The speech Netanyahu should have given


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Kudos to Lieutenant Colonel Allen West!

If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours: the speech Netanyahu should give | Allen B. West -

To Ismail Haniya, and the leaders and operatives of Hamas: We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have succeeded where we have failed. Because never before, in the current history of the modern State of Israel, have the Jewish people been so united, like one person with one heart.

You stole three of our most precious children, and slaughtered them in cold blood. But before we could discover the horrible truth, we had 18 days of pain and anxiety while we searched for them, during which our nation united as never before, in prayer, in hopes, in mutual support. And now, as you continue to launch deadly missiles indiscriminately, intended to maim and murder as many civilians as possible, while you take cowardly refuge behind your own civilians – you continue to inspire us to hold strongly onto our newly discovered unity.

Whatever disputes we Jews may have with each other, we now know that we have one common goal: we will defeat you. But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – and I mean all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever. I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave.

Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there. Even so, we will continue to keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down arms, we will halt our advance, and there we will draw our new borders. If you continue to attack our citizens, we will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of territory that you will never again contaminate with your evil presence.

It pains me deeply that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not choose this war; you did. And if our choice is between allowing our citizens to be targeted mercilessly by your genocidal savagery, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I regret that we must choose the latter. If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours, this war would never have happened.

To the rest of the world: Israel has tired of your ceaseless chidings that we should “show restraint”. When you have your entire population under constant missile fire from an implacable enemy whose stated goal is the of murder every man, woman and child in your land, then you may come and talk to us about “restraint”. Until then, we respectfully suggest that you keep your double standards to yourselves. This time, Hamas has gone too far, and we will do whatever we have to in order to protect our population.

Hamas, once again, I thank you for bringing our people together with such clarity of mind and unity of purpose. The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead. Am Yisrael Chai.
Kudos to Lieutenant Colonel Allen West!

If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours: the speech Netanyahu should give | Allen B. West -

To Ismail Haniya, and the leaders and operatives of Hamas: We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have succeeded where we have failed. Because never before, in the current history of the modern State of Israel, have the Jewish people been so united, like one person with one heart.

You stole three of our most precious children, and slaughtered them in cold blood. But before we could discover the horrible truth, we had 18 days of pain and anxiety while we searched for them, during which our nation united as never before, in prayer, in hopes, in mutual support. And now, as you continue to launch deadly missiles indiscriminately, intended to maim and murder as many civilians as possible, while you take cowardly refuge behind your own civilians – you continue to inspire us to hold strongly onto our newly discovered unity.

Whatever disputes we Jews may have with each other, we now know that we have one common goal: we will defeat you. But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – and I mean all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever. I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave.

Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there. Even so, we will continue to keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down arms, we will halt our advance, and there we will draw our new borders. If you continue to attack our citizens, we will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of territory that you will never again contaminate with your evil presence.

It pains me deeply that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not choose this war; you did. And if our choice is between allowing our citizens to be targeted mercilessly by your genocidal savagery, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I regret that we must choose the latter. If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours, this war would never have happened.

To the rest of the world: Israel has tired of your ceaseless chidings that we should “show restraint”. When you have your entire population under constant missile fire from an implacable enemy whose stated goal is the of murder every man, woman and child in your land, then you may come and talk to us about “restraint”. Until then, we respectfully suggest that you keep your double standards to yourselves. This time, Hamas has gone too far, and we will do whatever we have to in order to protect our population.

Hamas, once again, I thank you for bringing our people together with such clarity of mind and unity of purpose. The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead. Am Yisrael Chai.
Kudos to Lieutenant Colonel Allen West!

If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours: the speech Netanyahu should give | Allen B. West -

To Ismail Haniya, and the leaders and operatives of Hamas: We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have succeeded where we have failed. Because never before, in the current history of the modern State of Israel, have the Jewish people been so united, like one person with one heart.

You stole three of our most precious children, and slaughtered them in cold blood. But before we could discover the horrible truth, we had 18 days of pain and anxiety while we searched for them, during which our nation united as never before, in prayer, in hopes, in mutual support. And now, as you continue to launch deadly missiles indiscriminately, intended to maim and murder as many civilians as possible, while you take cowardly refuge behind your own civilians – you continue to inspire us to hold strongly onto our newly discovered unity.

Whatever disputes we Jews may have with each other, we now know that we have one common goal: we will defeat you. But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – and I mean all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever. I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave.

Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there. Even so, we will continue to keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down arms, we will halt our advance, and there we will draw our new borders. If you continue to attack our citizens, we will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of territory that you will never again contaminate with your evil presence.

It pains me deeply that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not choose this war; you did. And if our choice is between allowing our citizens to be targeted mercilessly by your genocidal savagery, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I regret that we must choose the latter. If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours, this war would never have happened.

To the rest of the world: Israel has tired of your ceaseless chidings that we should “show restraint”. When you have your entire population under constant missile fire from an implacable enemy whose stated goal is the of murder every man, woman and child in your land, then you may come and talk to us about “restraint”. Until then, we respectfully suggest that you keep your double standards to yourselves. This time, Hamas has gone too far, and we will do whatever we have to in order to protect our population.

Hamas, once again, I thank you for bringing our people together with such clarity of mind and unity of purpose. The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead. Am Yisrael Chai.

That is beautiful, Roudy my man. :thup:
Well I believe the kidnappings were done by Mossad. Silencers, who would have them. It was a reason to go in and shake things up, since 10 days earlier the chief of Police had discussed what if 3-14 year old girls were kidnapped. And they wrote a new bill. No offer for exchange of prisoners were asked for like BiBi predicated, why because Hamas didn't do it.

How would you like 3 teens kidnapped from your city and the armed police (IDF) came into your home, ransacked it, stole money and jewelry and killed 9 of your people. All this plus snatching 400 or so Palestinians (Hamas they say) and put them in prison without a trial.

Israel did this and set it up , just to have a reason to bomb some more homes, as the bulldozers were not fast enough. Sympathy for Israel, I feel for its citizens , but the government is a rotten piece of work no better than Hamas.
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Well I believe the kidnappings were done by Mossad. Silencers, who would have them. It was a reason to go in and shake things up, since 10 days earlier the chief of Police had discussed what if 3-14 year old girls were kidnapped. And they wrote a new bill. No offer for exchange of prisoners were asked for like BiBi predicated, why because Hamas didn't do it.

How would you like 3 teens kidnapped from your city and the armed police (IDF) came into your home, ransacked it, stole money and jewelry and killed 9 of your people. All this plus snatching 400 or so Palestinians (Hamas they say) and put them in prison without a trial.

Israel did this and set it up , just to have a reason to bomb some more homes, as the bulldozers were not fast enough. Sympathy for Israel, I feel for its citizens , but the government is a rotten piece of work no better than Hamas.

hate and ignorance blames the big bad bogey monster mossad. Really??
It could not possibly have anything to do with the palestinians or hamas?
Occam's razor
Like so many of those who fancy themselves 'progressive' or whatever, the newby seems only able to whimper about 'feeeeeeewings' without including a single actual fact.

Give it a few more posts, and we'll be reading some BS about how it just 'knows' in its heart of hearts that it *had* to be Israel setting it up, because the Israelis are just that evil. I wonder if this one is a David Duke groupie, or just another neo-Nazi bint.....
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

Except for 10 bullets in each.
But Let me tell you a little secret, I was a border police myself and I used to kidnap little Palestinian girls to squeeze their blood inside my dinner every day.
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No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

Except for 10 bullets in each.

elderofzyion2, please

Elder of Ziyon Controlling the world since 70 CE.

So you believe the phone call, silencer, although BiBi kept it silent why, to give them time to go in and arrest 300-400 HAMAS and ransack the homes and kill what 9, for a hunch which proved to be wrong. Unreal what people believe. They did whatever they could to get Hamas to fire a rocket.

That bolded part above is right, they are like a thread that runs in every fiber of the US, media, and government, Fed. Reserve, and ACLU.
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

Except for 10 bullets in each.

elderofzyion2, please

Elder of Ziyon Controlling the world since 70 CE.

So you believe the phone call, silencer, although BiBi kept it silent why, to give them time to go in and arrest 300-400 HAMAS and ransack the homes and kill what 9, for a hunch which proved to be wrong. Unreal what people believe. They did whatever they could to get Hamas to fire a rocket.

That bolded part above is right, they are like a thread that runs in every fiber of the US, media, and government, Fed. Reserve, and ACLU.

So we the Jews control the world? :lol:
Except for 10 bullets in each.

elderofzyion2, please

Elder of Ziyon Controlling the world since 70 CE.

So you believe the phone call, silencer, although BiBi kept it silent why, to give them time to go in and arrest 300-400 HAMAS and ransack the homes and kill what 9, for a hunch which proved to be wrong. Unreal what people believe. They did whatever they could to get Hamas to fire a rocket.

That bolded part above is right, they are like a thread that runs in every fiber of the US, media, and government, Fed. Reserve, and ACLU.

So we the Jews control the world? :lol:

Pretty much, your Aipac lobby is the strongest in Wash. Your in every country, just one quest. for you, how can you be pro Israel and anti Obama??

October 30, 2012
Obama Speaks to Our Best Traditions
Listed in: Women's Issues, Israel, Other Domestic Policy, Other Foreign Policy, Reproductive Rights, NJDC News, Opinions
Originally Published in JTA
By NJDC President and CEO David A. Harris
“To be good Americans, we must be better Jews.” When Justice Louis Brandeis spoke these words, he sought to inspire our nation’s Jewish community to live by our ideals and our principles, to serve as active citizens in a thriving democracy founded on the right to speak freely and to practice our faith without fear of persecution.

With four more years, President Obama will build on his legacy by creating jobs and rebuilding our infrastructure; protecting our environment and making us energy independent; educating our youth, hiring teachers and training our workers; reducing the deficit in a balanced way; and always standing with Israel and our allies around the world.
“To be good Americans, we must be better Jews.” The statement rings as true today as it did in the days of Brandeis. Now we have the opportunity again to answer the call. At our polling places, on our absentee ballots, in the voting booth, the choice of our community will be clear on Election Day: For the vast majority of American Jews, there will be no better representative of our values or champion of our priorities than President Barack Obama.

check out NJDC. (I'm too new here to post links) You are bias on this subject.
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elderofzyion2, please

Elder of Ziyon Controlling the world since 70 CE.

So you believe the phone call, silencer, although BiBi kept it silent why, to give them time to go in and arrest 300-400 HAMAS and ransack the homes and kill what 9, for a hunch which proved to be wrong. Unreal what people believe. They did whatever they could to get Hamas to fire a rocket.

That bolded part above is right, they are like a thread that runs in every fiber of the US, media, and government, Fed. Reserve, and ACLU.

So we the Jews control the world? :lol:

Pretty much, your Aipac lobby is the strongest in Wash. Your in every country, just one quest. for you, how can you be pro Israel and anti Obama??

October 30, 2012
Obama Speaks to Our Best Traditions
Listed in: Women's Issues, Israel, Other Domestic Policy, Other Foreign Policy, Reproductive Rights, NJDC News, Opinions
Originally Published in JTA
By NJDC President and CEO David A. Harris
“To be good Americans, we must be better Jews.” When Justice Louis Brandeis spoke these words, he sought to inspire our nation’s Jewish community to live by our ideals and our principles, to serve as active citizens in a thriving democracy founded on the right to speak freely and to practice our faith without fear of persecution.

With four more years, President Obama will build on his legacy by creating jobs and rebuilding our infrastructure; protecting our environment and making us energy independent; educating our youth, hiring teachers and training our workers; reducing the deficit in a balanced way; and always standing with Israel and our allies around the world.
“To be good Americans, we must be better Jews.” The statement rings as true today as it did in the days of Brandeis. Now we have the opportunity again to answer the call. At our polling places, on our absentee ballots, in the voting booth, the choice of our community will be clear on Election Day: For the vast majority of American Jews, there will be no better representative of our values or champion of our priorities than President Barack Obama.

check out NJDC. (I'm too new here to post links) You are bias on this subject.

America in raising debts since Obama was elected, and this is all happening because JEWS RUN AMERICA?

- By the way I supported Regean, along with Israel government.
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elderofzyion2, please

Elder of Ziyon Controlling the world since 70 CE.

That bolded part above is right, they are like a thread that runs in every fiber of the US, media, and government, Fed. Reserve, and ACLU.

Oh crap! Here goes the thread. And I am sure that this group was behind 9/11 too, right?

Besides, everyone who knows anything knows it the Illuminati who's in control . . .
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

I did not read the coroner's report you got a link? I appreciate your revealing the
fact that you are familiar with the islamo Nazi propaganda post world war II
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

That's not true. At least one teen was believed to have put up a fight because he had alot of marks on him.
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

That's not true. At least one teen was believed to have put up a fight because he had alot of marks on him.

I'm not allowed to put up links, but do you have one, I will post a caption to my link and perhaps you can locate it on the web.

"There were no signs of abuse or harm to the body"
Rabbi Yaakov Roger, Rabbi of Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, says: "I testify that the three bodies were not abused"
Eli Shlesinger , 3 Jul 2014 03:06 (Israel time)
No just giving an opinion. Isn't Israel known for their false flag attacks. Who gained most from this. Certainty not Palestine. Not going to get into WWII with you on this thread.

The 3 teens had no marks on them, not tied up or anything obviously, no maggots or worms. Didn't you read the coroners report.

That's not true. At least one teen was believed to have put up a fight because he had alot of marks on him.

I'm not allowed to put up links, but do you have one, I will post a caption to my link and perhaps you can locate it on the web.

"There were no signs of abuse or harm to the body"
Rabbi Yaakov Roger, Rabbi of Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, says: "I testify that the three bodies were not abused"
Eli Shlesinger , 3 Jul 2014 03:06 (Israel time)

that just means things were not cut off of them and shoved down their
throats in the Islamic manner. It's an issue in jewish burial that parts
cannot be removed Long ago I worked in a hospital founded by orthodox
jews-----if something got removed during the hospitalization---or during
a legally required autopsy----it had to be put back ----in place.
Obviously the bodies were harmed THEY DIED OF SOMETHING----if you are
calling that a coroner's report-----you are a bit dim. You got a "CAUSE OF

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