The State Of The Union Address


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Will you be watching? Why or why not? ( optional )

I won't be watching this great orator give a great speech. I don't trust anything President Obama has to say, because I don't trust the man and his vision for our country. However, in general, I have not watched many of the speeches by other presidents either, because I know it is all fluff. Had to learn that the hard way.

What a president does, ater the speeches, are the things I want to know. I will be watching the pundits analysis of the speech, only. I do know that when Obama starts talking about "investing" he is really talking about...spending. We don't have any money. Presidents ratings usually rise after a good speech, as the president did so well with, in Tucson.

Speechwriters have a hard time writing State of the Union speeches and they usually do a great job trying to please all of the people. From NPR:

"For a White House speechwriter, there is a conflict in the State of the Union address. It's the speech that gets all the attention, where the president lays out his legislative agenda for the year ahead. But as far as poetry, arc and theme, it can also be the clunkiest.

"They can be an absolute legislative laundry list," says Mary Kate Cary, a speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush. "And that doesn't make it very fun to write.

"On one hand, it's nice to have the glory of saying, 'Well, I wrote the State of the Union address,' " she says. "But really, you'd rather want to be known for writing the inaugural address. That's where the poetry is, and the State of the Union is a bit of a slog, I think."

Writing State Of The Union Speech: A Juggling Act : NPR
If I wanted to watch a bunch of vain, self-righteous, over-privileged clowns applaud eachother every other minute, I'd watch the Golden Globes. At least there the camera will occasionally pan to a hot woman.

But, but, both parties are supposedly going to be sitting side by side? ( if they choose ) Date Night. At least this year, Boehner will be sitting behind the president and listening. Then would be a really good time to start weeping???? :lol:
Here's the speech:

I inherited this mess, but I'm making it all better, let's work together and did I mention, I inherited this mess?

There.. now you can watch Family Guy or something similarly meaningful.

And those darn BUSH tax cuts, I had to bow to, instead of another world leader.darn!!! :lol:
*yawn*..the whole thing has become one big campaign speech. Unicorns galore. And the rebuttal is stupid. its the SOTU addy, why does the party out of power get to respond? whats the point?

I'll read it, I won't watch.

Yep, the kickoff campaign speech, disquised...:eusa_whistle:
Will you be watching? Why or why not? ( optional )

I won't be watching this great orator give a great speech. I don't trust anything President Obama has to say, because I don't trust the man and his vision for our country. However, in general, I have not watched many of the speeches by other presidents either, because I know it is all fluff. Had to learn that the hard way.

What a president does, ater the speeches, are the things I want to know. I will be watching the pundits analysis of the speech, only. I do know that when Obama starts talking about "investing" he is really talking about...spending. We don't have any money. Presidents ratings usually rise after a good speech, as the president did so well with, in Tucson.

Speechwriters have a hard time writing State of the Union speeches and they usually do a great job trying to please all of the people. From NPR:

"For a White House speechwriter, there is a conflict in the State of the Union address. It's the speech that gets all the attention, where the president lays out his legislative agenda for the year ahead. But as far as poetry, arc and theme, it can also be the clunkiest.

"They can be an absolute legislative laundry list," says Mary Kate Cary, a speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush. "And that doesn't make it very fun to write.

"On one hand, it's nice to have the glory of saying, 'Well, I wrote the State of the Union address,' " she says. "But really, you'd rather want to be known for writing the inaugural address. That's where the poetry is, and the State of the Union is a bit of a slog, I think."

Writing State Of The Union Speech: A Juggling Act : NPR

It will be all about telling everyone what they want to hear. I get tired of the pauses for applause and adulation.

If i want to pay good money to hear what i want to hear along with a rousing round of applause i will go to a nice Broadway show.

edit: Not going to watch, have not watched one for YEARS.
I will watch and I will also read the text of the speech.

I will watch the responses and read the articles and see who says what to whom afterward and I will learn something about who is full of shit and who is not.

I like to see for myself rather than count on someone else...
I will watch and I will also read the text of the speech.

I will watch the responses and read the articles and see who says what to whom afterward and I will learn something about who is full of shit and who is not.

I like to see for myself rather than count on someone else...

Thanks Valerie. I like to watch after the show because many bites of the speech are shown and often without all the applause, that is so disruptive....
Here's the speech:

I inherited this mess, but I'm making it all better, let's work together and did I mention, I inherited this mess?

There.. now you can watch Family Guy or something similarly meaningful.

bout sums it up.
and the tele-spying..I wonder, what dem and rep will be caught holding hands behind the pews? who will be texting, yawning, grimacing, picking their nose?

tune in to find out....!!!!
and the tele-spying..I wonder, what dem and rep will be caught holding hands behind the pews? who will be texting, yawning, grimacing, picking their nose?

tune in to find out....!!!!

My fav is still watching Clinton nod off at Reagan's funeral.
If I wanted to watch a bunch of vain, self-righteous, over-privileged clowns applaud eachother every other minute, I'd watch the Golden Globes. At least there the camera will occasionally pan to a hot woman.


I might watch. Depends on the college basketball games on that night.

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