.

He got all butthurt about the messenger (it was a local story the AP passed on) and just as he thought he could suppress the AP for daring to mention it, now he thinks he can suppress the messenger of the messenger (me) by some kind of modular intimidation bullshit. In other words a card-carrying fascist.

The magnitude of stupidity is off the scale here. Move over Special Ed, you got competition.
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.

You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.


There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.

You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.


There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict

Sorry, I meant do you have a CREDIBLE source. What you have here is Dimbart and it's entirely ipse dixit. It has no source quoted whatsoever. "Dimbart has learned" with nobody to learn from, no quote, no link, no nothing, does not constitute a credible source. Yet here you are getting threads closed, whining about how da eeebil AP passed on an already-existing story you wanted suppressed, and now wetting your pants that I should be suppressed too.

Kind of ironic that you'd wet your pants over the AP relaying a story that was replete with links and video, yet you can't find a way to come up with one yourself, doncha think?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.

You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.


There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict

Sorry, I meant do you have a CREDIBLE source. What you have here is Dimbart and it's entirely ipse dixit. It has no source quoted whatsoever.

Kind of ironic that you'd wet your pants over the AP relaying a story that was replete with links and video, yet you can't find a way to come up with one yourself, doncha think?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

I am not a major media outlet. As has been said many,many times all of which you violates the media ethics code to disseminate a hurtful story without first checkig to see if it is even true or has some basis for the truth. You either never understood that or purposely ingnored it to keep the thread going...which is suspicious. Time and again you pretended not to understand what was being posted. I noticed that very quickly. At first I thought you were either just stupid or had some reading problem....then I finally came to the conclusion that you were just attempting to promote the liberal narrative by engaging in deception. Now, I think there may be a network in place to spread fake news like this and perhaps you are even part of it???

'The Associated Press quickly picked up the incident, providing no evidence of the accusation’s credibility beyond the word of Lombard, who, Breitbart News has since learned, spent nearly three years in a Georgia prison after multiple parole violations stemming from an arrest over crack cocaine possession. After his release in 2002, he entered a no contest plea to driving with a suspended license'.

Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict
Last edited:
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.

You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.


There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict

Sorry, I meant do you have a CREDIBLE source. What you have here is Dimbart and it's entirely ipse dixit. It has no source quoted whatsoever.

Kind of ironic that you'd wet your pants over the AP relaying a story that was replete with links and video, yet you can't find a way to come up with one yourself, doncha think?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

I am not a major media outlet. As has been said many,many times all of which you violates the media ethics code to disseminate a hurtful story without first checkig to see if it is even true or has some basis for the truth.


The link you just put up there -- from Dimbart --- HAS NO 'CHECKIG' TO SEE IF IT IS EVEN TRUE OR HAS SOME BASIS FOR THE TRUTH.

It has NO LINK.
It has NO QUOTE.
It has NO ATTRIBUTION as to where it got what it claims.
It refers to NO SOURCE.


Seriously, are you retarded? Go learn how to read.
Has been revealed as a scam by a ex convict.

Request the moderators to look into the poster who started the thread on the constitution site to see if he is a part of the scam. His posts are very suspicious.

You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.


There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict

Sorry, I meant do you have a CREDIBLE source. What you have here is Dimbart and it's entirely ipse dixit. It has no source quoted whatsoever.

Kind of ironic that you'd wet your pants over the AP relaying a story that was replete with links and video, yet you can't find a way to come up with one yourself, doncha think?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

I am not a major media outlet. As has been said many,many times all of which you violates the media ethics code to disseminate a hurtful story without first checkig to see if it is even true or has some basis for the truth.


The link you just put up there -- from Dimbart --- HAS NO 'CHECKIG' TO SEE IF IT IS EVEN TRUE OR HAS SOME BASIS FOR THE TRUTH.

It has NO LINK.
It has NO QUOTE.
It has NO ATTRIBUTION as to where it got what it claims.
It refers to NO SOURCE.


Seriously, are you retarded? Go learn how to read.

The source was plainly listed: Ian Mason, Author at Breitbart

Ian Mason
Home - The Office of Ian Mason

Work with Ian
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You never do tire of doubling down on Duh Stoopid, do ya?

Does it not seep into that kevlar-surrounded cranium that if the original story --- you know, the one you wanted suppressed --- hadn't come out, you'd have no possible followup?


And oh by the way --- got a source? You posted no link whatsoever here. And I just did a search and can find no such info.

And you want ME investigated.


There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict

Sorry, I meant do you have a CREDIBLE source. What you have here is Dimbart and it's entirely ipse dixit. It has no source quoted whatsoever.

Kind of ironic that you'd wet your pants over the AP relaying a story that was replete with links and video, yet you can't find a way to come up with one yourself, doncha think?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

I am not a major media outlet. As has been said many,many times all of which you violates the media ethics code to disseminate a hurtful story without first checkig to see if it is even true or has some basis for the truth.


The link you just put up there -- from Dimbart --- HAS NO 'CHECKIG' TO SEE IF IT IS EVEN TRUE OR HAS SOME BASIS FOR THE TRUTH.

It has NO LINK.
It has NO QUOTE.
It has NO ATTRIBUTION as to where it got what it claims.
It refers to NO SOURCE.


Seriously, are you retarded? Go learn how to read.

The source was plainly listed: Ian Mason, Author at Breitbart

That's not a "source" you inveterate jackass. Any more than the name on your post is.

A SOURCE is where the fuck the reporting entity got the info it's putting out. Take the AP story for instance, which CLEARLY cited (and linked to it, where it could all be verified and watched on video). NOTHING like that is in your Dimbart link.

So here you are whining to the horizon about the Associated Press doing all its due diligence, and then trying to discredit it with an ipse dixit story from fucking Dimbart that did no due diligence whatsoever.

Flaming hypocrite.
There you go lying again. I never claimed I wanted the story suppressed. It appeared that in just about every post you were being illogical and constantly refusing to see the truth. I find it very suspicious that you worked so hard to spread a fake news story.

Here is the link to the expose of that fake story............Newspaper Fell For Now-Discredited Sean Spicer ‘Racism’ Tip-Off From Ex-Convict

Sorry, I meant do you have a CREDIBLE source. What you have here is Dimbart and it's entirely ipse dixit. It has no source quoted whatsoever.

Kind of ironic that you'd wet your pants over the AP relaying a story that was replete with links and video, yet you can't find a way to come up with one yourself, doncha think?

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

I am not a major media outlet. As has been said many,many times all of which you violates the media ethics code to disseminate a hurtful story without first checkig to see if it is even true or has some basis for the truth.


The link you just put up there -- from Dimbart --- HAS NO 'CHECKIG' TO SEE IF IT IS EVEN TRUE OR HAS SOME BASIS FOR THE TRUTH.

It has NO LINK.
It has NO QUOTE.
It has NO ATTRIBUTION as to where it got what it claims.
It refers to NO SOURCE.


Seriously, are you retarded? Go learn how to read.

The source was plainly listed: Ian Mason, Author at Breitbart

That's not a "source" you inveterate jackass. Any more than the name on your post is.

A SOURCE is where the fuck the reporting entity got the info it's putting out. Take the AP story for instance, which CLEARLY cited (and linked to it, where it could all be verified and watched on video). NOTHING like that is in your Dimbart link.

So here you are whining to the horizon about the Associated Press doing all its due diligence, and then trying to discredit it with an ipse dixit story from fucking Dimbart that did no due diligence whatsoever.

Flaming hypocrite.

There you go ....lying again when you need to apolotize for helping spread fake news. AP verified nothing, dat. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Do you get paid to spread fake news stories?
If you want moderators to look at a post please report it.

No flaming in announcements.
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