The spirit of Joshua leading the way


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Things are not always what they appear to our mortal minds. Yet if we are willing to search for truth it is there to be found. The battles of Joshua are some of my favorites to read. The following article is well worth reading to discover a portion of what we are facing today as the spirit of Amalek has manifested its self very cleary for all to see.

Wipe Out Amalek, Today?

^I do disagree with one statement in this article as the Amalekites do have schools to promote their hate.

For those who are interested search through these amalek map - Google Search
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Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
Things are not always what they appear to our mortal minds. Yet if we are willing to search for truth it is there to be found. The battles of Joshua are some of my favorites to read. The following article is well worth reading to discover a portion of what we are facing today as the spirit of Amalek has manifested its self very cleary for all to see.

Wipe Out Amalek, Today?

^I do disagree with one statement in this article as the Amalekites do have schools to promote their hate.

For those who are interested search through these amalek map - Google Search
That was an excellent read. It was very thought provoking and timely. Thanks.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
Are these your beliefs? If we look at their 14 points, only one actually talks about Matriarchy religion. The rest are criticisms of Patriarchy religion. It seems to me that a compelling case has not been made for Matriarchy religion at all. Unless of course their religion is based solely on the belief that Patriarchy religion is bad which isn't a case for Matriarchy religion at all.

Woman Thou Art God - Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Can you make an affirmative case for Matriarchy religion? Because I can make an affirmative case for Christianity. Do you even understand the difference?
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Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
"God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Some might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the mere absence of heat, and darkness is the mere absence of light. Femininity on the other hand is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself." paraphrased from Ann Barnhardt

Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
Sure, but what about the flip side? The good that has come from religion? They don't see any. Many would ban religion if they could, especially Christianity. It makes no sense at all. This is my affirmative case for Christianity.

Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Christianity created wonderful charities and organizations. Christians and Christian institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Christianity has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity. Christianity has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave. Christianity teaches that actions have consequences. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe. Christianity helps us feel connected to one another and to nature. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit. Christianity serves to bind the community together. Christianity inspires love, peace and happiness. Christianity serves to create traditions. Christianity brings order to our lives. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill. Christianity has served as a source of hope for the oppressed. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Christians founded America. Christians gave us incredible artwork. Christians gave us incredible music. Christians gave us incredible architecture. Christianity has spread democracy and freedom. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon. Christians ended the cold war.
Meh, humanity began to go off the rails once it adopted this male dominator god perceptual reality. All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?
The anti-christ hates the woman.

What many people do not realize is the Christians are also guilty when they are promoting hate and submission of females to males with their erroneous teachings about who Eve/Chavah is. I get really agitated when I hear them spout on how it was the woman's fault too when they haven't a clue that the spirit of Eve is a spiritual host in them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
Sure, but what about the flip side? The good that has come from religion? They don't see any. Many would ban religion if they could, especially Christianity. It makes no sense at all. This is my affirmative case for Christianity.

Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Christianity created wonderful charities and organizations. Christians and Christian institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Christianity has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity. Christianity has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave. Christianity teaches that actions have consequences. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe. Christianity helps us feel connected to one another and to nature. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit. Christianity serves to bind the community together. Christianity inspires love, peace and happiness. Christianity serves to create traditions. Christianity brings order to our lives. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill. Christianity has served as a source of hope for the oppressed. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Christians founded America. Christians gave us incredible artwork. Christians gave us incredible music. Christians gave us incredible architecture. Christianity has spread democracy and freedom. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon. Christians ended the cold war.
It is the Lord of hosts spirit that any good is accomplished in this world. Ephesians 2:9 (KJV)
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?
I don't see how He couldn't know as He is outside of time and experiences all time simultaneously. Which leads to this crazy reality... the answers to our prayers were waiting in time for us to make them.
And lastly, your problem is not with God, your problem is with religion.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?

your questions ring as hollow as your rhetoric ... the Almighty has answered your question many times, there are few tears spent over wasted lives that sadly occur only after an events conclusion. no, there is no knowledge beforehand.
That and people who live by their own precepts. I have never had a problem with God. No one would of they truly searched it out and discovered the loving kindness with which we are created.
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?

your questions ring as hollow as your rhetoric ... the Almighty has answered your question many times, there are few tears spent over wasted lives that sadly occur only after an events conclusion. no, there is no knowledge beforehand.
Yet you continue to refuse to answer them or cannot answer them. Do you believe in any of the Words in the Bible or are you simply an antichrist?
Yes, if you read the reasons people don't believe in God it is because of things man has done. They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of draining the bath water instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. That and they are not objective when it comes to religion. They blame them for the bad but fail to give credit for the good.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?

your questions ring as hollow as your rhetoric ... the Almighty has answered your question many times, there are few tears spent over wasted lives that sadly occur only after an events conclusion. no, there is no knowledge beforehand.
Yet you continue to refuse to answer them or cannot answer them. Do you believe in any of the Words in the Bible or are you simply an antichrist?
Yet you continue to refuse to answer them or cannot answer them. Do you believe in any of the Words in the Bible or are you simply an antichrist?

it is you who left without answering your own query ... a 4th century forgery.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

"antichrist" is the 4th century christianity's claim, for their own posterity. are you certain it made a difference if there was a resurrection or not for those alive in the 1st at that time - in their hearts, whatever the story be told.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.
True but if we look at the way things have gone awry and how much hate it has brought to fruition it is easy to see how so many have gotten discourage and disgusted with the religious hypocrites and the opposition that accuses All for what some are doing.

the ages have witnessed the inequity of the 4th century bible and its agenda disguised as a religion. the 1st century that has been absconded by the 4th to perpetuate their fallacies of grandeur is the saddest perpetual crime in human history.
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?
So do you think God is not aware of what the children of the world do? Or that God was not aware of what they would do in his name?

your questions ring as hollow as your rhetoric ... the Almighty has answered your question many times, there are few tears spent over wasted lives that sadly occur only after an events conclusion. no, there is no knowledge beforehand.
Yet you continue to refuse to answer them or cannot answer them. Do you believe in any of the Words in the Bible or are you simply an antichrist?
Yet you continue to refuse to answer them or cannot answer them. Do you believe in any of the Words in the Bible or are you simply an antichrist?

it is you who left without answering your own query ... a 4th century forgery.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

"antichrist" is the 4th century christianity's claim, for their own posterity. are you certain it made a difference if there was a resurrection or not for those alive in the 1st at that time - in their hearts, whatever the story be told.
Again you refuse to directly answer the questions.

I do not buy or agree with your assessment. It is by the spirit that all things are accomplished. You are spitting into the wind.
Now the Lord gives instructions to Joshua 'Jehovah's salvation is with us' Joshua Chapter 1 (KJV) the Ephraimite 'sons or born from/through the host of Ephraim' as Moses 'drawn- from the mighty green river of death' passes. It is time to cross over the river Jordan 'descender- time to stop descending or overcome the flood' to enter into the land (that place in the mind where the spirit resides) which is for the children of Israel 'contenders- that place in the spirit where God prevails as they desire to become children of Jehovah'. Coming out of the wilderness to go to from Lebanon 'whiteness or to become a white one- speaking of purity of heart and mind'. To the river Euphrates 'breaking forth to where sweet water is to grow a fruit bearing tree'. The land 'that place in the spirit of you' of the Hittites 'the descendants [of the host] of terror or fear will no longer be terrifying' you will be able to overcome these things. The great sea 'many-mighty waters- noise and roars of (such as the whore of Babylon- confusion create)' you will be able to contain.

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