The Spy Who Shagged Me part two.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Or the spy who tried to shag me...
Starring George
Papadopoulos ?

The New York Times reported Thursday that the FBI sent a woman using the alias "Azra Turk" to meet Papadopoulos at a London bar in September 2016, where she asked directly if the Trump team was working with Russia.

Papadopoulos told Fox News on Thursday that he "immediately thought she was an agent, but a Turkish agent, or working with the CIA," and "that's why I never accepted her overtures and met her again after London."

"London became a very bizarre hangout spot for me that year," he also said.

Papadopoulos said Turk was "very flirty" and was trying to "seduce" him in an effort to "make me slip up and say something that they knew I had no info on."

Papadopoulos: Informant Who Tried To "Seduce" Me During 2016 Campaign Was CIA Not FBI

Devin Nunes: How Many Spies (With An "S") Did Obama Administration Target At Trump Campaign?

"What should we do now Austin ?"
"Why don't we shag baby ?"

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Starring George Papadopoulos ?

Devin Nunes: How Many Spies (With An "S") Did Obama Administration Target At Trump Campaign?

Papadopoulos: Informant Who Tried To "Seduce" Me During 2016 Campaign Was CIA Not FBI

The New York Times reported Thursday that the FBI sent a woman using the alias "Azra Turk" to meet Papadopoulos at a London bar in September 2016, where she asked directly if the Trump team was working with Russia.

Papadopoulos told Fox News on Thursday that he "immediately thought she was an agent, but a Turkish agent, or working with the CIA," and "that's why I never accepted her overtures and met her again after London."

"London became a very bizarre hangout spot for me that year," he also said.

Papadopoulos said Turk was "very flirty" and was trying to "seduce" him in an effort to "make me slip up and say something that they knew I had no info on."

Oh look, the FBI and CIA were doing exactly what we pay them to do. Ooooh, scandal!

Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are supposed to issue their reports this month, hoping for many indictments and deep state disassembly.
Yes we have already told USMB about the Clinton links to MI6 and CIA at a single address in Michigan. Downer family DNA may have lived an entire lifetime just blocks away from the other bar not mentioned by OP. OP in fact, cannot tell the reader what bar it was in which Turk and Halper met Papadopoulos. Another meeting with Australia's Alexander Downer and his female assistant happened in the Kensington Wine Rooms, an MI6 haunt, with a Downer DNA connection blocks away. It may be a mistake to forget that the UK embassy is MI5 first (internal to the country), MI6 secondly (external to the country). Downer supposedly reported to an embassy other than his own country's first about the Russians. What embassy was it?
George P predicted Trump would win, and that he would pick Rubio as his VP, so he was right on one count, wrong on the other

George got bored with Washington and wanted to join a renegade campaign. he was offered a spot on the Jeb Bush campaign, "get your feet wet" they told him, but he chose Trump!
brothers and sisters: when George met Mifsud, Mifsud told him he wants him to meet with Putin's niece. of course she wasn't Putin's niece, but George didn't realize that, so he took the meeting. the woman told him he needs to meet with the Russian Ambassador next week.

total setup!

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